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Jeff Cavins is the CEO of Outdoorsy, an RV rental (房车租赁) company with a strong system of charity. So when Jeff __1.C__ that the four-year-old Noah from Spokane, Washington needs an RV to get him to a __2.A__ heart operation at Boston Children’s Hospital, he immediately took action and provided a free RV rental for Noah’s family. Because Noah __3.B__ machines to keep him alive, a normal vehicle was not a good choice for getting him to Boston. A commercial __4.B__ wasn’t a choice, either, due to his oxygen amount and too much exposure to germs is not good before such a big __5.C__ .
黄山温泉酒店Once the RV rental costs were covered, Jeff__6.D__ to help the family—covering the cost of gas to get them to Boston and the cost of a hotel so they could live more __7.C__
during their ten-week hospital stay. The Outdoorsy team also __8.A__ fun camps for the family to stay at along the way, as well as __9.B__ a VIP tour of the Columbus Zoo and a walk onto Wrigley Field to meet with players during batting practice.
Noah’s successful open-heart operation__10.D__ 11 hours. Three days later, Noah was awake and on the road to __11.A__. To this day, Jeff keeps a picture of Noah in his office, as a __12.C__ that Outdoorsy exists for a greater __13.D__ than just renting RVs and camper vans. Jeff and his team are beyond excited to watch Noah grow up. They __14.B__ that there must have been a very special __15.A__ waiting for him on the road ahead, and they can’t wait to see where this life takes him.
1.A.announced          B.advertised
C.learned    D.informed
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:Jeff了解到来自华盛顿斯波坎的一个四岁的小男孩Noah需要一辆房车去波士顿儿童医院做心脏手术。 announce宣布; advertise登广告; learn学习,了解; inform通知。根据语境可知,Jeff是知晓了小男孩需要房车去做心脏手术这一情况。故选C。
2.A.lifesaving    B.breathtaking
C.hardworking    D.everlasting
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上题。lifesaving救命的; breathtaking累人的; hardworking勤奋的; everlasting永恒的。心脏手术是救人命的。故选A。
3.A.turns on    B.relies on
C.asks for    D.cares for
解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:考虑到Noah需要依靠医疗器械才能生存,普通的交通工具并不是送Noah去波士顿的好的选择。 turn on打开; rely on依赖; ask for要求; care f
or 关怀。根据下文中的“machines to keep him alive”可知,Noah需要依靠(许多)医疗器械才能生存。故选B。
4.A.business    B.flight
C.activity    D.meeting
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:乘坐飞机也不是一个好的选择。 business商业; flight航班; activity活动; meeting会议。根据上文可知,此处在比较各项交通工具哪一个适合送Noah去医院,设空处应填交通方式。故选B。
5.A.decision    B.problem
C.operation    D.research
解析:考查名词词义辨析。decision决定; problem问题; operation手术; research研究。根据上文可知,Noah即将要做心脏手术。故选C。
6.A.expected    B.aimed
C.happened    D.continued
解析:考查动词词义辨析。expect期待; aim目的是; happen发生; continue继续。由后句内容可知,Jeff除了提供了免费的房车,还提供了油费和酒店费用,故Jeff在提供房车之后继续帮助了Noah一家。故选D。
7.A.wonderfully    B.freely
C.comfortably    D.quietly
解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:Jeff还为Noah一家人支付了住宾馆的费用,使他们在住院的十周可以过得更舒适一些。 wonderfully精彩地; freely自由地; comfortably舒服地; quietly安静地。Jeff提供的住宾馆费用能让Noah一家住地更舒服。故选C。赵州桥教案
8.A.made    B.moved
C.shared    D.brought
的露营地。 make做; move搬; share分享; bring带来。根据下文可知,Outdoorsy团队也帮忙搭建了露营地,此处搭建露营地应用动词make。故选A。
9.A.caused    B.arranged
C.carried    D.advocated
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:团队同时也安排了去哥伦布动物园的贵宾之旅。 cause造成; arrange安排; carry携带; advocate提倡。根据语境可知,Outdoorsy团队给Noah一家安排了动物园之旅。故选B。
10.A.wasted    B.delayed
C.held    D.took
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:Noah成功的心脏手术耗时11个小时。 waste浪费; delay推迟; hold举办; take花费。根据前文“Noah’s successful open-heart operation”可知,Noah的手术是成功的,花费了十一个小时。故选D。
11.A.recovery    B.growth
C.arrival    D.success
解析:考查名词词义辨析。recovery康复; growth成长; arrival到达; success成功。Noah经历了一次成功的手术,手术醒来后逐渐康复。故选A。
12.A.speaker    B.warner
C.reminder    D.leader
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:直到今天Jeff的办公室还保留着一张Noah的相片作为提醒。 speaker说话者; warner警告者; reminder提醒的人或物; leader领导者。根据下文中谈论Outdoorsy存在的意义可知,Jeff办公室保留Noah的相片的目的是想提醒自己Outdoorsy存在的意义。故选C。
13.A.aggression    B.opportunity
C.impression    D.purpose
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:Outdoorsy公司的存在不仅仅是租用房车和露营卡车,它还有更大的意义。 aggression进攻; opportunity机会; impression印象; purpose意义,目的。Outdoorsy公司除了租用房车,还帮助了Noah一家,它的存在有更大的意义。故选D。
14.A.doubt    B.believe
C.guess    D.notice
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们相信在人生道路上定有一项特别的任务在等待着他们。doubt怀疑; believe相信; guess猜测; notice观察。根据下文“they can’t wait to see”可知,Jeff和他的团队对未来道路上遇到的任务是充满信心的。故选B。漠河舞厅背后的故事
15.A.task    B.person
C.trial    D.country
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意同上题。 task任务; person人; trial审判; country国家。
根据下文中的“waiting for him on the road ahead”可知,他们刚圆满完成了一项任务,现在在等待着下一场任务。故选A。
Standing in my office 25 years ago was an unknown, newly rising astronomer with a half-smile on her face. She had come with a demand that my team change our tested software to make one of our most important and in-demand scientific instruments do something it had never been designed for, and risk breaking it. All to carry out an experiment that was basically a waste of time and couldn’t be done to prove that a massive black hole hid at the center of our Milky Way.

本文发布于:2023-05-29 13:38:35,感谢您对本站的认可!



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