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On our way to the village, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery in the countryside and Id like to give you a brief introduction about Xidi village. Xidi village lies in the southeast of Yixian County. It extends 700 meters from east to west, 300 meters from north to south and it covers an area of 16 hectares, with 320 households and 1100 villagers. There is a small river which flows through the whole village, with a hill in front of the village blocking its course, so it flows to the west instead of the east. Thats how Xidi got its name. The topography of Xidi village is well planned. It looked like a sailing boat from the high position. 122 houses, in black, white and gray colors, were built in the 18th and 19th centuries. Each has white walls, with elaborated shaped eaves and courtyards. The design of the streets and lanes are what they used to be, maintaining their ancient style of life and architecture. So in Jan. 2000, it was named by UNESCO as the world cultural heritage. From then on, lots of tourists have come to visit it. An old Chinese saying goes that there will be no town if there is no Huizhou-style building and there will be no business if there is no merchant from Yixian County. Obviously, the Yixian fellows have played an important role in the Huizhou business sector. The successful merchants and high-rank officials gathered enough power
and wealth. They came back to build their houses to show their respect for their ancestors and show off their wealth and position. But the strict hierarchy of society was also shown in the construction of household. At that time, only the emperor has the right to build the grandeur building as seen in the Forbidden City. So the merchants could only choose the best materials and plan most sophisticated workmanship to show off their wealth and position. In Xidi village, you can see many examples of fine stone carving, wood carving, bamboo carving and brick carving in doors and windows. Ok, here we are. Let恭王府门票怎么买>2月九寨沟旅游攻略浙江丽水市委书记s get off the bus and bring your camera. The first sight that comes to us is a high archway---- the Archway of Hu Wenguang, the only survival of nine archways from the Cultural Revolution. This archway was built in the Ming Dynasty to reward Hu11月旅游攻略s devoted service and efforts for the public interest. Hu Wenguan, once being a high-ranking official like the governor of our province, was a native of this village. This archway is a fine example of stone carvings. Now we shall go to the second stop---Hongcun village, about half an hours bus ride from here. Compared with Xidi village, Hongcun village is more primitive, not so commercial. Because the place is full of beautiful scenery, Hongcun Villa马尔代夫国旗
ge has always enjoyed the name "a village in the Chinese painting". Now can I ask you a question? Have you enjoyed the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon? Some of the scenes are shot in this village.

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