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英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的雅安地震英语作文600字:八方支援 联合救灾,供大家参考:)
Ya'an the latest news about the earthquake, large quantities of materials throughout the folk organization to raise have been shipped to Ya'an, Ya'an rescue work gradually turned into the second phase of post-disaster relocation. In order to improve the rescue efficiency, one foundation and 28 non-governmental organizations with the establishment of "disaster relief" Ya'an earthquake rescue organizations support center, and set up a workstation, coordinating all information and resources, common for the disaster area to provide services.台海最新1小时消息
Since the foundation to carry out rescue work, every day at least a number of materials to the disaster areas. At the same time to assess the situation, in the front research needs, and then the rear emergency procurement and delivery, delivery payment ahead. Two days in a row out of six or seven truckloads of supplies, will be the first aid to the people who need it the most.
Part of the tent, including teaching materials of Ya'an ordinary tents, quilts, emergency lights, rice, edible oil, color of the cloth, sleeping bags, milk powder, Jack, clothes, medicine (trauma, instant noodles in class), mineral water, sanitary napkins, sanitary pads, biscuits, blankets, milk and personal hygiene products and other items.
In the rear of the staff is also a moment not stop. The author from a fund was informed that, as of April 23rd 24, a total of more than 920000 people love family and enterprise, through the network platform to one fund joint disaster-relief Ya'an special relief donations. The Sina, Tencent micro public welfare donations, tmall shop, pay treasure to E public service platform donations total more than 52000000 yuan; in addition to the above bank account is more than 77200000 yuan (directed donations above does not include donated materials statistics).
According to the introduction, in relief work has entered into the second stage, in order to relief work will be more effective, more orderly, one foundation and 28 non-governmental organizations to set up a "disaster relief" Ya'an earthquake rescue organizations support center, providing a platform for the exchange of information, capacity building platform for NGO, but also for the friends in the media and public organizations to establish a good communication, communication, learning platform.
云台山住宿哪家最好"Disaster relief" is initiated by domestic concerns disaster folk organization membership, close industry development support platform, is the 29 NGO national 11 provinces in 4 early in Guiyang joint relief network, at present the network partners reached more than 200.

本文发布于:2023-07-16 14:29:50,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:雅安   救援   物资   救灾   地震
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