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Part One Grammar and Vocabulary
I. Choose the best answer.
1.Human beings still can’t stop the spread of some diseases for ______ time being.
B. an
C. the
D. /
2._____ the end of the concert, the audience stood up and clapped.
B. In
C. At
D. By
3.The decorations will be recycled after the festival and there will be _____ waste.
A.a few
B. a little
C. few
D. little
4.Mopping robots can help us with the housework. I am planning to buy _____.
B. one
C. that
D. them
5.We’ve got several ways to solve the problem but ______ of them works.
B. all
C. neither
D. none
6.The farmers planted many orange trees _____ the afternoon of March 15th.
B. at
C. on
D. for
7.Zhang Wenhong ______ as a doctor in Huashan Hospital since he graduated from
B. worked
C. has worked
D. had worked
8.Our monitor suggested _____ an outing after the mid-term exam.
B. to organize
C. organized
D. organizing
9.The sooner you start, the ______ you’ll finish doing your work.
B. quicker
C. quickly
D. more quickly
10.On the first day of our travelling, Tom’s suitcase ______ to my room by mistake.
B. sent
C. is sent
D. was sent
11.Our aim is _____ better education to the children in poor areas.
B. to offer
C. offered
D. offers
12.According to the traffic rules, drivers ____ let the passers-by cross the road first.
B. may
C. must
D. could
13._____ exciting form of dance Tap dancing is!
B. What a
C. What an
D. How
14.You’d better use the GSP with you during the journey ____ you won’t get lost.
A.so that
B. as soon as
C. as well as
D. now that
15.Few of the students in this school have been abroad before, _______?
A.have they
B. haven’t they
C. do they
D. did they
II. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once.
[A. chat    B. interview    C. trained    D. operation    E. relationship]
Animal Talk
“Calm down!” said Alex. “Don’t tell me to calm down!” replied Irene.
Husband and wife? Brother and sister? No, Alex was an African gray parrot, and Dr. Irene Pepperberg ___16___ him to talk —he had a vocabulary of about 150 words when he died in 2007. Alex could also count up to six, and identify shapes, colors, and materials. And he had a close ___17____ with Dr. Pepperberg. When she had to leave Alex with the vet for a(n) ___18___, he asked her not to go. “Stop!” he screamed. “I love you! Come back!”
Apes are also famous for learning human language. Koko, a gorilla who was taught sign language, has learned more than 1000 signs and can understand about 2000 English
words. She also makes up words. She has ever had an Internet “___19____”! But one of the most famous animal “language learners” is Kanzi, a chimpanzee, who communicates by touching symbols on a computer.
[A.date    B. taken    C. hardly    D. protection    E. actually] The big red double-decker bus could certainly be the best-known symbol of London. The idea of the “double-decker” is __20____ much older than the motor bus. The earliest double-deckers were drawn by horses. There were steps at the back, so that people could climb up to the roof. But in those days, there was no ___21____ for the people traveling on top. If it rained, they could pull a sort of oil-cloth cover out from the back of the seat in front of them, and pull it over them. But they still got wet.
The most famous London buses are the Routemasters, which ___22____ from the 1950s and 1960s. The bus had an open platform at the back end, so passengers could climb on and off anywhere, even if the bus was moving. Things started to go wrong for the London buses in the late 1960s. Suddenly, bus companies found they could no longer buy any more of their favorite Routemasters, because the country’s Ministry of Transportation decided that it would only give financial help to bus companies that bought new buses with doors. In 2005, the old Routemasters were finally ___23___ out of normal service.
Still, it’s not too late to enjoy travelling on one of these historic buses. Some of the old London buses have been preserved, while others are still used to carry tourists, which offer a wonderful way to see Britain’s capital city.
III. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.
24. The 2-metre _______ helps the boy become a good basketball player. (high)
25. Our family will have a big party to celebrate my son’s ________ birthday. (twenty)
26. The road in my hometown will be _________ next year. (wide)
27. A ________(careful) driver and the ter rible weather were responsible for these
people’s________. (die)
28. The old man adopted eighty ____________ dogs in five years. (home)
29. The children enjoyed __________ very much in the park last weekend. (they)
30.Though Ba Jin has been _________ for many years, he still lives in people’s hearts.
31.Alice has told us that the ________ she has ever travelled is from Shanghai to
Sydney. (far)
IV. Complete the sentences as required.
32. He cut down part of the trees to stop the forest fire. (改为一般疑问句)
he ________ down part of the trees to stop the forest fire?
33. Giving up a bad habit is more difficult than starting it(保持原句意思)
塘沽海边哪里好玩It is ________ to start a bad habit ________ to give it up.
34. When will we take an English exam? We wanted to know. (合并句子)
We wanted to know ______ we ______ take an English exam.
35. We can freeze the fish if we want to keep it fresh. (改为被动语态)
The fish can ______ ______ if we want to keep it fresh.
36.Jack won’t go to have a barbecue with us. He should finish the work first. (合并为
Jack won’t go to have a barbecue with us _______ he _________ the work on time.
37.Martin has studied in Fudan University since November 2020. (对划线部分提问)
__________ __________ has Martin studied in Fudan University?
38.the book, Betty, get, decided to, it, in order to, read, from, some information (连词
__________________________________________________________________ Part Two Reading Comprehension.
A.Read the following passage and choose the best answer.
On a Friday night, a poor young artist stood at the gate of the subway station, playing his violin. Many people slowed down and put some money into the hat before him.
