介绍天津的著名景点古文化街的英文作文 最少三句宾语从句

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介绍天津的著名景点古文化街的英文作文 最少三句宾语从句北京欢乐谷游玩指南
恩平论坛人才招聘网Ancient Cultural StreetThe 580-metre-long Ancient Cultural Street is a major tourist destination where Tianjin's old traditions remain largely intact.Imitation Qing buildings,which house nearly 100 shops are scattered along the street with the Tianhou Temple in the center.Built in 1320 during the Yuan,the Tianhou (Heavenly Queen) Temple,also known as Temple of the Patron Goddess,is one of many temples established in China's coastal areas in honour of the mythological angel known more popularly as Mazu.Grand sacrificial ceremonies were held in the temple on Mazu's birthday,which fell on the 23rd day of the 3rd lunar month.Today the temple has been converted into the Tianjin Folklore Museum.
Ancient Culture Street is located in Nankai District,Tianjin. It is about 3km away from Tianjin West Railway Station and Tianjin North Railway Station respectively, and 1.7km away from Tianjin Railway Station.
As one of the top ten scenic spots in Tianjin, Tianjin Ancient Culture Street mainly deals in cultural goods, with the characteristics of "Chinese flavor, Tianjin flavor, cultural flavor and a
中山旅游景点大全介绍ncient flavor." It is also a commercial pedestrian street with a total length of about 700 meters.
Here you can enjoy a lot of folk culture and famous scenic spots, such as Yangliuqing New Year Pictures, Clay Figurine Zhang, Wei Kite, North and South Decorated archways, Tianhou Temple, Tianyan Square, and Yuhuang Pavilion.

本文发布于:2023-05-18 09:48:24,感谢您对本站的认可!



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