Study in the United States

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Study in the United States
Objective: learn about how to research and apply to U.S. master’s, doctoral degree, and postdoctoral programs, plus information on certification and licensing procedures for who wish to further their education or practice in the United States.
Application Process
Choosing the Best Graduate Programs for You
Step 1 – Define Your Education and Career Goals
Step 2 – Consult a U.S. Educational Information or
Check Accreditation Status
Other Considerations
Step 4 – Decide Where to Apply
Useful Web Sites
Funding Graduate Study
Planning Ahead
Calculating Your Expenses
Tuition and Fees
Living Costs
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Assessing Personal Funds
Identifying Sources of Financial Assistance
Useful Web Sites
More than 1,700 universities and other institutions offer graduate degree programs in the United
States. This vast choice means there are programs available to meet everyone’s needs, but how can you find the best program for you?
Why Study in the United States?
Here are just a few of the reasons why more than 500,0001 international students from around the world are furthering their education in the United States:
菲律宾最新消息今天舟山人才网Quality: U.S. universities are known worldwide for their quality programs, faculty, facilities, and resources.
Choice: The U.S. education system offers an unrivalled choice of institutions, academic and social environments, entry requirements, degree programs, and subjects in which you can specialize.
Value: As an investment in your future, a U.S. degree offers excellent value for the money. A wide range of tuition fees and living costs, plus financial help from many departments within universities, have made study in the United States affordable for thousands of students before you.
Good luck with your applications!
About Graduate Education in the U.S.
Graduate education in the United States will almost certainly be different from the system offered in your country. This chapter gives you an introduction to the graduate degrees available in the United States, the different types of institutions that exist, and some key terms and ideas you will come across if you want to study at a U.S. university.
Graduate Degrees
The two graduate degrees offered in the United States are the master's degree and the doctoral degree; both involve a combination of research and coursework. Graduate educ
ation differs from undergraduate education in that it offers a greater depth of training, with increased specialization and intensity of instruction. Study and learning are more self-directed at the graduate level than at the undergraduate level.
Graduate courses assume that students are well-prepared in the basic elements of their field of study. Depending on the subject, courses may be quite formal, consisting primarily of lecture presentations by faculty members, or they may be relatively informal, placing emphasis on discussion and exchange of ideas among faculty and students. Seminars involve smaller groups of students than lecture courses, and students may be required to make presentations as well as participate in discussions. Class participation, research papers, and examinations are all important.西岭雪山游玩攻略
米其林餐厅中国有几家Degree requirements are stated in terms of "credits" (sometimes called "units" or "hours"), and each course usually earns three or four credits, generally reflecting the number of hours spent in the classroom and the amount of other work involved. A student will usually accumulate 24 credits per academic year if the university operates on a traditional two-semester system.
Master's Degrees
The master's degree is designed to provide additional education or training in the student's specialized branch of knowledge, well beyond the level of baccalaureate study. Master's degrees are offered in many different fields, and there are two main types of programs: academic and professional.
Academic Master's: The master of arts (M.A.) and master of science (M.S.) degrees are usually awarded in the traditional arts, sciences, and humanities disciplines. The M.S. is also awarded in technical fields such as engineering and agriculture. Original research, research methodology, and field investigation are emphasized. These programs usually require the completion of between 30 and 60 credit hours and could reasonably be completed in one or two academic years of full-time study. They may lead directly to the doctoral level. (See "Important Difference" below.)

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