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Useful Words and Expressions in Rental Car
Part A 租车常见词汇 Part B 租车常用语句 Part C 租车情景对话
Part D 租车常见术语解释
Part E SIPP 码--租车辆标准编码
Part A  租车租车常见常见常见词汇词汇 V ocabulary                                                                automatic [,Ǥ:t ə'mætik] transmission 自动换挡 driving license/driver’s license 驾照 driving record 驾驶记录  drop off the car 还车 drop-off date 还车日 drop-off location 还车地点 empty tank 空箱(汽油) extra insurance 额外保险 full tank 满箱(汽油) gas pedal ['pedl] 油门 hourly rate/fee/rent 时租 license ['lais əns] plate 牌照
IDL (International Driving License) 国际驾照 Licensee [,lais ən'si:] Location 特许经营点 Liability [,lai ə'bil əti] Insurance 第三方责任险 No Show Fee 违约金 One Way Rentals 单程租赁
PAI (Personal Accident Insurance) 乘客事故险  PEC (Personal Effects Coverage) 个人财物险 Rental Agreement 租赁协议
delivery 送车上门
leave a deposit [di'p Ǥzit] 给付定金 make a reservation [,rez ə'vei ȓən] 预定 manual transmission 手动换档 mileage ['mailid ʒ] 英里数 monthly rate/fee/rent 月租 neutral gear 空档
on weekdays 非假日= during the week  on weekends 周末假日  over time 超时 park/car-park 停车场 parking fee 停车费 pick up the car 取车 pick-up date 取车日 pick-up location 取车地点 rental agreement 租约;租赁合同 rental car agent 租车代理员 rental charge 租金 rental period 租期 return the car 还车
rental period 租赁期
Road Tax 道路税
Inclusive [in'klu:siv] Rate 常规费用
CDW (Collision [kə'liȢən] Damage Waiver [weivə]) 车辆碰撞险
Child Seat 儿童座椅
V AT (Value Added Tax) 增值税
walk-in 直接提车
vehicle ['vi:ikl] license fee 车辆执照费
roadside assistance [ə'sistəns] 路边援助
short term lease 短期租赁
visual ['vizjuəl] inspection 外观检查/目视检查extra mileage ['mailidʒ] charge超公里计费supplier 供应商
rental contract 租车合约
fire insurance 火险reverse [ri'və:s] gear [DZiə] 倒车档
安徽省公共资源交易中心scratch [skrætȓ] 刮痕
胶州人才网shift the gear 换档
to get insurance for the car 替车子保险transfer 接送服务
unlimited mileage ['mailidʒ] 不限里程upgrade 升级
weekly rate/fee/rent 周租
theft protection 防盗险
international driver's license 国际驾驶执照identification [ai,dentifi'keiȓən] card 身份证voucher ['vautȓə] 租车凭证
grand total 总计
汽车外设:External Parts:
backup light / reversing light 倒车灯bodywork / body 车身
bonnet ['bǤnit] 发动机盖
boot 行李箱
bumper ['bȜmpə] 保险杠
chassis ['ȓæsi] 底盘
front wheel 前轮
fender / mudguard ['mȜdDZǡ:d] 挡泥板front blinker 前信号灯汽车内设:Interior Parts:
back seat / rear seat 后座
brake pedal ['pedl] 刹车踏板choke 熄火装置
dashboard  仪表板
drain tap 排气阀门
driver's seat / driving seat 驾驶席gear stick / gear change 变速杆gearbox 变速箱
horn / hooter 喇叭
inner tube [tju:b] 内胎
license plate / number plate 车号牌  radiator ['reidieit ə] grille 水箱      rear blinker 转弯指示灯          rear wheel 后轮  rear window 后窗玻璃    roof rack, luggage rack 行李架      stoplight / stop lamp 刹车灯            taillight / tail lamp 尾灯      tailpipe 排气管 tread [tred] 轮距  windscreen wiper 雨刮器  windscreen 挡风玻璃    wing mirror 后视镜      wing 前翼子板    milometer [mai'l Ǥmit ə] 里程表 passenger seat 旅客席 radiator ['reidieit ə] 散热器
rear-view mirror/  driving mirror 后视镜      seat belt 安全带 silencer 消音器
spare wheel 备胎,备用轮胎
speedometer [spi'd Ǥmit ə] / clock 速度表      starter / self-starter 起动器,起动钮    steering wheel / wheel 方向盘      tank 油箱
Part B  Useful Expressions  租车租车常用语句常用语句                                                        I want to rent a car tomorrow.  我明天要租一辆车。 What's the rental fee? 租金是多少?
I want to make a reservation. 我想预定一部。
What kind of cars do you have? 你们有什么车?
