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山西自驾游最佳去处Yangjiang City is located in the southwest coast of Guangdong Province. It governs Yangchun City, Yangdong County, Yangxi County, Jiangcheng district and hailing Economic Development Experimental Zone. The coastline (Island) is 390.8 km long, with a total area of 7813.4 square kilometers and a population of 2.4 million. It enjoys preferential policies granted by the state, such as coastal open areas, pilot economic development zones, industrial satellite towns, mountainous areas and small amount of trade with Taiwan. It is one of the coastal open cities in Guangdong Province.
Yangjiang City is rich in marine industrial resources. There are six famous fishing ports in C
hina, such as Zhapo, Dongping, Shaba, Xitou, Hebei and the other side. The fishing ground is vast and the beach is gentle. It is suitable for deep-sea fishing and mariculture, and rich in high-quality and valuable fresh aquatic products. Yangjiang's mineral resources mainly include iron ore, copper ore, pyrite, quartz sand, tin ore, gold ore, rare earth ore, etc. There are abundant forest and hydropower resources for comprehensive utilization. The industry has formed ten pillar industries, including automobile, rare earth, electromechanical, building materials, metallurgy, food, hardware, textile, clothing and forest industry. Yangjiang knife, Yangjiang Douchi, Yangjiang lacquerware and leather plastic, clothing, packaging, stainless steel utensils and other famous, excellent and special products are also very popular.
Yangjiang's scenery also has its own characteristics, such as the beautiful and peculiar Moyang mountain and sea scenery, lingxiaoyan, kongtongyan, longguanyan and sandongtian, which are known as the first scenic spot in South China, shachao of Mawei Island natural beach, which is also known as East Hawaii, and Hebei tourist resort, etc. Since the reform and opening up, the investment environment of Yangjiang has been gra
沙坡头景区电话多少dually improved. Yangjiang port and Xingneng diesel power plant have been built. The second phase expansion project of Mojiang water plant with daily water supply of 200000 tons has been completed. The Yangchun section of Sanmao railway has been put into operation. The reconstruction of national highway 325 has been completed. The station port highway, access to Island Highway, access to port highway, Jianshan bridge and shouchang bridge have been completed and opened to traffic, connecting with Sanmao railway The railway from Yangchun railway station to Yangjiang port is under construction. The third nuclear calling station in Guangdong has been located in Yangjiang and has entered the stage of feasibility study.
The city's urban and rural telephone exchange capacity has reached 223000, and mobile phones and wireless paging have been fully opened. Yangjiang port, a class I port approved by the State Council to open to foreign nationality ships in February 1993, was officially opened to the outside world in July 1996. The infrastructure was further improved, creating a broader and solid social and economic foundation for investors to come to our city for extensive economic and technological cooperation. In order to make
our city's industrial and agricultural productivity leap to a new level through the use of foreign capital and the introduction of technology and equipment, the municipal government has formulated a series of preferential measures to further simplify procedures and procedures and improve service quality and efficiency. At the same time, the municipal government has set up a special administrative service center to provide "one-stop" services for domestic and foreign investors. Over the past few years, with the improvement of the investment environment, the utilization of foreign capital in Yangjiang City has doubled, foreign economic and technological trade, cooperation and exchange have made gratifying achievements, and a new economic situation of all-round opening has initially formed.
Located in the southeast of Zhapo Town, Hailing Island, Yangjiang Zhapo Dajiao Bay is surrounded by peaks on three sides and faces the vast South China Sea. The beach is 2.5km long and 100m wide. It looks like an ox horn, so it is called "Dajiao bay". It is the most famous scenic spot in Hailing Island.
As the saying goes, the mountain is not beautiful without water, the peak is not beautiful without clouds, the wind and waves in the Bay are soft, and the peak is sometimes surrounded by clouds. Dajiao Bay is sunny, the beach is even and soft, the sea is clear and pure, the air is fresh and oxygen rich, which is a good place for tourism and vacation.
After development and construction, dajiaowan scenic area has gradually formed into three major areas: the east of the scenic area has become a sports area, and has become a training base for the national beach volleyball team. It has hosted International Beach Volleyball invitational tournament, Asian Beach Volleyball Championship, national 9th National Games beach volleyball tournament, National flipping board championship, national windsurfing championship and other events; To the west of the scenic spot is a leisure area, with beach garden bar and plant garden view. Tourists can listen to the waves, taste tea and fish here to enjoy the natural elegance;
In the middle of the scenic spot is the public bathhouse, with surfing, sea surfing, motorboats, power umbrellas, flying gliding, beach vehicles, ancient gun shooting range, field battlefield, sea paradise and folk show.
中沙岛Dajiaowan scenic spot has developed into a southern seaside resort integrating tourism, sightseeing, leisure, culture and sports. Dajiao Bay is located in the southeast of Zhapo Town, Hailing Island, Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province, with its back against the green mountains and green mountains. It is famous for its sunshine, sand beach, waves and seafood. It is the most famous tourist attraction in Hailing Island and even Yangjiang area. The scenic spot is called "sister bay" together with Yangxi Shaba Moon Bay.
In recent years, with the opening of dalinggeng tunnel, vehicles can drive straight along the ring road. When I saw the shining conch sculpture in the sun, I arrived at dajiaowan. The beautiful beach of dajiaowan is 2.45 kilometers long and 100 meters wide. The spiral shaped beach looks like a huge ox horn, so it is called dajiaowan.

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