The next day, the young artist came again. This time, he took out a large piece of paper and put it on the ground. Before long, a crowd gathered around because of the words on that paper. It said, “Last night, a gentleman named George Sang put an important thing into my hat. Please come to get it soon.”
It caused a great excitement and people wondered what it could be. After about half an hour, a middle-aged man ran there in a hurry and rushed through the crowd to the violinist. He said, “Yes, it’s you. I knew that you’re an honest man and would certainly come here.”
壶口瀑布的特点介绍Making sure it was George Sang, the violinist took out a lottery ticket and returned it to him. George was a bank clerk and the lottery ticket would bring him $500,000. Yesterday when he took out 50 dollars and put it in the hat, the lottery ticket was also thrown in. The violinist was a student at an Arts College and had planned to attend studies in Vienna. He had booked the ticket and would fly that morning. However thinking that the owner would return for it, he cancelled the flight and came back.
Later someone asked the violinist, “You ha d to play the violin at the subway station every day to make the money. Then why didn’t you take the lottery ticket for yourself?”
The violinist said, “Although I don’t have much money, I live happily; but if I lose honesty I won’t be happy forever.”
39.The artist played the violin at the subway station to ______.
A) meet new friends B) make some money
C) wait for someone D) have some fun
40.The crowd quickly gathered around the artist because ______.
A) they enjoyed the music
B) they wanted to get the lottery money
C) they wanted to find out what the important thing was
D) they had nothing else to do
41.George Sang worked ______.中国即将全面疫情解封
A) at a bank  B) at the subway station
C) at an Arts College  D) in the street
42.The violinist planned to ______ in Vienna.
A) hold a concert B) study music
C) visit the family D) sell lottery tickets
43.What did the artist do with the lottery ticket?
A) He kept it for himself.  B) He threw it away.
C) He used it to buy a plane ticket. D) He returned it to its owner.
44.Which of the following is the best title for the story?
A) How to Get Rich Overnight B) The Secret of Being a Good Artist
C) The Importance of Being Honest D) How to Help People in Need
B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage.
In China it is relatively usual to ask people their age, but in the west this question is generally regarded as impolite. This is particularly true __45__ women, and even more so if the inquirer is a man.
However, it is very __46__ to ask children their age, and some adults may not mind being asked, either. In fact, some elderly people are quite happy to reveal their age, especially if they feel they look young for their age. Nevertheless, it is not very wise to ask a direct question like “How old are you?” If elderly people want to talk about their age, and perhaps receive a compliment on how young they look, they may easily bring up the topic themselves, and ask the other people how old they are. For such a question, it is quite acceptable to discuss age freely. They normally expect to compliment on their youthfulness, though rather than being __47__ that they look very old!
Even though Westerners do not usually ask people directly how old they are, this does not _48__ that they are not interested to know how old other people are. They may ask someone else for the information, __49__ they may try to approach the topic directly. Sometimes discussions about educa
tional level and the number of years of working experience may provide some clues, but this is not always the _50__. Of course, individuals also vary in what they are interested to talk about.
45. A. with    B. at    C. of    D. to
46. A. normal    B. average    C. formal    D. unusual
47. A. corrected    B. told    C. warned    D. reminded
48. A. include    B. intend    C. mean    D. determine
49. A. or    B. rather    C. so    D. and
50. A. case    B. truth    C. reality    D. fact
C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.
More than half of the people in the world now own a mobile. And most of them think it’s the most important thing they own. In (51) r surveys, people said they could live without their TVs and computers but not without their mobile phones. Most people said that they would rather (52) l their w
allet than their mobile. Many people said they even took their mobile phone to bed with them ... like a teddy bear!
Why are people so in love with their mobile phones? Well, according to an article in an American newspaper, a mobile satisfies some needs of the humans. First, Safety, it (53)m us feel more secure. Second, Belongingness, we feel connected to other people when we are (54) a . And third, Esteem, we feel important when others see us using a mobile phone.
Many countries are now trying to prevent the use of mobile phones while driving. When people are talking or sending (55) m on their mobiles, they become distracted. In America, “distracted driving” resulted in more than 5,800 deaths last year. We may love our mobiles but there is a time and a place for them to be (56) p used. Driving isn’t a suitable place and neither is the classroom. Using a mobile in the
中国去马尔代夫机票多少钱classroom can result in “distracted learning.” That may not kill you but it can surely kill your (57) g . Do care about when and where to use your mobiles!
D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper word s.
What would you choose, if you were sitting in front of a TV and there was a book right next to you? The answer will most p 58be the TV! Young people would certainly choose the TV, but you will be surprised to find out that the older o 59
will at least hesitate about choosing it. Why is this? Are the books not as interesting as they used to be? Is it that the world has changed so much in recent years that our habits are not the same anymore?
Nowadays many people have no interest in literature. This may be a possible explanation. Another r 60 might be the change of lifestyle. We are more 1 61 to visit a club or a bar to relax ourselves after a long day's work, rather than read a book in the comfort of our own homes. People are more outgoing than they used to be. All the stress of work makes us want a quick relaxing means. Perhaps, most of us do not have the patience to read anymore. It is much s 62 to turn on the TV and watch the latest news around the world than read 19th century literature!
With all the TV programs, every one of us can find an interesting show or movie to watch. What's better than getting into b 63with the remote control and falling asleep whenever you wish? You are the master of all the TV programs. The only disadvantage is that TV will never p 64 you with all the f
acts that a book can do. TV is much more superficial than books, even if it does get you r 65 in just a moment!
1-5 CCDBD 6-10 CCDDD 11-15 BCCAA
16-19 CEDB 20-23 EDAB

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