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1. Earthwatch expeditions pair researchers with volunteers to address some of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges. Explore our current expeditions to discover how you can make a difference.
Climate Change at the Arctie’s Edge
Northern ecosystems are being transformed by climate change. Join this long-term monitoring effort to explore what these changes mean for the arctic-and the rest of the world.
Location: Churchill, Manitoba, Canada
Activity Level: Moderate
Accommodations: Single Rooms possible; Research Station; Internet access
Food: buffet-style meals; Special diets accommodated
Amazon Riverboat Exploration
Aboard a riverboat deep in the heart of Peru’s flooded Amazon region, you’ll help to conserve river dolphins and monkeys, and protect the fragile South American wilderness.
Location: Samiria River, Peru
Activity Level: Very Active
Accommodations: Single Rooms possible
Food: Chef-prepared meals
Conserving Threatened Rhinos in South Africa
Rhinos are believed to play an important role as “ecosystem engineers”. Help scientists to understand their impact on the environment to help conserve and manage rhinos in South Africa. Location: Northwest Province, South Africa马里乌波尔
Activity Level: Moderate
Accommodations: Single Rooms possible; Double Rooms possible; Wilderness Camp
Food: Chef-prepared meals; Special diets accommodated
Conserving Wetlands and Traditional Agriculture in Mexico
Assist researchers in collecting data on water quality and land use in an ancient agricultural ecosystem within the wetlands of Xochimilco.
Location: Xochimilco, Mexico
Activity Level: Easy
Accommodations: Double Rooms possible; House Internet access
Food: Chef-prepared meals
1. What are the volunteers required to do in Canada?
A.Collect data on water quality. B.Observe Arctic’s climate change. C.Change northern ecosystem. D.Rebuild the flooded region.
2. What do the expeditions in Peru and South Africa have in common?
A.Wildlife protection. B.Water activities.
C.Various accommodations. D.Independent research.
3. Which expedition is suitable for a beginner volunteer?
A.Amazon Riverboat Exploration.
B.Climate Change at the Arctic’s Edge.
C.Conserving Threatened Rhinos in South Africa.
D.Conserving Wetlands and Traditional Agriculture in Mexico.
2. Standing in my office 25 years ago was a young astronomer. She had an incredible request that my team revise our software to do something beyond our design, and risk breaking it. All to carry out a seemingly impossible experiment — to prove that a
massi ve black hole existed in our Milky Way. My initial “no way” gradually gave way in the face of her cheerful but unshakable determination. It was my first encounter with Andrea Ghez, one of the winners of Nobel Prize in Physics 2020.
For 25 years Andrea has been searching for evidence of a black hole at the heart of our galaxy. But the work has been defined by technology. Scientific equipment was never designed to meet Andrea's need — analyzing the image data at superspeed. But she was not to give in and our team just made the changes. And it worked! It was extremely hard and time-consuming, but Andrea persisted. Out of that effort came the first evidence of stars orbiting a black hole.
Andrea is fond of owing her success to the interaction between astronomers and engineers responding to the challenge. Science questions generate new technology and new technology generates new science. Andrea has always pioneered in this virtuous cycle (良性循环). She created UCLA Galactic Centre to promote research and technical developments.
Today, Andrea received the highest scientific recognition. But as she would be the very first to knowledge, this success represents the combined efforts of so many. From the theoretical prediction Albert Einstein, through the amazing telescopes and observatory locations, to the technical workers it is the product of thousands.
But in my eyes, it was just one person that had the persistence and focus to make the idea happen that person is my friend and longtime colleague the one who refused to take "no" for an answer Andrea Ghez.
1. Why did Andrea Ghez pay the first visit to the author?
A.To appreciate a software design. B.To demand a software revision. C.To conduct an astronomy research. D.To promote a high-tech product.
2. What has Andrea Ghez been persisting in?上海旅游攻略五日游
A.Carrying out outer space experiment. B.Developing superspeed equipment. C.Looking for evidence of a black hole. D.Searching for new stars in the galaxy.
3. Which of the following best describes Andrea Ghezi?
A.Pioneering and appreciative. B.Artistic and reserved. C.Determined and disciplined. D.Innovative and controlling.
4. What does the author think of Andrea Ghez?
A.Average B.Fashionable.
C.Troublesome. D.Admirable.
