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1. 我强烈推荐它。我相信这是一个接近自然,锻炼身体,增进友谊的好方式。
I strongly recommend it. I believe it is good way to get close to nature, work out, and promote the relationship.
2. 此外,锻炼的同时可以欣赏美景是很好的。
What’s more, it is wonderful to exercise while admiring the great view.
3. 这个特别的事件让更多的学生接触中国书法艺术,从而推广中国传统文化
This special event is designed/intended to expose more students to the art of Chinese calligraphy and thus promote traditional Chinese culture.
4. 学生受邀在经验丰富的老师的指导下创作自己的作品,并与志趣相投的同伴交流,还能在报告厅听品鉴书法的讲座。
Students will be invited to create their own works under the instructions of experienced teachers, communicate with peers who share the same interest in this art form, and attend lectures on the admiration of calligraphy in the lecture hall.
5. 最后会有比赛。获奖选手会获得一套毛笔作为奖励。
At last, there will be a competition and the winners will be awarded with a collection of writing brushes.
6. 为什么不来参加这个活动?这将会是一个寓教于乐的好机会。快来加入我们吧!
Why not come and join in this activity? It will be great opportunity to learn and have fun at the same time. Please join us!合肥房价
7. 我写信邀请你参加下周五举行的一年一度的校园文化节。
I’m writing to invite you to the annual Campus Culture Festival to be held next Friday.
8. 在这个活动中,我相信我们会培养传统文化的意识和实践能力
广州好看的景点I’m sure we’ll foster our awareness of traditional culture and practical ability during this activity.
9. 京剧进校园活动以对京剧的全面介绍开场,之后是令人大开眼界的京剧表演。表演过后,你有时间和京剧演员交流,甚至还能向他们学习一些基础的京剧表演动作。
The ‘Peking Opera Coming Into School’ activity starts with a quite thorough introduction to Peking Opera, followed by an eye-opening Peking Opera show. After the performance, you can have free time to talk with and even learn some basic Peking Opera moves from the performers.
10. 我认为这个活动会是一次文化盛宴。
I think this activity really proves to be a great cultural feast.
11. 因为你想体验不同的独特的文化,你一定不想错过这个机会!
As you want to experience different and distinct culture, you surely wouldn’t like to miss this chance !
12. 这本书对我影响巨大。/ 个人来讲,这个章节对我影响巨大。
The book has an immense influence on me. /Personally, this chapter has a huge influence on me
13. 另外,书中的智慧让我对生活和未来形成积极的态度。
Besides, the wisdom in the book helps me shape a positive attitude towards life and future.
14. 我很高兴和你分享更多的细节。
And I’m happy to share more details with you.
15. 基于如下两个原因,我选择这个作为我的职业。
I chose it as my career based on the following two reasons.
16. 这是一个能让我每天接触到新生事物,从而让我精力充沛充满热情的工作。
It is a job that can get me exposed to new things every day and thus keep me energetic and passionate all the time.
17. 不过,我想提醒你文化冲击的确存在。
However,I would like to remind you that some cultural shocks do exist.
18. 如果你不确定该做什么,记住“入乡随俗”很明智。
If you are unsure what to do, it is wise to remember the saying “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”
19. 中国民间艺术展正在首都博物馆展出,展期到4月30号,门票免费。
The exhibition of Chinese folk arts and crafts is now on at the Capital Museum and will last until April 30thwith free admission.
20. 你会有机会近距离观看艺术家创作。此外,有体验区让你创作自己的艺术作品。
You will have a great chance to watch the artists create their works up close. Moreover, there is even a hands-on area for you to make your own art.
21. 你对这个展览感兴趣么?如果感兴趣,登陆博物馆进行预约。
Does this exhibition appeal to you? If you are interested, log onto the museum’s official website to make a reservation.
1. 上周当我们走出地铁站的时候,我们一眼看见令人不快的景象:本应整齐摆放在人行道上的共享单车都无序的倒在路上。真够乱的!
Last week, when my classmates and I walked out of a subway station, an unpleasant scene caught our eye: the shared bikes, which were supposed to be placed neatly along the sidewalk, were casually lying on the ground. What a mess!
2. 课间我们聚在一起讨论如何解决这个问题。
During the breaks we got together to discuss what we could do with the problem.
3. 我们小心翼翼的把车扶起来,并将其摆放整齐。
太白山漂流旅游攻略We carefully picked up the bikes from the ground and put/place them in order.
临安风景区旅游景点4. 为了让大众了解我们的活动,我们拿出横幅,上面写着“文明使用共享单车”。
We took out a banner which read “using the shared bikes in a civilized manner” to make our activity known to the public.
5. 为了唤起人们文明使用共享单车的意识,我们贡献了一份自己的力量。
We did our bit to arouse people’s awareness of using the shared bikes in a civilized manner.
张贴海报,上面写有            put up a poster saying 
分发宣传单                    give out/hand out leaflets. 
吸引过路人的注意            drew much attention from the passers-by 
对于一片混乱感到震惊        be shocked at such a mess. 
号召过路人关注文明使用单车    call on the passers-by to pay attention to the good manner of using shared bikes. 
1. 我们走进公园时游客们正在欣赏春日美景。
As we entered the park, we found so many tourists enjoying the beauty of spring.

本文发布于:2023-06-17 06:20:51,感谢您对本站的认可!



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