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Directions: in this part, there are15 incomplete sentences. Y云和天气ou are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked with A ,B ,C. And  D. Then you should write the letter in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.
Its expected that new highway __completed by next July.
A. would be  B. will have been  C. has been    D. had better
Nowadays the new medicines can __man of the deadly disease.
A. save      B. threat        C. remove        D. cure
I called Mr. Smith at his office this morning, but the voice__ answered the phone was not his.
天津小吃街哪里最地道A .which      B .who        C .as            D .whom
4.  Im thinking about changing careers, but I dont quite know how to __it.
A.  go  about    B. go around    C. go by      D .go for
5.  __well enough before the final exam, he failed to finish answering all the questions in time.
A. Preparing not  B .To preparing not
C. Not to prepare  D .Not having prepared
6.  He has never to London before, __he knows everything about the people and the customs there.
A. and      B. but        C. for        D .so
7.  Bill Clinton国家植物园门票预约one of the __American presidents gave a speech last week in Oxford University.
A .lively      B. living      C .alive      D .live
8.  Little __about his situation though he was in great danger himself.
A. does he care    B. he cared
C. did he cared.    D. he cares
9.  The new presidents is reported __China after he takes office in the capital.
A. to visit        B. to have visited
C .to be visiting    D. visiting
10.  They __be singing my favorite English song in the classroom .I can hear it.
A. could      B. should    C. might      D. must
11.  __when he started the research, he never gave up trying new ways to increase the production.
A .How old he was      B. As he was old
成都九寨沟简介C. However old he was  D. Old as he was
12.  Dont worry about your earringsIm sure theyll __sooner or later.
A. make out    B .hold      C .turn up  D .find out
13.  Mary_ _clean out the guest room last Saturday ,but she was too busy that day.
杭州攻略A. Has intended to  B. was intended to  C. intended to  D. had intended to
14.  If it__ in the early April, the crops wouldnt be growing so well now.
A. didnt rain    B.wasnt rained  C.hadnt rained.  D.was not raining
15. By then  ,the countrys green agriculture centering on water and land will reach its full__.
A. capacity      B. power        C. ability        D. energy

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