英语PPT NBA演讲稿

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Good morning everyone ! It’s nice to be here for our speechWe come from Physical and information engineering institute. Team member are    Our subject talks  about National Basketball Association ,which is short for NBA. Then let me start my report.
Our report contains six parts:Firstly, The founding and development history of NBA; SecondlyThe mechanicm of management of NBA; ThirdlyNBA team; The fourth,The schedule of NBA; The fifth , The legendary star of NBA;The sixth,The draft system of NBA. I’ll show you the previous two parts. The next two parts are showed by my parter,    will introduce the last parts to you.
NBA成立于194666日。成立时叫BAA野生动物园攻略,即全美篮球协会,是由十一家冰球馆和体育馆的老板为了让体育馆在冰球比赛以外的时间,不至于闲置而共同发起成立的,成立BAA的初衷是为了让体育馆在冰球比赛以外的时间不至于空闲冷场,但是实际上背后真正的商业理由是:当时二战刚刚结束,人们需要从紧张的气氛中解脱出来,体育和娱乐正是人们的消费热点,当然也是投资热点,因此,联盟的成立的目的不光说是一项竞赛,当然还是投资一档生意。发展:1.194666日,成立时叫BAA,即全美篮球协会 ,11支球队;21949年,美国两大篮球组织BAANBL合并为“NBA” ,17支球队;3.1976年,吞并 ABA ,22支球队;4.2004年,夏洛特山猫队加入,球队达到30支。   
Look this picture above,you can see Four time, which also are the four important history stage of NBA from the establishment to the development.
NBA was founded in 1946,June 6,which was called BAA(BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) at that time.The bosses of 11 Ice hockey gyms jointly held the competition of playing basketball without hockey game.Making full use of the Free site of  gyms is its  original intention .however,in fact, the most important reason of business behind is that sp
orts and entertainment was people's consumption hotspot, of course, was also hot spots for investment when the second  world  war  was just over. So the founding of the union was not only holding a competition, but also investing a business.
The development history of NBA:the two big basketball organization BAA and NBL involved a commercial merger in 1949,which was namely NBA that had 17 teams . Then in 1976 it annexed ABA and expanded to 22 teams. Since The Charlotte Bobcats joined in NBA , the amount of teams reach to 30.
NBA adopted to the successful business strategy so that it becomes the first major league in this field now .There are lots of strategies usually used such as looking for partners, making star movement, product extension and globalized promotion and so on.
The alliance has a set of organization and management system,which has money contact with the clubs.
League income includes: fee for broadcasting, alliance mark product sales, the league derivative product development, global promotion activity, the shirt and souvenir sales, jersey advertising, advertising field, ticket sales and so on.
This is an NBA team geographical distribution, a total of 30 teams, they are located in the
United States in addition to the Toronto raptors in Canada. 30 teams are divided into two parts, East and West , each division has 15 teams. There are some teams well-known to us such as the Los Angeles lakers and the Houston rockets belong to a western conference, and the Boston celtics and the Miami heat belong to the eastern conference.
NBA赛程主要包括常规赛、季后赛和总决赛。 我们前面说过, NBA共有东西两个半区,每个半区又分为3个赛区。同一赛区的5支球队每两支球队相互要打4场比赛,分为两个主场和两个客场。同一半区的两支球队要打34场比赛,这由NBA总部视比赛的看点来决定。不同半区的两支球队打两场比赛,分别是一个主场和一个客场。在整个常规赛开赛之前,为便于磨合球队,NBA会安排一些热身赛,被称为季前赛,他的成绩不计入球队常规赛季的成绩。在常规赛之后,东西部各3个赛区的第1名和常规赛成绩较好的其他5支球队分别进行季后赛,季后赛采用74胜制,直到决出东西部冠军,最后再由东西部冠军进行总决赛。
NBA schedule includes regular season, playoffs and finals. As we know,NBA has 2.5 District, Each half of the district is divided into 3 division. One division of 5 teams in each
of the two teams will play 4 games each other, two home and two away. two teams in half of the district will beat 3 to 4 games, the order of games decided by NBA headquarters according to the point. Different half area of the two teams will play two games,  one home and one away game. In the regular season before starting, in order to facilitate the running team, NBA will arrange some warm-up match, it is known as the preseason, its grades are not included in the regular season. After the regular season,the first of three divisions from east and west play for the playoffs along with other five teams recording  well . the playoffs adopt to four out of seven innings until eastern champion and western champion, and finally to the championship finals.

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