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General introduction to Wuyuan tourism
  Wuyuan County is located in the northeastern part of Jiangxi province. To the east of Wuyuan is famous historical and cultural city Quzhou, to its west is Jingdezhen city the capital of ceramics, Huangshan Mountain is located to its north, a well-known senic spot in south of Anhui province, to its south is Sanqing Mountain, another scenic spot. Wuyuan is like a bright pearl embedded the area among the three provinces of Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangxi. The city has an area of 2947 square kilometers with a population of 330,000. It contains 18 towns. The central town is Ziyan.
  Wuyuan County was founded in the 28th year of Kaiyuan of the Tang Dynasty (740 A.D) for over 1200 years. Wuyuan got its name as the origins of local water. The county is hilly, with eighty-five percent of mountain area, ten percent of field and five percent of river and village. It is a classic mountainous county in south of china. The highest summit of Dazhangshan Mountain in the north is 1630 meters high above sea level. Wuyuan has a subtropical moderate humid climate. The annual average temperature is about 16.7. Annual mean precipitation is about 1821㎜.
  Wuyuan is known for its mountain wonders. Forest coverage is 81.5 percent that about 3.76 million Mu of land area. It is one of the timber production base and one of the advanced ecological agricultural counties, winning the title of “the best county in forestati
on”. Wuyuan is also called “ hometown of tea”, a key tea production area and tea exporter in China. Wuyuan is one of the first county groups with electrification in rural area. The total quantity of electricity from the small hydroelectric stations is 3.46 thousand kilowatt. The four local special products known as “the four local colors” are very famous all over China. “The Red” refers a freshwater fish cooked as “Fried Red Fish”; it is tender and delicious to taste, that had been selected to serve at the state banquet honored for American President Nixon and Japanese Prime Minister when they visited china. “The Green” is the green tea of Wuyuan, recorded in “classics of tea” in the Tang Dynasty, and “the best of tea” in the Song Dynasty. It won a silver medal for its characteristic with green thick soup and fragrance by Emperor Jiajing and a gold medal of Panama Global Exhibition Trade Fair. An American book said that the green tea of Wuyuan is the top quality of china. Today, the “Dazhangshan” green tea not only gains the certificate of “Grade AA Green Food”, but also wins a gold medal of Kunming World Exhibition Trade Fair. “The Black” is a kind of inkstone named dragon-tail, known as a bright pearl among inkstones. It was already famous for its fine features early in the Tang
Dynasty and praised as “Champion of China” by Emperor Liyu in the Nan Tang Dynasty. “The White” is a kind of pear named Jiangwan Snow Pear. It is one of the highest-grade fruits with its big size, fragrance and brittleness. In addition, there are many souvenirs for tourists such as craft umbrella, articles made of bamboos, liqueur of Wuyuan and foodstuffs like mushrooms, and dried-bamboo shoots and dried brackens. You can choose them as gift to your close friends and relatives. The transportations of Wuyuan are very convenient. You can take bus to reach Wuyuan County from the cities of Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shenzheng, Guangzhou, Wenzhou, Ningbo, Jinhua, Changshu, Nanchang, Jiujiang etc. The telecommunications are more advanced with the program-controlled exchange and digital transmission.
  Wuyuan lies on the frontier of Country Wu and Chu in ancient China. It is a propitious place with stronger scholar convention starting from Tang Dynasty. It was the birth place of great men such as Philosopher Zhuxi in the Nan Song Dynasty, Expert of Seal Cutting Hezheng in the Ming Dynasty, Economist Jiangyong and Scientist Qi Yanhua, Engineer of the railway Zhan Tianyou and Medical Professor Cheng Menxue in modern times. According to the history book, there were 550 successful candidates in the highest imperial examinations and 2665 officials of different levels between the Song Dynasty and the late Qing Dynasty. It was said that there were nine successful candidates in imperial examinations from one single family, and four high officials worked in six departments between the Ming and Qing Dynasty. Through several dynasties, 3100 books had been written by the scholars from the county, 172 books (1487volumes) of them were selected in SIKUQUANSHU “Imperial Collection of Four”. It is for this reason that Wuyuan is also honored as “hometown of scholars”. 
  Next we will give you a brief account on Wuyuan tourism industry. There are five traveling itineraries to take presently; each route can take full day.
  一、 县城旅游区:文化广场——博物馆
  I. The central town tour: Culture square and Museum
  (1)文化广场  婺源文化广场位于武新城区,詹天佑大桥以北的二号桥北,星江河西岸与溪头路之间,南接规划中的徽剧院及商业区,北临规划中的商贸区,西靠紫阳中学,占地面积约7万公顷。由源头路直达。婺源文化广场依山傍水,是新城形象代表,体现了城市
  (1) Culture Square    It is located at the new town of Wuyuan, number two bridge of Zhan-Tianyou to its north between the west bank of Xinjiang river and road Xitou, the planning Hui-cinema to its south, the planning commercial zone to its north and Ziyan middle school to its west. It covers seventy thousand hectares areas. You can reach there from road Yuantou. The culture square surrounding with mountains and rivers is the center of the new town, symbolic landmark of Wuyuan city culture and meeting the demands of assembly, leisure and tour.

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