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青海3日游自由行攻略摘 要秦皇岛周边旅游
关键词:发电厂; 主接线; 短路电流; 电气设备; 配电装置; 继电保护
This graduation project topic is s according to the first hand information designs a electric p
ower plant, and mainly carries on the design to its equipment. Then design the power distribution equipment and relay protection planning. Designs the main content to include: The electrical host wiring design, the wiring design, the short-circuit current computation, the main electrical equipment choice , the verification and the power distribution equipment preliminary design and relay protection planning and so on. The main choice electrical equipment includes: The main transformer, the high-pressured factory use the transformer, the high-pressured circuit breaker, the isolator, the current transformer ,the voltage transformer, the arrester and the generatrix and so on.
Main electrical scheme is the main part of substation, so this thesis synthetically compares several main electrical schemes from technical and economic aspects and picks up one preferable scheme. According to the chosen scheme, detailed design and instruction are carried out about the electric apparatus selection, distribution equipment arrangement, relay protection, and so forth.This thesis consist of six parts:main electrical scheme select,main choice electrical equipment,short-circuit current calculation,distribution equipment arrangement, relay protection and verification on the
selection short dot.
Key words: electric power plant; electrical main wiring; short-circuit current; electrical equipment; the power distribution equipment; relay protection


本文发布于:2023-06-16 11:54:30,感谢您对本站的认可!



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