The Luncheon

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The  Luncheon
上海到深圳机票前言:Hello everybody,I am the leading lady in the play,twenty years ago,I was tall and thin.but now,you see,I am short and is a funny story I would like to share it with you.
第一幕  at the theatre
放电影之前,一人负责ppt,其余人为观众,男主女主斜后方,女主正在等待好朋友May.May到,说“hi,Candy”男主朝声源望去,女主回头无意看见男主,两人点头示意。开始播放电影,几十秒后,during the interval(间歇)影片上半部分结束,其余人散,女主向男主招手示意过来,男主过来坐女主旁边。女主问“well,it’s many years since we first met.How time does fly!We’re none of us getting any younger.Do you remember the first time I saw you?(感叹)You ask me to luncheon.”男主沉思。
第二幕twenty years ago
里的80法郎,想着不会超过十五(拿出十五)决定下两个星期不喝咖啡(把咖啡杯推开)男主回信将见她(这一部分由旁白说,男女主只要演出来)第三幕at the restaurant
在福伊约星期四12:30,放音乐,弹钢琴,男主看着她,她没有想象中的年轻并且见面的时候感觉是宏伟而非吸引人的(男主惊讶)事实上,她已经四十岁,女主露牙,健谈,但当她打算讲到男主,男主就专心倾听。(这一部分由旁白说,女主健谈由女主说)侍者上,问“What can I do for you?”顺便递上菜单男主看菜单,有些惊讶,女主开口“I never eat anything for luncheon,”“Oh,don’t say that!”(男主客气地说)
女:“I never eat more than one thing.I think people eat far too much nowadays.A little fish,perhaps.I wonder if they have
any salmon.”
男主看菜单,发现没有,问侍者“Is there any salmon here?”侍者:“Yes,a beautiful salmon has just come in,it is the first we have had.”
男:“Ok,I will take it.”
侍者问女主:“Madam,what would you like to have while it is being cooked?”
女:“No,I never eat more than one thing.Unless you have a little caviare.I never mind caviare.”
说:“A mutton chop and by all means to bring caviare.
女听后,说:“I think you are unwise to eat meat,”“I don’t know how you can expect to work after eating heavy things like chops.I don’t believe in overloading my stomach.”
侍者问女主:“How about drinks?”
女:“I never drink anything for luncheon,”
男:“Neither do I,”(立即说)
女:“Except white wine”(proceeded as though I had not spoken)“These French white wines are so light.They’re wonderful for the digestion.”
男问女:“What would you like?”(仍然好客,但没热情)
女露齿友好一笑,说“My doctor won’t let me drink anything but champagne.”
男脸苍白,对侍者说:“Half a bottle please.”
男漫不经心地对女说:“Oh,my doctor has absolutely forbidden me to drink champagne.”
港澳旅游团报价女:“What are you going to drink, then?”
女吃着caviare and salmon,高兴地谈art,literature,music.男主心不在焉,想着账单,这时羊排上,侍者说:“Here is your mutton chop”
女责备:“I see that you are in the habit of eating a heavy luncheon.I’m sure it’s a mistake.Why don’t you follow my example and just eat one thing?” I’m sure you’ d feel ever so much better for it.”
男:“I am only going to eat one thing,”说话时侍者拿账单上,
女:“No,no,I never eat anything for luncheon.Just a bite,I never want more than that,and I eat that more as an excuse for conversation than anything else.I couldn’t possibly eat anything more unless t
hey had some of those giant asparagus.I should be sorry to leave Paris without having some of them.”男主心里沉了一下,想到在商店里看到过,并且知道它十分昂贵,在第一眼看到时几乎要流口水。
男问侍者:“Madame wants to know if you have any of those giant asparagus” (语气古怪,向他使眼)侍者微笑,满脸虔诚,说:“We have some so large,so splendid,so tender,that it is a marvel ”
“I’m not in the least hungry”女主叹气“but if you insist i don’t mind having some asparagus.”
十一旅游去哪里好>辽宁一日游去哪里好男对侍者说:“Some asparagus for madame,please”
深圳野生动物园一日游攻略女:“Aren’t you going to have any?”
男:“No,I never eat asparagus.”
女:“I know there are people who don’t like them.The fact is,you ruin your taste by all the meat you eat.”等待时,男主惶恐,想着能否付得起钱,想着如果少十法郎就不得不向女主借钱,但男主想不能那样做,因为知道自己有多少钱,想着如果多了,就把手放入口袋然后戏剧性地惊叫出来钱被偷了。当然如果她也没有足够的钱来付账,那就很尴尬,只能把自己的手表抵押出去,以后再赎回来。这时,莴笋上,很大,多汁,可口的,男看女大口吃着,出于礼貌,男对女讨论着巴尔干半岛各国戏剧
女:“Yes,just an ice-cream and coffee.”
男对侍者说:“Ok,two cups of coffee and an ice-cream.”
女:“You know,there’s one thing I thoroughly believe in.”(边吃冰淇淋边说)“One should always get up from a meal feeling one could eat a little more.”
男模糊地问:“Are you still hungry?”
女:“Oh,no,i’m not hungry;you see,I don’t eat luncheon.I have a cup of coffee in the morning and then dinner,but I never eat more than one thing for luncheon.I was speaking for you.”
男无奈地说:“Oh,I see!”
等coffee时,head waiter上,讨好的笑容在有些虚假的脸上,带着一大篮子桃子走向男女主,还有一位满脸通红天真的少女,他们说着意大利语:“Would you like to have a peach,madame?These peaches are fresh and juicy.”
女主准备继续说,但是漫不经心地拿起一个,说:“You see,you’ve filled your stomach with a lot of meat. ”“and you can’t eat any more.But i’ve just had a snack and I shall enjoy a peach.”
“Follow my example”男女主握手时女说“and never eat more than one thing for luncheon.”
“i’ll do better than that. ”男主反驳道“i’ll eat nothing for dinner tonight”
“Humorist! ”女主高兴地说道,跳进出租车“You’re quite a humorist!”
女走后,男主感叹,说:“i believe that she will put on weight someday .”男主如愿以偿,现在她增重了twenty-one stone.
The end

本文发布于:2023-07-24 17:43:46,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:男主   女主   侍者   想着   男女   看到   法郎
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