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例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child _____ he or she wants.
A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever      答案是B。
21. --How often do you eat out?
--______, but usually once a week.
A. Have no idea  B. It depends    C. As usual  D. Generally speaking
22. Stand over there ______ you’ll be able to see it better.
A. or    B. while  C. but    D. and
23. Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, ______, of course, made the others envy him.
A. who    B. that    C. what  D. which
24. When he left ______ college, he got a job as ______ reporter in a newspaper office.
A. 不填; a B. 不填; the C. a; the D. the; the
25. Happy birthday, Alice! So you have ______ twenty-one already!
A. become B. turned C. grown D. passed
26.  keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the children’s ______.
A. reach B. hand C. hold D. place
27. Mr. Smith used to smoke ______ but he has given it up.
A. seriously B. heavily C. badly D. hardly
28. --What were you doing when Tony phoned you?
--I had just finished my work and ______ to take a shower.
A. had started B. started C. have started D. was starting
29. I got the story from Tom and ______ people who had worked with him.
A. every other B. many others C. some other D. other than
30. It is easy to do the repair.______ you need is a hammer and some nails .
A. Something B. All C. Both D. Everything
31. --Who is the girl standing over there?
--Well, if you ______ know, her name is Mabel.
A. may B. can C. must D. shall
32. It was evening ______ we reached the little town of Winchester.
A. that B. until C. since D. before
33. It was not a serious illness, and she soon ______ it.
A. got over B. got on with C. got around D. got out of
34. Don’t leave the water ______ while you brush your teeth.
A. run B. running C. being run D. to run
35. A modern city has been set up in ______was a wasteland ten years ago.
A. what B. which C. that D. where
It was the district sports meet. My foot still hadn’t healed(痊愈) from a(n) ___36___ injury.
I had___37___ whether or not I should attend the meet. But there I was, ___38___for the 3,000-meter run.
“Ready…set…” The gun popped and we were off. The other girls rushed ___39___ me. I felt ___40___ as I fell farther and farther behind.
“Hooray!” shouted the crowd. It was the loudest___41___ I had ever heard at a meet. The first-place runner was two laps(圈)ahead of me when she crossed the finish line.
“Maybe I should___42___, I thought as I moved on. ___43___, I decided to keep going. During the last two laps, I ran ___44___ and decided not to ___45___in track next year. It wouldn’t be worth it, ___46___my foot did heal.
When I finished, I heard a cheer--___47___ than the one I’d heard earlier. I turned around and___48___, the boys were preparing for their race. “They must be cheering for the boys.”
I was leaving ___49___ several girls came up to me. “Wow, you’ve got courage!” one of t
hem told me.
“Courage? I just ___50___a race!” I thought.
“I would have given up on the first lap,” said another girl. “We were cheering for you. Did you hear us?”
Suddenly I regained___51___. I decided to ___52___ track next year. I realized strength and courage aren’t always ___53___ in medals and victories, but in the ___54___we overcome(战胜). The strongest people are not always the people who win, ___55___ the people who don’t give up when they lose.
36. A. slighter    B. worse      C. earlier    D. heavier
37. A. expected    B. supposed  C. imagined  D. doubted
38. A. late        B. eager      C. ready    D. thirsty
39. A. from behind B. ahead of    C. next to    D. close to
40. A. ashamed    B. astonished  C. excited  D. frightened
41. A. cheer      B. shout        C. cry      D. noise
岳麓山门票42. A. slow down    B. drop out    C. go on  D. speed up
43. A. Therefore    B. Otherwise    C. Besides  D. However
44. A. with delight    B. with fear    C. in pain  D. in advance
45. A. play        B. arrive        C. race      D. attend
46. A. even if      B. only if      C. unless    D. until
47. A. weaker    B. longer        C. lower    D. louder
48. A. well enough  B. sure enough  C. surprisingly enough  D. strangely enough
齐齐哈尔大学学报49. A. while      B. when        C. as      D. since

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