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摘    要
【关键词】 北京市朝阳区 网球俱乐部 发展现状 
Survey on the current development of tennis clubs in Chaoyang district of Beijing
    Since the founding of New China, as the Chinese government paid increasing attention to the importance of the sport of tennis, this aristocratic sport began to slowly spread to the general public. As the capital, Beijing received more international influence, and was also a city where government policy was implemented earlier and more decisively. The tennis club is the most basic organizational form for developing tennis among the public.In this thesis,the literature data method.questionnaire survey and mathematical statistics to Beijing chaoyang district 10 tennis club financing difficulties,the lack of,the coach team overall technical level and teaching ability is not high,the people taking part in the tennis club is restricted by the higher cost of chaoyang district,Beijing tennis club development factors,and put forward the tennis club card,increase the coupon assert tennis coach training institution and other measures to solve the Bejing chaoyang district in the tennis club development.
辽宁锦州旅游景点大全排名新疆旅游路线设计方案路线Key Words金刀峡天气Chaoyang district of Beijing  The tennis clubs 
              The Current Development  

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标签:网球   俱乐部   发展   朝阳区   北京   路线
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