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1.( 2分 ) 想告诉别人他有一块橡皮,他会说:_________           
A. He's Li Peng!                                  B. I have an eraser!
2.( 2分 ) —_______
—I'm John.
A. What's your name?                                B. Hello!                                C. Bye!
3.( 2分 ) 你想让对方跺跺脚,你应该说:
A. Shake your legs.                                B. Stamp your foot.
4.( 2分 ) 朋友介绍John跟你认识,你应该说:           
A. What's your name?                    B. How are you?                    C. Nice to meet you.
5.( 2分 ) —What's this? 
沈阳自驾游攻略一天A. It's big.                           B. Look at the monkey.                           C. It's a dog.
6.( 2分 ) 下午见到同学,你应该说:           
A. Good morning!                         B. Goodbye!                         C. Good afternoon!
7.( 2分 ) —What's that?     
A. It's a panda.                                 B. I like it.                                 C. It is big.
8.( 2分 ) Show me your       
A. ear                                         B. nose                                         C. hand
9.( 2分 ) I have a pencil.                             
A.                                     B. 
10.( 2分 ) __________one, please.           
A. What                                        B. How                                        C. This
11.( 5分 ) 为下列词组选择对应的图片
A.   B.     C.
D.     E.
(1)two dogs ________   
(2)five eggs ________   
(3)four rulers ________   
(4)one mouth ________   
(5)seven pens ________   
12.( 5分 ) 用阿拉伯数字为下列句子排序,使之成为一段完整通顺的对话
________A. Thank you!
________B. Please have some ice cream, Mike.
________C. You're welcome.
________D. No, thanks. Can I have some water?
________E. Sure. Here you are.   
13.( 1分 ) M: Mum, I am hungry. Can I have some________?
W: Here you are.   
14.( 1分 ) 根据短文内容给下面物品涂颜。________
    I have a pen, a book, a ruler, a pencil and a bag. The pen is red. The book is yellow. The ruler is blue. The pencil is brown. The bag is orange.
15.( 1分 ) 把你看到的字母及其小写字母,按字母表顺序写在四线三格里。________
16.( 4分 ) 选出对应的图片。
A.   B.   C.   D.
(1)Drink some milk.________   
天津西开教堂灵异事件(2)Have some bread.________   
(3)Have some juice.________   
(4)Eat some rice.________   
17.( 2分 ) M: Have some________please.
W: Thank you.
18.( 10分 ) 写出下列各字母的小写形式。   
19.( 5分 ) 仔细观察,按字母表顺序填充字母,注意用小写形式书写。   
(1)a b ________   
(2)________ j ________   
(3)o ________ q   
(4)________ u v   
20.( 10分 ) 看气球,写出字母的大小写(按字母顺序)。 
    Look! I see ________, ________, ________, ________, ________, ________, ________, ________, ________ and ________.
21.( 1分 ) ________ (Touch / Open) your mouth.
22.( 1分 ) Look! This is my________(ear / nose).
23.( 2分 ) —What's this? 
— ________(It/It's) a ________(bird/dog).
24.( 2分 ) It________(is/am) a ________(monkey/fish). 
25.( 5分 ) 读歌谣,选择相应的序号补全歌谣。
A. Four    B. two    C. One    D. Five    E. Three
Jump! Jump! Jump! ________, two, three!
Jump! Jump! Jump! ________, two, one!
________ and five! Four and five!
惠州黄金海岸海滩Jump up high! Jump up high!
________! Four! Three, ________, One!
Jump! Jump! It's so fun!
26.( 1分 ) This is my ________(face/arm).
27.( 7分 ) 从右栏中到左栏句子对应的答句
⑴Let's paint.________                                       A. Nice to meet you, Miss Green.
⑵How many plates?________                           B. OK. Here you are.
⑶Can I have some water, please?________      C. Thank you!
⑷This is Miss Green.________                           D. Me too.
⑸Happy birthday!________                               E. It's an apple.
⑹What's this?________                                      F. One.
⑺I have a red bag.________                               G. Great!
28.( 5分 ) 读一读,选出合适的答语。
⑴How are you?________                         A. OK.
⑵What's your name?________                B. Good morning, Mike,
⑶Good morning, Mr. Jones.________      C. Very well, thanks.
舟山哪里好玩⑷Let's go to school!________                   D. Me too.
⑸I have a mouth.________                        E. I am Liu Xin.
29.( 4分 ) 选出恰当的选项补全下列对话。 
A.  Thank you.
B.  You are welcome.
C.  It's an egg.
D.  Here you are.
(1)A: Thank you! 
B: ________
(2)A: Can I have some water? 

本文发布于:2023-07-25 22:47:27,感谢您对本站的认可!



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