Transportation & Accomodation

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You can contact Shangri-La Hotel at 86 28 8888 9999 for transpiration arrangement and the prices ranges from 450 RMB to 600 RMB per transfer. The rental and vehicle are following:
We have signed contract rates with two hotels:
1. Chengdu Shangri-La Hotel/成都香格里拉大酒店:
Address: No.9, Binjiang Dong Road, Chengdu/ 成都市滨江东路9号
Phone: 86 28 8888 9999
Contract rate: RMB1080.00 (tax, breakfast, complimentary Internet) per night/ Deluxe King Room.
Below are the procedures of online reservation:
1) Click the link: www.shangri-
2) Choose check-in, check-out time and room type;
3) Input the guest's information and credit guarantee;北戴河好玩的地方和景点
4) Confirm the reservation.
2. Chengdu Hanwen Hotel/成都翰文大酒店:珠海温泉度假村排名榜>连州地下河景区
Address: No.138, Bingjiang Dong Road, Chengdu/ 成都市滨江东路138号
Website: /cn/introduce.aspx
Phone: 86 28 8882 2222
Contract rate: RMB469.00 per night/standard room. (Please use the contract company name to reserve hotel rooms)
Contract company name: SEG China Office/ SEG 中国代表处

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