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Are you taking advantage of these features of Python that can help make your code make more sense?
Code readability is not just about making your code shorter. It is about reducing the intellectual burden of understanding what your code is doing and how it is doing it.
代码的可读性不仅仅是使代码更短。 它是关于减轻理解代码正在做什么以及如何做的知识负担。
Some general rules of thumb are: explicit is better than implicit, clear is better than short, and don’t repeat yourself (DRY).
⼀些⼀般的经验法则是:显式胜于隐式,清晰胜于短,并且不要重复⾃⼰(DRY) 。
With that in mind, here are three (plus one bonus!) examples of situations where avoiding an if statement can help make your code more readable. They are:
考虑到这⼀点,下⾯是三个(加⼀加号!)避免使⽤if语句有助于提⾼代码可读性的⽰例。 他们是:
1. Testing for equality with more than one possible value
2. Selecting one value from a set of multiple possible values
3. Dynamically choosing one function to execute from a set of multiple possible functions (bonus: with custom
1.测试是否具有多个价值?⽤'in' ! (1. Testing for equality with more than one value? Use 'in’!) The n
ot-so-good way:
user_type = "regular"
if user_type == "admin" or user_type == "superadmin" or user_type == "moderator":
The better way:
user_type = "regular"
allowed_user_types = ["admin", "superadmin", "moderator"]
if user_type in allowed_user_types:
Why it’s better:
As the number of allowed values increases, the ‘not-so-good’ way will stretch your if statement out.
Want to change the allowed values? Simply modify the list.
是否要更改允许的值? 只需修改列表。
By assigning the list of allowed values to a variable, you can use it elsewhere in your code too. For example, it makes writing assertions a breeze:
通过将允许值列表分配给变量,您也可以在代码的其他地⽅使⽤它。 例如,它使编写断⾔变得轻⽽易举:
assert user_type in allowed_user_types, f"user_type must be one of: {', '.join(allowed_user_types)}"
2.您的if语句有很多“ elifs”吗?使⽤字典! (2. Got lots of ‘elifs’ for your if statement? Use a dictionary!)
The not-so-good way:
def show_info_about_item(chosen_item="phone"):
if chosen_item == "phone":
return "Handheld communication device"
elif chosen_item == "car":
return "Self-propelled ground vehicle"
elif chosen_item == "dinosaur":
return "Extinct lizard"
return "No info available"
The better way:
def show_info_about_item(chosen_item="phone"):
info_dict = {
"phone": "Handheld communication device",
"car": "Self-propelled ground vehicle",
"dinosaur": "Extinct lizard"
return (chosen_item, "No info available")
Why it’s better:
As the number of allowed values increases, the ‘not-so-good’ way will stretch your if statement out.
Made another possible value? Just add it to the dictionary!
取得了另⼀个可能的价值? 只需将其添加到字典中即可!
Allowed values can be spotted at a glance and also possibly used elsewhere using info_dict.keys().
3.想动态执⾏功能吗?再次使⽤字典! (3. Want to execute a function dynamically? Use a dictionary (again)!)北京周边一日游推荐
The not-so-good way:
def add_one(x):
return x + 1
def divide_by_two(x):
return x/2
def square(x):
return x**2
# The not-so-good way:
def perform_operation(x, chosen_operation="add_one"):
if chosen_operation == "add_one":
x = add_one(x)
elif chosen_operation == "divide_by_two":
x = divide_by_two(x)
elif chosen_operation == "square":
x = square(x)
raise Exception("Invalid operation")
return x
The better way:
def add_one(x):
return x + 1
def divide_by_two(x):
return x/2
def square(x):
return x**2
def invalid_op(x):
raise Exception("Invalid operation")
# The better way:
def perform_operation(x, chosen_operation="add_one"):
ops = {
"add_one": add_one,
"divide_by_two": divide_by_two,
"square": square
chosen_operation_function = (chosen_operation, invalid_op)
return chosen_operation_function(x)
Why it’s better:
As the number of possible functions increases, the ‘not-so-good’ way will stretch your if statement out.
Made another possible operation? Just add it to the dictionary!
进⾏了其他可能的操作? 只需将其添加到字典中即可!
Allowed operations can be spotted at a glance and also possibly used elsewhere using ops.keys().
允许的操作可以⼀⽬了然,也可以在其他地⽅使⽤ops.keys() 。
奖励:带有⾃定义参数的动态函数 (Bonus: Dynamic functions with custom arguments)
What about if each of the possible functions has its own set of arguments?
The solution is dictionary unpacking. First, what does dictionary unpacking actually do? In the code below, line 6 and line 14 are doing the same thing, the only difference is that line 14 is using dictionary unpacking.
解决⽅案是打开字典。 ⾸先,字典解压缩实际上是做什么的? 在下⾯的代码中,第6⾏和第14⾏执⾏相同的操作,唯⼀的区别是第14⾏使⽤字典解压缩。
def user_print(user_name, user_type="regular", user_logged_in=False):
return f"{user_name} is a(n) {user_type} user and they are {'not ' if not user_logged_in else ''}logged in."
# 1. Without dictionary unpacking:
user_print(user_name="testuser1", user_type="admin", user_logged_in=True)
# 2. With dictionary unpacking:
args = {
"user_name": "testuser1",
"user_type": "admin",
"user_logged_in": True
Now, we only need to mildly adjust our earlier example to allow for any custom arguments in our dynamic functions:
def add(x, to=1):
return x + to
def divide(x, by=2):
新疆伊犁旅游景点return x/by
def square(x):
return x**2
def invalid_op(x):
raise Exception("Invalid operation")
def perform_operation(x, chosen_operation, operation_args={}):
ops = {
"add": add,
"divide": divide,
"square": square
chosen_operation_function = (chosen_operation, invalid_op)
return chosen_operation_function(x, **operation_args)
def example_usage():
x = 1
x = perform_operation(x, "add", {"to": 4}) # Adds 4
x = perform_operation(x, "add") # Adds 1 since that's the default for 'add'
x = perform_operation(x, "divide", {"by": 2}) # Divides by 2
x = perform_operation(x, "square") # Squares the number
This approach can be useful in situations where you want your program to be highly configurable. For example, we can see that in the above code, the sequence of operations specified in the example_usage() function could instead have been defined in a configuration file such as JSON or YAML.

本文发布于:2023-05-26 12:33:06,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:代码   可能   参数   动态   定义   语句
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