What do you have available? 你们这里有哪些选择? What model do you want? 您想要什么型号的?
I will have to drive back then. 那么到时我必须把车开回来. Do I have to return the car here? 我一定要到这里来还车吗?
I have my own license and an international license. 我有一张自己的(本地的)和一张国际的驾驶执照。
What should I do if something happens to the car?  如果车子有什么问题我该怎么办? I think these tires need some air. 我想这些轮胎要打点气。
Will it (insurance) cover the rental car?  租车包括保险吗?
I want to rent an economy car.
I like/prefer a station wagon, if possible, with automatic transmission.
I want to rent a car with a good stereo ['stiəriəu].
I'd like to reserve one for next Friday.
I will pick it up here next Tuesday at 10am and return it next Friday by noon.
我会在下星期2早上10点来取车,下星期5中午还。Is there a deposit?
Can you have someone come pick up the car?
I heard you can return rental cars in different cities.
How do I pay?
Can I pay by credit card?
Can I put it on my card?
This is the rental contract. If you have no questions, please sign here.
这是租车合约,如果您没有什么问题,请在这里签字。There is a small scratch on the left side.
左边有一点刮痕。Can I get a different car?
We want you return the car with a full tank of gas. 还车时我们要求油箱要加满。
Do you have any cars available?
What are your daily rates?
It depends on the kind of car you want to rent.
Do you want insurance?
How much is car insurance per day?
Can I drop off the ?
I want to keep the car for one more day.
Please sign on all the places marked with an " x ". 请在所有表有“X”的地方签名。
You can drive the car home after you examine it. 验车后你可以把车开回家了。
Do I have to return the car to this agency?
Fill it up, Regular.
The headlight has stopped working
Part C  Dialogues 租车租车情景对话情景对话                                                                NO. 1  Over the phone 电话预定
A: Agent; J: Jeff  A 为店员;J 为杰夫 A: Good Luck Rental Car. May I help you? J: I want to reserve a rental car.
A: Which city will you pick up from? J: Chicago.
A: Which airport location? O’Hare or Midway?  J: Hmm. I'm not sure. Is there a downtown location?
A: Yes. We have an office at 401 West State Street. J: Is that near Prairie State College? A: Right.
J: That's okay. I will go ahead and make a reservation for that location.
A: When will you pick up the car? J: November 12, around A: Returning to the same location?
J: No. I’d like to drop it off at the Chicago O’Hare airport.
北京时间几分几秒精确到毫秒A: Okay. On what date and time?
J: It'll be that Sunday, November 14, around the same time.
A: What size car would you like?  A compact, mid-size, or full-size? J: I want the cheapest.
A: That would be the compact. The rental fee would be $32.25 a day, giving you a grand total of $62.50 for the two days.
J: Does that include taxes and fees?
A: No. With all applicable taxes and fees, you grand total comes to $77.40.  J: Okay, that's fine.
A: Your last name, please?  J: Aaron. A, A, R, O, N.
A: And your first name, please?  J: Jeff.
A: J, E, S, S?
J: No, J, E, F as in Frank , F.
上海今天刚刚发生的新闻A: Which credit card will you use? J: I'll use a MasterCard.
A: Okay. Pick up at our downtown location on November 12 at , returning November 14 at at Chicago O’Hare. Is that right?
A :好好运汽车租赁有限公司,有什么可以帮到您的? J :我想预订一部车。 A :您要在哪里取车呢? J :芝加哥。
A :是哪所机场呢?奥黑尔机场还是中途机场? J : 嗯。。我还不确定。你们在市区中心有取车点吗? A :有的。我们在西州街401号有一个办事处。 J :离草原州立大学很近吗? A:
A: 是的。 J :好的。在那里预订一部车。我会去那里取车的。
A :请问您要什么时候取车? J :11月12日,大概早上7点。 A :是否也在那里还车呢?
J :不,我想在你们奥黑尔机场办事处还。
A :没问题。是什么时间呢?
J :星期日,11月14日,也是大概早上七点吧。
A :要预订怎么样的车型呢?紧凑型,中型还是大型的呢?
J :最便宜的。
美团团购网A :那是紧凑型车了。本来是32.25美元一天的,两天就算便宜点给你了,62.5美元。
J :税费是不是包在里面的?
A :没有。加上相关税费一共是77.4美元。
J :好的,没问题。 A :请问您贵姓?
J :艾伦。A-A-R-O-N。 A :请问您的名字呢? J : 杰夫。
A :J-E-S-S 吗?
J :不是的。是J-E-F,Frank 中的第一个字母F A :您要用那种信用卡付款呢? J :万事达。
A :好的。11月12日早上七点,我们市区中心办事处

本文发布于:2023-08-07 15:28:46,感谢您对本站的认可!



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