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    随着时代的开展,国内各地每逢春节都会有一系列的庙会活动,除了人们所熟悉的“厂甸〞之外,“五显财神庙〞(初二至十六)、“东岳庙〞(初一至十五)、“白云观〞(初一至十九)、“万岁山春节大庙会〞(农历初一至十六 )都是国内有名的庙会,最富有过年的特。下面一起来看看我为大家整理的逛庙会英语日记,欢送阅读,仅供参考。
  On the day of the Lantern Festival, my friends and I went to the temple fair together. As soon as we got to huanshui Park, we already felt the wave after wave of people who were going to the temple fair. When we stood at a high place, we saw that the crowd was black and blue. There were people who were going to the temple fair and making money to do business. Sugarcane sellers, stinky tofu buyers, mutton kebabs, Teppanyaki, sausages All kinds of kites and toys dazzle me. I cant see enough with ten eyes.
  Along the stream of people, we ate and walked. A place to guess lantern riddles attracted
my attention. There were many questions, such as why do frogs jump higher than trees What are the two parts of a lamp What ship cant be launched I used to see them when I was reading. I answered them smoothly. Unexpectedly, an English test was waiting for me. A teacher asked me in English, whats your favorite color I thought about it carefully and answered confidently, my favorite color is blue. Then the teacher asked me a few simple questions, how to say red in English Red I answered quickly, pink, pink, white, white After answering, I successfully got the prize - a beautiful English notebook. Im very happy with the unexpected harvest.
  The weather is very sunny, and I am very happy. There are endless crowds and a lively market. Soon I saw a vendor who bought goldfish and turtles. An aunt and a child were buying them. The turtles were very cute. They were crawling back and forth in the fish tank. After bargaining, I bought a turtle and took it home.
  Through this temple fair, I saw a lot of new things, and I was so excited.
  顺着人流,我们边吃边走,一个猜灯谜的地方吸引了我的目光,题目很多如“青蛙为什么比树跳得高〞“灯是有哪两局部组成〞“什么飞船不能下水〞都是我原来在看书时见过的,我很顺利的答了出来,谁料还有英语测试在等着我,一个老师用英语问我“Whats your favorite color 〞我仔细的想了一下,自信的答复到:“My favorite color is blue。 〞然后老师又问了我几个简单的问题,“红用英语怎么说〞“red〞我快速的答复着,粉、 pink,白、white……答复完毕我顺利的拿到了奖品——一个漂亮的英语笔记本。意外收获,我开心极了。
东山岛旅游攻略二日游  On the third day of the first month, we went to the Jianfu temple fair in the little wild goose pagoda.
  As soon as we enter the gate, we first see two red lantern walls, which make people feel the joy of the Spring Festival. There are a lot of people in the yard, and peoples faces are full of smiles.
  We first went to the traditional culture area and saw the shadow puppet. I tried to pull the rope, and the legs and arms of the shadow puppet moved like a real person. It was very vivid. People in ancient times were so smart! Then we went forward to the spark exhibition, which had a variety of varieties. It was so beautiful. I didnt expect there were so many famous people on the matchbox! Then we saw the photo exhibition next to us, and the photos were soldiers Horse figurines, Yulin town Beitai, Qianling no word stele What an eye opener!
  Then we went to the performance area. First we saw the popular rhubarb duck. It was so cute that we had never seen such a big duck. Then it happened to be the time of lion dance. We saw a person holding his head in front and a person holding his body behind. When the lion stood upright, it was actually the person in front standing on the shoulder of the person behind. The two lions stepped on the drums and walked like dancing We should keep pace with each other. People quickly picked up the camera to take pictures, and from time to time they gave warm applause.
  Finally, I came to my favorite food area, where there are barbecue kebabs from Inner Mongolia, stinky tofu from Changsha, octopus balls from Japan I was dazzled and salivated. I couldnt help eating a lot of things, especially octopus balls. After eating, I didnt even let go of a small dreg.
九寨沟什么时间去风景最美  Finally, after tasting the fragrance in our mouth and feeling the strong spring festival atmosphere, we went home happily.
  翻译:正月初三,我们去了小雁塔的荐福大庙会。 山东乳山银滩天气预报
  Looking back on the past, history has left us too much suspense and reverie. Today, lets feel the traditional Chinese Cultural Festival - Spring Festival!
  It is the most joyful day to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, that is, the Spring Festival, which is commonly known as Chinese New Year among the people. Chinese folk New Year is the oldest and most solemn folk festival in ancient society. It is a grand festival shared by the Han nationality and many other brother nationalities, even comparable to the Christmas in western countries.

本文发布于:2023-06-13 14:16:22,感谢您对本站的认可!



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