3. Now, an increasing number of cities are suspending recycling services, partly out of fear that workers might contact the coronavirus from one another while sorting through used water bottles, food containers and boxes. One solution: Let robots do the job.
Since the coronavirus took hold in the United States last month, AMP Robotics has seen a “significant” increase in orders for its robots that use artificial intelligence to sort
through recycled material, and weed out trash. Some facilities that were looking at getting one or two robots are now saying. “We need quite a bit more.” The Colorado company’s chief executive, Matanya Horowitz said , “It’s all moving quite fast.”
Before the pandemic, automation had been gradually replacing human work in a range of jobs, from call centers to warehouses and grocery stores, as companies looked to cut labor costs and improve profit.留尼汪岛
But labor and robotics experts say social-distancing directives, which are likely to continue in some form after the crisis become less strong, could cause more industries to accelerate their use of automation. And long-lasting worries about job losses or a broad unease about having machines control vital aspects of daily life could disappear as society sees the benefits of restructuring workplaces in ways that minimize close human contact.
Recycling is one industry that may be altered permanently by the pandemic. Some workers, who earn as little as $10 an hour, have been concerned about coming to work during the crisis and some cities have been competing to find enough protective gear (防护装备) for all of their employees. Federal health officials have assured them that the risks of transmission from household refuse is low. But workers in recycling facilities often work side by side sorting material, making social distancing difficult At AMP Robotics, executives like Mr. Horowitz say their robots will enable recycling facilities to space out their employees. who stand at conveyor belts weeding through the used plastic and paper.
1. The underlined word “suspend” in paragraph 1 most proba bly means ________ . A.admit B.adopt C.delay D.advocate
2. How do people feel about automation after the pandemic?
A.Panicked. B.Worried. C.Unconcerned. D.Appreciative.
什刹海景区有哪些景点3. In which aspect will robots help most in recycling industry?
A.Sorting out recycled material. B.Producing enough protective gear. C.Replacing the jobs of cheap labor. D.Minimizing close human contact
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Robots cause severe unemployment. B.Pandemic accelerates automation. C.Recycling industry is changing D.Social distancing is still important.
4. Contrary to “popular opinion”, the scientific pursuit for knowledge is not a predictable process. To make new discoveries, researchers need the freedom to be creative, fail, and learn by chance. This aspect is similar to art. This is why Wageningen scientists look to artists for inspiration and exchange ideas about how to increase creative freedom.
“Science and art are two different ways to make something understandable. They both provide a perspective on reality,” says Biochemistry Professor Dolf Weijers. “From the outside, the research process looks very formal and the artistic process looks somewhat messy. But the scientific process can also unfold in an unpredictable way.”
“Scientists can learn a lot from artists,” says Weijers. “Association and creativity are central to art. Those aspects require more attention in science as the creative process is the key of science.”
“As a scientist, you use different methods, but it is equally about how you visualize(可视化) your understanding of reality and the connections that there are. This is sometimes just as visual as art,” says Weijers. One example is a recent special project in which Weijers and his colleague Joris Sprakel, professor of Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter, measured the forces that act on plant cells. A molecular(分子的)sensor was used to visualize the different forces. They showed the results in colorful images, each representing a different force.
What science and art also have in common is that they are topics of discussion in society. There are people who say that they do not value art and people who mistrust science. Weijers says, “It often creates the wrong impression because only the results of scientific studies are presented, and peopl
e do not have any insight into the process leading to discovery. As a scientist, you are doubted if you say that something is different a few years later. Then you are viewed as unreliable. But what is often poorly understood is that there are no final results in science. What we scientists can achieve in the coming period is to provide more chances for people to focus on the process. Personally, I think that the connection with art can help to lead the focus on the process than the result.”
1. What might be the “popular opinion” about the scientific discovery?
A.It is creative. B.It can be accidental.
C.It allows failures. D.It is predictable.
2. In Dolf Weijers’s view, the artistic process_________.
A.totally differs from the scientific one北京怎么玩攻略
B.normally looks formal and controlled
C.offers inspiration for scientific research
中南百草园景点介绍D.focuses on putting the messy in order
3. Why does the author mention Dolf Weijers’s research on plant cells?
A.To prove that science can be visualized like art.
B.To stress that understanding science is difficult.
C.To show the value of his scientific achievements.
D.To tell obvious differences between science and art.
4. What does Dolf Weijers say about scientific studies?
A.They have little to do with the discoveries.

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