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Introduction to Qingdao
Qingdao has beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. A harmonious picture of mountains, sea and city is painted in which one can see the winding coastline, islands and beautiful buildings whose red-roofs are held in the embrace of verdant trees. Many of the European-style buildings used to be home to many famous figures.
Qingdao is famous in China for its delicious fresh seafood. The Laoshan Scenic Area has an important position in sightseeing because of its beautiful scenery, natural pearls and exquisite crafts. Qingdao beer (Tsingtao beer), a popular beer brand in the world, is produced in Qingdao, allowing tourists to easily get the freshest Qingdao Beer in Qingdao.
Geographical location:
Qingdao is an Eastern Chinese coastal city located between latitude 35°35’ to 37°09’ and longitude 119°30’ to 121’00. The city faces the Yellow Sea on the east and south. Facing North Korea, South Korea and Japan across the sea.
There are seven urban districts (Shinan, Shibei, Sifang, Licang, Laoshan, Chnegyang and Huangdao) and five county-level cities (Jiaozhou, Jimo, Pingdu, Jiaonan and Laixi) under the juris diction of Qingdao. The total area of Qingdao is 10,654 square kilometers which the urban area totals 1,102 square kilometers. The population of Qingdao totals 7,206,800 while the urban population is 2,467,700.
Qingdao has a northern temperate zone monsoon climate with the characteristics of a marine climate, such as moist air, abundant rainfall and four distinctive seasons. It is neither hot in summer nor too cold in winter. The annual average temperature is 12.7°C. The hottest month is August with an average temperature of 25 and the coldest month is January when the temperature averages 1.3.
Qingdao is a hilly city. 40.6% of the total Qingdao area is highland and lowland areas.
The total continental coastal line in Qingdao is 730.64km and accounts for a quarter of the Shandong province’s total coastal area. The coasts of its Islands add to this area, making the total coast line in Qingdao 862.64km. It passes through thirty-two bays and encircles sixty-nine islands.
Places of Interest
天堂寨风景区旅游攻略Zhanqiao Pier:
Zhanqiao Pier, built in 1891, is the symbol of Qingdao. After several restorations, from being a simple military harbor, it is now open to tourists. The pier is 440 meters long. There is an octagonal pagoda of distinctive Chinese style, called “ Huilan Pagoda”, at the end of the pier. From the top, tourists can fully view the Maganificent Sea. Along the shore is the beautiful Pier Park, which is a pleasant and quiet place for tourists to rest or enjoy the scenery of Little Qingdao Island and its white tower.
Go by bus: No.2, No.5, No.8, No.25, No.26, No. 316, No.321
Beautiful Seashore Boardwalk
The construction of a seashore boardwalk is one of the key project to be completed before the 2008 Olympic Games. The boardwalk is a beautiful scenery route along the coast. Starting from Tuandao in the west, the 40-km-long sidewalk stretches to the ShiLaoRen (Old Stone Man) Holiday Resort in the east. Traversing the downtown of Qingdao and the High Tech Industrial Park, the boardwalk passes many roads along the coast, including Qutangxia Rd., Taiping Rd., Nanhai Rd.,Huiquan Rd., Shanhaiguan Rd., Huanghai Rd., Taipingjiaoyi Rd., and Donghai Rd. People can enjoy extremely beautiful coastal scenery along the boardwalk.春秋旅行社国内游特价
Little Qingdao Island洛阳白马寺门票多少钱一张
Whose shape is like an ancient violin is also called “violent Isle”. Germany built the white lighthouse on the isle at the beginning of this century. Its light reflected on the sea makes quite a spectacle at night, so much so that it has become known as “floating light of Isle”.

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