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北京八大处寺庙上海英文版导游词2 上海英文版导游词3
Does everyone know where to look at Chinas 100 - year history? Yes, it is Shanghai. What about 20 years of history? He came to the Bund. The Bund is the window of Shanghai. It reflects the features of Chinas largest economic center city, an international modern metropolis, and has the characteristics of a famous historical and cultural city. Many overseas Chinese and Chinese like to call the Bund of Shanghai the first bay in Asia. Yes, she is very beautiful. Look, she runs from Waibaidu Bridge in the north to Xinkai River in the south. It is more than 1800 meters long, curved like a crescent moon and beautiful like a picture.
浙江天台山农家乐包吃住According to records, the Bund was originally called Yangzi Road and Huangpu Beach Road. In 1945, in memory of dr sun yat - sen, the name was changed to Zhongshan road, which is still in use today. the bund used to be known as oriental wall street. With the rapid development of Shanghais urban construction, it is more modern. In 1995, it was named one of the " Top Ten New Sceneries in Shanghai in 1990s", attracting tens of thousands of tourists every day.
Ladies and gentlemen, today when we are bathed in the河南省内旅游景点排行>深圳必去的地方排名
sunshine of reform and opening up, we can enjoy many beautiful sights while walking on the bund. First of all, look at the west. That is one of the symbols of Shanghai - the World Architecture Expo. As we all know, after the first war, Shanghai was designated as a commercial port ( bu ). At that time, Shanghai gradually formed the place where foreign capital was most concentrated in China, and various western-style buildings were built on the Bund. The Huangpu River is crowded with banks, clubs and nightclubs from western countries, which reflects the plunder and invasion of Shanghai by western colonization. Although the towering buildings on the Bund were not designed by a designer or built in the same era, they have common features. They were all the most popular styles in the West at that time. They adopted western classical architectural forms. The whole building had solemn and majestic momentum and the architectural colors were basically uniform. In addition, looking to the east, people can also see the broad and magnificent Huangpu River from the viewing platform Shanghai. The river breeze blows ( fu ), the river surface shimmers ( lin ), hundreds of boats compete, white seagulls fly high and low, and you can see the port scenery of big cities. Looking ahead at Pudongs most innovative skyscraper complex across the century, the magnificent
momentum has enabled the Bund to borrow beautiful scenery. As a symbol of Shanghai, the Bund integrates river landscape and architectural landscape, and integrates western classical customs an
东戴河农家院哪家好又便宜d modern Chinese civilization. Now lets look at the main buildings along the Bund from south to north.

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标签:上海   深圳   旅游景点   排行   导游词   浙江
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