山西省平阳县七年级英语下册 Unit 3 How do you get to school导学案 (新版)人教新目标版

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Unit 3  How do you get to school ?
Period 1
Section A  1a2c)
Ⅰ. 用两种方式说出下列时间。
1. 12:30        2. 9:45        3. 7:50        4. 8:20        5. 6:15        6. 7:08
Ⅱ. 说出下列句子
1. 他有很健康的生活。
2. 吉姆通常6点回家。
3. 你通常在星期六做作业吗?
4. 那个妇女想买两台收音机。
5. 下课后咱们打扫教室吧!
. Write these numbers in English (2a,2b).
84    105        99        200        72
. Translate the following phrases.
1. 骑自行车        2. 坐公共汽车        3. 坐地铁        4. 坐火车        5. 步行上学
. Pairwork.
Dialogue 1
A: How do you get to school?
B: I
Dialogue 2
A: How long does it take ?
B: It takes
Dialogue 3
A: How far is it from to ?
B: Its about
how, how long , how far
1. _______does ot take you from home to school ?
About 5minutes .
2. ______is it from your home to school ?
About 2 kilometers.
3.______does your brother get to school ?
By bike .
4. _____do you live from your school ?
5._____does the bus ride take ?
6.____old is your sister ?
(  )1. —How do you ____ the park ?
—I ____ a bus.
A. get; by      B. get to; take      C. get; take
(  ) 2. —Does your father go to work _________bus?
—No, he ________his bike .
A. by; by              B. take; rides            C. by; rides
(  ) 3. —_______is it from your home to school?
—Its about 2 kilometers.
A. How              B. How long            C. How far
(  ) 4.—I walk to school.___________?
—I walk to school, too.
A. How about you        B. How do you do    C. How think
(  ) 5. How long does it _______ you to go home?
A. take                B. need                C. get
. 用英语单词完成下列算式
1. 40+30=70        _____+_____=_____
2. 12+26=38        _____+_____=_____
3. 50+60=110        _____+_____=_____
4. 18-6=12            _____-_____=_____
5. 20+36=56        _____+_____=_____
. 按要求完成句子,每空一词
1. My father goes to work by bike.(对划线部分提问)
                your father       to work?
2. Mary goes to school by subway.(改为同义句)
  Mary         the subway         school.
3. He often watches TV for two hours in the evening.(对划线部分提问)
                  does he often watch TV in the evening?
4. His dictionary is 50 dollars.(对划线部分提问)
                  is his dictionary?
5. This is her bike. (改为同义句)
  This bike is           .
A: Hello, Bill.
B: Hello, Mike.
A: 1._____________?
B:I get up at six.
A: 2._____________?
B: I have some bread for breakfast.
A: 3._____________?
B: No, I dont like salad.
A: 4._____________?
B:I go to school by bus.
A: And last question. 5._____________?
B: My favourite subject is English.
A: Thank you.
B: Youre welcome.
Unit3  How do you get to school ?
Period 2
Section A  2e3c
Useful phrases:
1. 到校______________              2.上班____________
3. 到家_________________            4. 到这儿________________________       
5. 到那儿______________              6.去上学______________________________
7.去上班____________________        8.回家___________________
9.去那儿______________________10. .乘地铁________________
13. 乘飞机___________14.乘出租车________________________
17.步行_____________ 18.开车送他上学 ______________
. Read 2e (P14) and complete the conversation.
A: Hey, Jane. Is this your new bike?
B: Yes. I ride it to school everyday. 1. ____________________
A: I usually take the bus.
B: 2. ____________________
A: Im not sure — about 10 kilometers? The bus ride takes about 20 minutes. 3. _________
B: About 15 minutes by bike. Its good exercises.
A: Yeah, well, have a good day at school.
B: You, too.
. Read Grammar focus (P15). Then finish 3a and 3b (P15) with your partner.
. Pairwork: Practice 2e (P14) with your partner and make your own conversation. Then act it out.
. 单项选择
(  ) 1.—Is this bike________?
No, its not ________.
A. your; mine         B. yours; mine        C. your; my
(  ) 2. —When do they get _______ Beijing?
—They get ________ there at 8:00.
A. to; to            B. / ; /              C. to; /
(  ) 3. The _________takes about _________ hour.
A. bus ride; an          B. bus ride; a          C. ride bus; an
(  ) 4. Going to school by bike is _________.
A. a good exercise  B. good exercises.  C. good exercise.
(  ) 5.—Does she take the bus to school?
—_________.She goes by bike.
A. Yes, she does    B. No, she doesnt   C. Im not sure
用take 填空。
1.I _____my homework to the classroom .
2.I _____a bus to our school .
3.The bus ride ________7 minutes .

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标签:下列   句子   说出   课堂   诊断   教室   步行
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