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1. The teacher said that the earth _____ around the sun.
D. is moving C. moves A. moved B. moving
2. Charlie____here next month
work D.won't going to working B.doesn't working C.isn'tA.isn't working 3. Will you please say it again? I ________ quite _______ you.
hear don't, heard C. didn't, heard D. A. didn't, hear B. don't,4. The report said that the film star ________ to Henan next Sunday.
D. would came B. will come A. would come C. came
5. How ________ Mr. Brown ___________ to America?
D. does, goes C. does, go A. do, go B. is, go
6. By the time tomorrow, you __________your homework.
D. will finish C. will have finished A. would finish B. finish
7.There____a meeting tomorrow afternoon.
D.will go to be B.will going to be C.is going to be A.will be going to
8. -Mum, may I go out and play basketball?
-____ you______ your homework yet?
D. Have; finished C. Did; finish A. Do; finish B. Are; finishing
9.He_____very busy this week, he______free next week.
D. is; will be C. will be; will be B. is; is A. will be; is
10. ---Is your father a doctor?
---Yes, he is. He ______ in Town Hospital.
B. is working
C. works
D. worked A. has worked
What _____ you _______ at 6 o'clock tomorrow?11.
扬子公园D. are, have done B. are, doing C. will, have done A. will, be doing
12. He _________ TV from seven to nine last night.
A. is watching
B. has watching
C. has watched
D. was watching
13.My brother _______ while he ________ his bicycle and hurt himself.
A. fell, is riding
B. fell, was riding
C. falls, is riding
D. falls, was riding
14. Physics _____ much harder than English, I think.
A. are
B. is
C. was
D. were
15. While he ________ for the bus, he _________ a newspaper.
B. waits; reads A. is waiting, was reading
D. was waiting, was reading
C. waits, is reading
16. -Have you ever______Lintong to see the Terra Cotta Warriors? -Yes, I have.
A. went to
B. gone to
C. been in
D. been to
17. Look. they _________ a good time, _________ they?
A. have, do
B. have, don't
C. are having, are
D. are having, aren't
He _______ asleep when he _________.
18.B. fell, was reading A. falls, is reading
D. was falling; was reading C. will fall; reads
19. I won't go to the concert because I ____my ticket.
河北大草原旅游景点D. is losing C. have lost B. don't lose A. lost
21. I_____a letter from him since he left.
D. hadn't got C. didn't get B. haven't got A. don't get
22. Listen! They _______ in the next room.
A. sing
B. is singing
C. are singing
D. were singing
I bought a bag. What _____ you _______ last week? —23. —A. did ,buy B. did , bought C. do, buy D. do, bought
24. He ________ Canada, but now he is working in our company.
A. has been in
B. has been to
C. has gone to
D. have been to
25. Mr. Li in not at home. He _________ Shanghai.
A. has been in
B. has been to
C. has gone to
D. have been to
26. ---Mary, could you help me? ---Wait a moment. I ____.
B. did my homework A. read a book
西藏旅游攻略及花费C. was watching TV
D. am cooking dinner.
27.She _______ to bed until she ________ he work.
A. didn't go; had finished
B. didn't go; have finished
C. doesn't go; had finished
D. didn't go; finished
28. Lucy is always busy. She ____ only five hours every day.
A. is sleeping
B. will sleep
C. would sleep
D. sleeps
29. He said that he ________ his homework.
A. finished
B. had finished
C. did finish
D. has finished
秦岭野生动物园简介30. It's eight o'clock. The students ______ an English class.
A. have
B. having
C. is having
D. are having
上海都有哪些好玩的地方1. The teacher said that the earth _____ around the sun yesterday.
D. is moving C. moves A. moved B. was moving
2. Charlie____here next month.
work D.won't going to working C.isn't working B.doesn't working
A.isn't Will you please say it again? I ________ quite _______ you. 3.
hear don't, heard C. didn't, heard D. A. didn't, hear B. don't, 4. The report said that the film star ________ to Henan next Sunday.
D. would came C. came A. would come B. will come
5. How ________ Mr. Brown ___________ to America?
D. does, goes C. does, go A. do, go B. is, go
6. By the time tomorrow, you __________your homework.
D. will finish C. will have finished A. would finish B. finish

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