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1、Is there going to ______ a football match in the stadium next month?() [单选题] *
A. being
B. have
C. be(正确答案)
D. having
2、My brother will come to see me tomorrow. I’ll meet?_______ at the airport. [单选题] *
南宁海底世界好玩吗A. her
B. you
C. him(正确答案)
D. them
3、7.—I've got some ________.—Great! I'd like to write with it. [单选题] *
4、Wang Dong usually gets up at 6:00 _______ he can catch the early school bus. [单选题] *
A. as if
B. so that(正确答案)
博白县属于哪个市农家乐哪里又好又便宜C. until
D. after
5、 --Could you please tell me _______ to get to the nearest supermarket?--Sorry, I am a stranger here. [单选题] *
A. what
B. how(正确答案)
C. when
D. why
6、He often comes to work early and he is _______ late for work. [单选题] *
A. usually
B. never(正确答案)
C. often
D. sometimes
7、The boy lost his()and fell down on the ground when he was running after his brother. [单选题] *
A. balance(正确答案)
B. chance
C. place
D. memory
8、______ visitors came to take photos of Hongyandong during the holiday. [单选题] *
A. Thousand
B. Thousand of
C. Thousands
D. Thousands of(正确答案)
9、 Helen is new here, so we know _______ about her. [单选题] *
A. something
B. anything
C. everything
D. nothing(正确答案)
10、2.The villagers want to have a bridge. Can this dream ________? [单选题] *
A.come out
B.get away
C.come true(正确答案)
D.get out
11、_______ clever boy he is! [单选题] *
A. What a(正确答案)
广州宝墨园游玩攻略B. What
C. How
D. How a
12、She was seen _____ that theatre just now. [单选题] *
A. entered
B. enter
C. to enter(正确答案)
D. to be entering
13、— ______ is the concert ticket?— It’s only 160 yuan.() [单选题] *
A. How many
B How much(正确答案)
C. How often
D. How long
14、The manager was quite satisfied with his job. [单选题] *
A. 担心的
B. 满意的(正确答案)
C. 高兴的
D. 放心的
15、 --Shall we have a swim?--Yes, let’s _______ it at 9:00 next Sunday. [单选题] *

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