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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What does the man offer to do?
A. Make an outline.
B. Prepare some materials.
C. Chair the meeting.
2. How does the woman sound?
A. Annoyed.
B. Worried.
C. Relieved.
3. Which is included in the rent?
A. The management charge.
B. The Internet bill.
C. The parking fee.
4. Why does the woman come to the man?
A. To express thanks.
B. To make a complaint,
C. To seek consultation.
5. What will the man probably do next?
A. Buy groceries.
B. Cook dinner.
C. Make tea.
第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. What does the man plan to do after graduation?
A. Travel abroad.
B. Continue his studies.
C. Find a job.
7. What does the woman suggest the man do?
A. Collect information online.
B. Talk with his friends.
C. Get professional advice.
8. What is the woman doing?
A. Making an appointment.
B. Asking for a favor.
C. Offering an apology.
9. Where are the speakers?
A. On a plane.
B. On a train.
C. On a coach.
10. What does the man ask the woman to do?
A. Pack the suitcase.
B. Fasten the seat belt.
C. Raise the window shade.
11. Which is the most popular tour in CTS Horizons?
A. Skydiving.
B. Mountain biking.
C. A balloon ride.
12. What is the man's biggest concern about the tour?
A. The price.
B. The safety.
C. The time.
13. How much will the man pay for the tour?
A. $400.三清山简介
B. $700.
C. $800.
14. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Classmates.
B. Colleagues.
C. Neighbors.
15. What does the man think of his early career experience?
乌鲁木齐一日游旅游攻略A. Discouraging.
B. Boring.
C. Inspiring.
16. What benefits the man most in his career?
A. His family support.
北京4日游最佳路线图B. His wide reading.
C. His academic background.
17. What does the man do?
A. A teacher.
长沙到凤凰古城自驾游全攻略B. A publisher.
C. A writer.
18. What can we know about stretching from the latest research?
A. It lowers the risk of injuries.
B. It improves the function of joints.
C. It changes running performance.
19. Why did James Alexander write the email to Health?
A. To promote effective training.
B. To present popular beliefs.
C. To advocate regular running.
20. How can runners end the warm-up according to the researchers?
A. By skipping and high-knee running.
B. By walking for 5 to 10 minutes.
C. By running fast for a short time.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Summer Programs are available to students upon application. Please consult individual course descriptions for restrictions and requirements.
Intensive Beginning Swahii
Intensive Beginning Swahili is a summer abroad course for students who have no prior proficiency (熟练) in the Swahili language. The course is taught in Swahili and focuses on acquiring beginner-level skills to perform basic communication functions in the culture of Swahili speakers.
Open to current first year undergraduates, sophomores (大学一二 年级学生) and juniors.
Dates: 25 June - 20 August
Intermediate Chinese
This course is a four-week summer intensive language course, conducted in person at Princeton Theological Seminary. Students work on developing a strong foundation for modem spoken and written Chinese, with emphasis on the reading of contemporary Chinese dialogue.
Enrollment by application or interview.
Dates: 10 July - 6 August
Studies in Spanish Language and Style
This is an intensive, full immersion (沉浸) course in Spanish language and Argentine history, culture and art. Students develop advanced language skills while studying language in context, through the exploration of the city of Buenos Aires, its architecture, museums, and cultural and political life.
Open to students who have completed the Spanish language requirement.
Dates: 18 July - 20 August

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