六年级下册英语素材- Lesson 1---Lesson 2 讲义(带习题 人教精通版

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  Lesson  1
1. Gao wei: Hi, Kate. What did you do during your holidays? 嗨,凯特,你假期期间做什么了?
句子中did 是助动词没有实际意义,后面的do 是实义动词,“做”的意思。这里用做动词原形。
during 介词,“在……期间”表示一段时间
during the week 在这一周里
during the summer 在夏季
during the holidays 在假期期间
holiday 可数名词,假期
句型: What did you do+过去时间?
(1) _______ did you do last Summer ?
  A. What  B. Which  C. Why  D. Where
(2) What did you_______(do) last Sunday ?
(3) What did you do_______your holidays ?
(4) What did you do during your___________
(holiday) ?
(5) What did you do during your summer
__________(holiday) when you were a primary school student ?
(6) Where did you_______(go) yesterday ?
(7) What did you do______your summer      holidays ?沈阳动物园游玩攻略
  A. on    B. in  C. to  D. with
(8) They enjoyed the moon and stars during      their holidays.(就划线部分提问)
________ ________ ________ ________
during their holidays ?
2. Kate: I went to Sanya with my parents.我和我父母去三亚了。
with 介词,“和……”
parent(s) 父母
(1) We often go to the beach_______our family.
(2) Last Summer, I_______(go) to Shanghai by  plane.
(3) They_______(go) to Beijing the day before yesterday.
(4) Mary often goes shopping_____her mother.
3. Gao wei: How did you get there ? 你们怎么到达哪里的?
get to 到达. there、here、home等是地点副词,前面的介词省略。
问句:How did you go/get(to)+某地?
答语:We/I went/got there +交通方式。
例:How did you go to Shanghai ?
---I went there by plane.
(1) ______ did you get to London ?
  A. What    B. How  C. Where  D. When
(2) How did you go_____there ?
  A. to      B. for    C. in    D. /
(3) We went there by plane. (就划线部分提问)
  ______ did you_______ there ?
4. Kate: We went there by plane. 我们乘飞机去的那里。
by 介词, “通过” by+交通工具
by air = by plane 乘飞机
by bus 乘公共汽车
by train 乘火车
by taxi 乘出租车
by ship = by sea 乘轮船
by coach 乘长途汽车
by boat 乘小船
by bike 骑自行车
on foot 步行
(1) We went to Xi an______ plane.
(2) They went to Taiwan________ship.
(3) Can you go there_______bike ?
5. Gao wei: Did you have a good time ? 你们玩的开心吗?
东港市天气预报15天助动词Did 引导的一般疑问句。
have a good time = have fun = have a great time = enjoy oneself “玩的开心, 过得愉快”。
(1) Did you have______good time ?
    A. an      B. a      C. /
(2) ______ you______(go) to Beijing during    your holidays ?
(3) Did your mother_______(watch)    TV last      night ?
(4) I_________(not forget) to go to Sanya last    night.
(5) We didnt_______(play) computer games      last night.
甘孜州有几个县(6) ________(do) she have a good time last    Sunday ?
(7) Did you_______(watch) the baseball match    yesterday ?
(8) I_______(not) buy that bike, because it was    too expensive.
(9) --Did you go to the hospital yesterday ?
  --Yes, I______.
  A. do    B. did    C. were    D. was
(10) _____Lucy_____her room last weekend ?
  A. Is, clean          B. Did, clean
  C. Did, cleaned      D. Was, clean
(11) I went to Sanya during my holidays.(改为    否定句)
    I_______ _______to Sanya during my          holidays.
(12) I did my homework yesterday.(改为一般    疑问句)
        _______ you_______ your homework    yesterday ?
(13) They have a good time. (改为同义句)
(14) --Were going to visit Singapore during          the school holidays.
  A. Im visiting England
  B. Have a good time.
  C. You are a visitor.
6. Kate: Sure! We stayed in a hotel by the sea. We enjoyed sunbathing during the day and we enjoyed the moon and stars at night.
当然! 我们待在海边的一个宾馆里,我们白天享受了日光浴,在晚上看月亮和星星      了。
Sure! 常用来回答表示请求的问句,意思是“当然”。= of course = Certainly.
stay(过去式) stayed
stay in a hotel 待在一个宾馆里
by the sea 在海边
enjoy 动词 享受;享受……的乐趣。
enjoy(第三人称单数) enjoys
enjoy(过去式) enjoyed
enjoy sunbathing 享受日光浴
during the day 在白天
enjoy the moon and stars 看月亮和星星
the moon 月亮。 在表示世界上独一无二的事物的名词前一般要用定冠词the。除了the moon以外,还有the sun(太阳) the earth
凤凰古城值得去的景点star 星星,可数名词。
star(复数) stars
at night 在晚上
(1) We found a restaurant_______the sea.
  A. buy      B. with  C. by    D. at
(2) She_______the moon and stars at night.
  A. enjoyed  B. is    C. like  D. see
(3) We________(stay) in a hotel by the sea    yesterday.
(4) Many teenagers(青少年) enjoy________
(read) novels.
(5) We enjoyed the moon and________(star) at night.
(6) We stayed in a hotel by the sea and
enjoyed______at night.
A. sunbathing  B. the moon  C. lessons
(7) Who enjoys________(play) football ?
(8) We all enjoyed___________(travel).
(9) We enjoyed sunbathing during the_______.
A. night    B. evening    C. day
7. Gao wei: That sounds wonderful ! 那听起来很精彩!

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