美国为何支持乌克兰 英语作文

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自贡旅游攻略美国为何支持乌克兰 英语作文
One thing we all know is that Ukraine is the granary of Europe. However, what we don't know is that the grain of Ukraine is not controlled by the Ukrainian government, but by the three major grain traders in the United States, namely, Bangui, Cargill and Adm. Since the land reform in Ukraine in 2014, 85% of the cultivated land has fallen into the hands of the three major grain traders and farmers in the United States.
After the outbreak of the Russian Ukrainian war, the grain of Ukraine could not be transported out. Scientifically speaking, it should be that the grain of American grain traders in Ukraine could not be transported out in Ukraine!
巴马附近的旅游景点Not only grain, but also industries related to Ukrainian agriculture are basically controlled by the United States. For example, Ukrainian grain and seeds are all imported, mainly from the United States;
崇福人才网招聘工作Agricultural machinery was originally Ukraine's own strong point, but under the unremitting
suppression of the Ukrainian government with the help of the United States, Ukraine's own agricultural machinery factory closed down, and agricultural machinery and equipment can only be imported from the United States;
Ukrainian pesticides are all imported from the United States;
Even the diesel used in agricultural machinery is imported from the west, not from Russia;
More than half of the chemical fertilizers are imported from the West.
太白山滑雪场In other words, Ukrainian agriculture has been manipulated by the United States. Therefore, it can be well explained why ZELINSKY immediately shipped 4000 tons of wheat to Europe when the United States said the food crisis. Then, the American grain stored in the granaries along the Black Sea coast of Ukraine cannot be transported out because the Russian army controls this area. If it is confiscated by Russia, the American grain traders will lose a lot.
Therefore, the United States sent the Secretary General of the United Nations to Russia to mediate, hoping that Russia would give a high hand and allow the US grain in Ukraine to be transported out. Unexpectedly, the Secretary General of the United Nations has become a domestic slave of the United States!

本文发布于:2023-05-26 05:08:24,感谢您对本站的认可!



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