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[2022长春高三质量监测]Los Angeles public schools take three weeks off during the holidays, leaving working parents in need of camps for their kids. Here's a list of terrific Winter Camps in Los Angeles to choose from.
Act One Theatre Camp
A new online camp which brings the exciting world of theatres straight to your living room! J
oin us for a dynamic and interactive theatre experience where our campers get the opportunity to enjoy the fun, creativity and laughter of the theatre world. Each and every day they'll participate in acting, singing, dancing, movie-making, and stage design. All of them lead up to a professionally produced Big Show for the whole family to watch online! From the shy wallflower to the class clown: All levels of experiences are welcomed!
Available Dates: Dec. 21-23 and Dec. 28-31
西湖十大景点Atwater Photo Camp
In addition to Photo Camp. APC is offering Editing Camp. Learning how to edit with Lightroom & Photoshop will not only take your images to the next level, but it will also vastly improve the way you shoot. Join us!
Available Dates: Dee. 28-31 and Jan. 5-8 for both Photo Camp and Editing Camp
Camp Wildfolk
Join us in person for Wide-Open SpacesWinter Camp in a beautiful outdoor setting in Valley Village. We're outdoors, and all ready to make some wonderful memories for our kids. Games, Science, Nature Exploration, Robotics, Art, and more, 1 st-5th grade. Very few spaces remain!
Available Dates: Dec. 21-24 and Jan. 4-8
Sender One LAX
Looking fbr something fun and health-conscious to do for your child this season? Sign up for our 3-day rock climbing camp! Activities include rope climbing, games, zip lines, king swings, and Sender City. Space is limited, so register early! Morning and afternoon sessions are available.
Available Dates: Dec. 21-23 and Dec. 28-30
1.What is special about Act One Theatre Camp?
A.It is a camp intended only for beginners.
B.It is an in-person camp held in a theatre.
C.It presents kids with a big TV show for fun.
D.It offers kids various kinds of theatre experiences.
2.Which will a boy choose if he wants to look for a five-day winter camp in January?
A.Act One Theatre Camp.
B.Camp Wildfolk.
C.Sender One LAX.
D.Atwater Photo Camp.
3.What do the four winter camps have in common?
A.They are held in Los Angeles.
B.They are online winter camps.
C.They are open to students of all ages.
D.They are available every day in December.
[2022•广东七校联考]When you feel thankful for things you've received or something that has happened, that's gratitude. Gratitude is how you relate to others, when you see yourself in connection with things larger than yourself.
Last year, I felt compelled (强迫的)to bake cookies for complete strangers to say “thank you”. However, what occurred later changed my view about it. One day, I had to call 999 because I found my partner unconscious on the floor. Within minutes, a police car and an ambulance arrived, filled with first responders who took my partner away to the nearest hospital, where he received the critical care he needed.
A week later, still impressed by the kindness of the strangers, I wrote (hank-you notes to those helpful first responders and baked for them. It was a small gesture with a big impac
t...When I dropped off still-warm cookies a( (he police and the fire station, they thanked me for delivering gifts. Thanking me? All I'd done was baking, however, they'd saved a life.
I drove away feeling light and happy, partly because I'd done a good deed, but mostly because I was amazed that there are great people who do life-saving work and expect nothing in return.
LalerI realized (hat my nalural high mighl have been more (han whal it sccmed. Sharing thoughts of gratitude and performing acts of kindness can boost your mood. Gratitude really does have an impact on happiness, which increases life satisfaction. I am the one who indeed benefits from expressing thanks. Then why not thank others?
4.Whal changed the author's view last year?
龙湖生态旅游度假村A.旅游去哪玩好玩又省钱The stranger's gifts.
B.The doctors' critical care.
C.His partner's thank-you notes.
D.The police's thanks for his cookies.
5.Which word can describe the author's feeling in Paragraph 3?
A. Proud.B. Doubtful.
C. Unexpected.D. Relieved.
6.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 suggest?
A.The author was extremely excited.
B.The author couldn't control himself.
C.延边大学是最差的211吗The author looked taller than before.
D.The author thought highly of the nature.
7.Which of the following may the author agree with?

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