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Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Mechanism
2016323日中国与泰国、越南等湄公河流域五国在海南三亚举行了澜沧江-湄公河合作首次领导人会议,澜沧江-湄公河合作机制于2015年九月在云南景洪正式确立。 这是我国在:“一带一路后又一重要对外开放举措。此举开拓了东南亚这一新的经济领域,对我国商务、外交均具有重要意义。本文意在对此新闻进行分析,从该举措历史渊源、具体内容、机遇、挑战、前景等方面进行深层探讨。抚顺热高乐园介绍
关键词: Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Mechanism澜沧江-湄公河合作机制,one belt one road一带一路, Economy经济, Opportunities机遇, Challenges挑战
韩国哪里好玩景点推荐With abundant resources, a drainage area of 795,000 square kilometers where lives 326 million people, a GDP of 590 billion dollars and an annual economic growth rate of 7%, the Lancang-Mekong region is now one of the most promising region in Asia and the world at la
rge. With the east wind of “one belt one road” China accelerated to establish cooperative relationships with those countries in Southeast Asia. The Lancang-Mekong cooperation began in 2014, put forward by primer Li in Myanmar, and it was set down in September 2016 in Jinghong Yunnan. This action opened a new door of China to be within the world.
1 Overview of LMCM
1.1 History background
Lancang River oriented from the Tanggula Mountains in Qinghai Province, it flows through the Tibet Region, Yunnan Province and cuts across alpine and gorge regions. After the river flows out of China from Xishaungbanna, it is called Mekong River. The river is 4,880 km long, and it successively flows through Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Viet Nam to reach the South China Sea. The river links the 6 countries, breeds their similar yet distinctive culture and forged their time- honored, profound and extensive economic and humanistic connection.
1.2 Process of establishment
北海房产China has established diplomatic relation with countries in the CMLM since the founding of People’s Republic of China separately. Then China led some bilateral cooperation with Laos, Thailand, Viet Nam and Myanmar, such as China-Laos Railway and so on. In 2014, It is a consensus to built an Multilateral security system among the six countries in the China- ASEAN Leaders’ meeting. The plan came in to fact in 2015 in Yunnan. Time passed to March 23th 2016, the first CMLM ministers’ meeting was held in Hainan Sanya, a lot of projects about national economy and the people’s livelihood were discussed and would be put into practice.
1.3 Objects of CMLM
1.3.1 Peace
As there are a lot of criminal affairs such as smuggle, drug trafficking and kidnap & sell people. The six countries are making joint efforts to fight against transnational crimes and maintain orders at the border regions, with an aim to build a peaceful sub-regional environment.
1.3.2 Infrastructure connectivity
The open of kunming-Bangkok Road and the initiation of China-Thailand Railway all mark the rudiment of the middle route of Trans-Asian Railway that connects the six countries. The second-Phase renovation of Lancang-Mekong Channel has been launched, to further enhance its carrying capacity. More airlines will open to connect those nations.
云南昆明旅游景点地图1.3.3 Cross-border Economy
LMCM will strength production capacity cooperation, complement respective advantage and build cross-border industrial clusters and chains through the construction of industrial parts. Fields such as railway, power, electronics energy resources and machinery are think highly of.
1.3.4 Water Resources
We will develop hydroelectric resources of Lancang-Mekong River in a scientific manner, establish water resource cooperation center, share information and data of the river, to pr
ovide better life of residents living by the river.
1.3.5 Agriculture
All six countries are agricultural countries; famers’ employment and rural poverty alleviation are important projects for member countries. In the future, the six countries will concentrate on establishing agricultural cooperation platform, promotion of poverty alleviation and the building of pilot programs of poverty reduction.
2 Opportunities and Challenges of LMCM.
2.1 Opportunities
2.1.1 “One belt one road” and other Symbioses as Bases
The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st century Maritime Silk Road has their intersection areas in Southeast Asia. With rapid expansion and some beneficial policies of “one belt one road”, some funds and opportunities are provided at that period.
Also as some cooperative associations like Great Mekong Sub region Cooperation, Asian Development Bank and ASEAN have already built close relationships among the six countries, it will be easier for China to cooperate with them. And some projects about regional development have been under way; we just need to make it further developed.
2.1.2 China’s rapid expansion provided fund guarantee
In the past few years, Chinese economy has developed a lot, not only its GDP is in the second place of the world, but also the capability of foreign investment of China is growing fast. China has the largest foreign exchange reserve in the world, RMB joined SDR last year, and Chinese economy has been in a statue of New Normal, the foundation of ALLB also led by China. All these factors expressed a fact that China can provide constant energy for LMCM.

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