Introduction to the United States

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Introduction to the United States
History and Politics
Including what the book gets WRONG
What is an American
Immigrant Nation
Hector St. John de Crevecoeur
Regional Cultures
Effects of Colonial Period
Jamestown (1607)
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Founded by a joint-stock company chartered by James I (this was not a capitalist enterprise; it was a royal monopoly.) In Virginia. (It was actually the second attempt; Roanoke, under Sir Walter Raleigh was the first.)
Originally, the task was to find gold but after the Starving Time and the reforms of John Smith and John Rolfe it became about tobacco farming.
Jamestown and Virginia, like all colonies, suffered from a labor shortage. In 1619, this led to the importation of slaves.
House of Burgesses
Stories of Jamestown
The stories of Jamestown give interesting insight into some aspects of American attitudes.
‘He who does not work……”
Plymouth Plantation
The Pilgrims were NOT the same as the Puritans who settled Boston and Salem. Although the Pilgrims were always a minority, even in Plymouth, they captured the imagination of later generations.
Story of the Starving Time and the First Thanksgiving.
Massasoit and peaceful relations with Native Americans.
Puritan Massachusetts
长泾镇Came over to escape religious persecution during Civil War in England. They wanted to create a “City on the Hill.” or a religiously based ideal society.
Differences over religion led to Rhode Island and Connecticut. Suppression of dissentients. Calvinist.
Economically based on the small tradesman and free holding farmer.
Maryland, or the Plantation of Lord Baltimore
The plan was pretty much as the book lays out except that religious toleration became the norm early and the feudal plan was doomed. Feudalism requires a large population and scarce land. Instead, they followed, in the northern part of the colony a path similar to New England (economically) and in the southern part a path similar to Virginia.丽江到泸沽湖要多久
First colony to practice both a liberal religious policy (Freedom of Religion in the modern sense) and a liberal immigration policy by encouraging people from all over Europe to come.
Founded on Quaker ideals of equality and justice.
General Notes on the Early Colonies
Generally, the colonies were left alone by England because of the problems there.
Each developed some form of representative legislature.
Each of the four variations can be seen as contributing to different aspects of the American character, even when they are contradictory.
Literacy was widespread.
Late Colonial Period (or the Coming of Revolution)
French and Indian War: Canada becomes British.
Religion was on the wane since the early 1700s.
Leaders of the colonies were educated, by the time of the revolution, based on Enlightenment ideas.
Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson
The Declaration of Independence
The Constitutional Period and the Early Republic
Shays Rebellion
Creation of Constitution
Size of the country
Economy before the Civil War (Start of industrialization
Westward expansion; Louisiana Purchase
Creation of the American Mythology: Parson Weems and Washington Irving台山美食
The Romantic Period
For the most part it followed the ideas of British Romanticism with some noticeable differences
Principle form was the short story with the occasional novel.
Rather than seeking wisdom in the “spirit of the folk”, American Romantics looked to stories of the past, exotic locations, and Nature for inspiration. There was also a nationalist element in it.
Rather than seeking an intellectual or emotional understanding of Nature, they sought a more spiritual understanding of Nature.
Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Walt Whitman (?).
As a moral philosophy, it lacked a systemic coherence. It favored emotional responses over Enlightenment-style rationalism.
There are a few points that all Transcendentalist shared: the concept of the Oversoul, an all-pervading force for good that all things shared in including people, Nature as a source of both moral understanding and divinity, original thinking and activity could lead to a cultural rejuvenation, and lastly a rejection of materialism.
Brook Farm
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Margaret Fuller
The Civil War
Leaders of the Union (aka the North or the United States) President Abraham Lincoln, General Ulysses S. Grant who becomes the Union Army’s top general.
Leaders of the Confederacy (aka the South) President Jefferson Davis, General Robert E. Lee-head of the Confederate Army. (Ironically, Lee had been opposed to both secession and slavery before the war.)

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