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作者:张庆 方敏
        摘要: 针对楚国丝绸纹样中存在的一些龙凤合体造型,以类型学将这些纹样进行分类,通过追溯这些纹样的形态,结合从先秦文献中归纳出的天文学原理,以及楚王族祖先的职业等要素,分析了其中的象征意义。研究表明,楚国丝绸中的龙凤合体造型是楚人对当时天文学原理的描绘,属于天体崇拜范畴,并非图腾的概念,凤纹是楚国在天文学中对应的分野,龙纹则是作为凤的交通工具出现的,这也是龙凤合体的主要原因。
        关键词: 楚国;丝绸;凤纹;龙纹;天体崇拜
        中图分类号: TS941.12K892.23
桐乡到乌镇打车多少钱        文献标志码: B
        文章编号: 1001-70032017山东好玩的旅游景点推荐01-0064-06天目湖门票多少钱一个人
        Abstract According to the modeling which combines dragon pattern with and phoenix pattern in the silk of Chu State these patterns were classified by archaeology typology. Through tracing back the initial shape of those patterns this paper analyzed symbolic meaning of those patterns by combining the astronomy principle which came from the Pre-Qin dynasty documents and the occupation of Chu imperial kinsmens ancestors. The research shows that the modeling which combines dragon pattern with and phoenix pattern in the silk of Chu State describes the astronomy principle in Chu State常德职业技术学院 which belongs to astrolatry rather than the concept of totem. The phoenix pattern was the concept of “Totem” in the astronomy principle in Chu State1月8日起入境免隔离 and the dragon pattern appeared as the transportation tool of phoenix.

本文发布于:2023-07-25 06:02:20,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:丝绸   楚国   合体   纹样   职业   龙纹   旅游   文献
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