The United States

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    Simple Introduction to the United States of America
The united states of America is located in the continent of North America, bordering Canada in the north, Mexico in the south, the Atlantic Ocean in the eat and the Pacific Ocean in the West. Witt an area of 3.79 9.83 million km2 and a population of over 312 million, the United States is the fourth largest country by total area, ranking behind Russia, Canada and China, and the third largest by population in the world only behind China and India.
普者黑一日游攻略The Appalachian Mountains divide the eastern seaboard from the Five Great Lakes and the grassland of the Midwest. The Mississippi-Missouri River, the world’s fourth longest river system runs mainly north-south through the heart of the country. The flat, fertile prairie of the Great Plains stretches to the west, interrupted by the Rocky Mountain. And beyond the high mountain of the Coastal Ranges is the Pacific. Stretching a vast area, the United States, with its large size and geographic variety, includes many climate types.龙泉寺事件背后的势力
The United States consist of 50 states including 48 contiguous states 银川市委书记and the noncontiguous states of Alaska and Hawaii. The national capital is Washington D.C, located
along the banks of Potomac River between the states of Maryland and Virginia.
The United States has a short history but a long modern history. 13 of the British colonies in North America, with the American Revolution, made up the first 13 states of the newly formed United States of America, which is called original 13 States. But America quickly accomplished the industrialization and become prosperous. After the two World Wars, U.S become one of the strongest countries along with the Soviet Union. However, with the Soviet failing in the Cold War and broken up in 1991, the U.S is the only superpower in the world.
    The United States is certainly one of the most diverse countries of the world, both from a cultural and an environmental perspective. The land that is now the United States was home to diverse cultures when the first Europeans and Africans arrived. It was inhabited by a variety of Native American peoples. The Europeans and Africans added their own varying cultures to this diversity. The 13 colonies they founded along the eastern seaboard became the United States in the late 18th century. During the following century,
the new nation added huge chunks of territory, and millions of immigrants arrived from all over the world.

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