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l. ___________Great Wall is one of the seven wonders around the world.
B. A
神潭大峡谷景区介绍C. An
2.I don't like dessert. I think coffee ___________milk will taste better.
A. for
B. with
C. with
D. from
3. Tom is popular at school because he likes telling jokes. He is_________.
A. humorous
B. friendly
C. polite
D. honest.
4. We should take care of the earth __________can make a better world to live in.
A. while
B. until
C. even if
D. so that
5. ---The weather report says it will be a sunny day tomorrow.
新加坡大学排名---__________I am going to have a picnic with my classmates.
A. Bad luck.
B.I hope so.
C. Sounds terrible.
D. I'm afraid so.
6.---I didn't see you at Jim's party last week.
---I had to work that evening, so I_________ go.
A. needn't
乐山旅游攻略一天B. mustn't
C. couldn't
D. shouldn't
7. Every time Tom is late, he'll _________an excuse. So I wonder what his excuse is this time.缅甸天气
A. show up
B. put up
C. take up
D. make up
8. Children should __________remember safety must come first no matter where you are.
A. sometimes
B. never
C. always
D. seldom
9. My mother's birthday is coming. I'm thinking about__________.
A. what present shall I give her
B. how I can give her a surprise
C. where we had a big meal
D. if should I plan a party for her
10. Unlike those in western countries, many Chinese students remain silent in class unless they ___________to speak.
A. ask
B. don't ask
C. aren't asked
D. are asked
I received the Christmas letter from my friend in Beijing. We 11.______ our greetings every Christmas. People ask why not send our greetings on Facebook, or on WeChat
12. ____________And by the way, it'll save money. However, writing letters is a
13.____________habit for me. As an experienced letter writer, I can tell you that writing letters brings me more emotional(情感的) communication.
In fact, only parts of our emotions can be found. Some 14.___________in the university found that electronic devices(装置),like smart phones ,can greatly influence people in many ways. Such devices prevent people from 15._____________their inner(内心的) feelings. Compared with modern communication, writing letters has more advantages.
16.____________we write, our brain is given the chance to discover connections between things we didn't see before. And we are 17._____________ to show our emotions fully.
If I am here to tell you why I love writing letters, one of the 18._____________would be its sense of touch-feeling of my hand running through the pages, feeling of the pen sliding across the paper, and
feeling of the 19._______________of ink(墨水) in the air.
Both your words and the letter itself can help you express your feelings. Letters build a bridge 20.______________thewriter and receiver. People experience more when they receive messages in the form of a letter, rather than any other way.
1l. A. introduce    B. exchange    C. describe
12. A. completely    B. exactly    C. simply
13. A. natural    B. boring    C. terrible
14. A. engineers    B. experts    C. visitors
15. A. discovering    B. shaking    C. spreading
16. A. When    B. Unless    C. Though
17. A. encouraged    B. invited    C. forced
18. A. customs    B. reasons    C. achievements
19. A. color    B. price    C. smell
20. A. across    B. among    C. between
Do you know which is the best place to visit? Well, for me the best place is Jamaica. When I went there last August, I had a great time.
Everything about Jamaica is wonderful. There are so many places to visit and things to do. There are beautiful beaches and the water is so clean that you can see colorful fish. Another great thing is the fresh fruit. Some people there put cloth around their heads to carry things. And they put the things on top and make them stay balanced. It's surprising!
One of the most interesting things is the Glistening Waters. The name describes what it is. It's
one of the lakes in the world where a rare (稀有的) living thing can live. Have you ever seen fireflies (萤火虫)? Well, when you touch the water, it glows bright green like a firefly. It was so beautiful. We went to swim there in the dark. There are just so many great and interesting places to visit in Jamaica. I will never forget swinging on the grass. Some grass closes when it feels your couch.
Jamaica is a wonderful place, and I think you should have a trip there.
21. The writer has never been to Jamaica.
22. The water is clean and the fruit is fresh in Jamaica.
23. Some people in Jamaica put cloth around their heads to keep themselves balanced.
24. The writer writes about fireflies to tell us how beautiful the lake is.
25. The passage probably comes from a history book.
Singer Han Hong took action to help Wuhan, the city at the center of the coronavirus outbreak (新冠
病毒爆发). Han Hong had planned to hold the first concert of her 2020 national tour in Wuhan on February 29th. But she called off the show and called on people to
donate (捐赠) to the city. Soon over 2 billion yuan was donated through Han Hong Love Charity Foundation which she founded in 2012.
“When you’re going through a situation like this, you want to do anything you can to help. There are so man y kind people out there,” wrote a fan, who donated through Han’s foundation. “It’s good to know that there are trucks with medical things going straight to the hospital. They are badly needed.”In 2008, Han held a charity performance for Wenchuan, Sichuan Province, after an earthquake. That inspired her to found her foundation. Over the years, she had donated to people in different disasters, including an earthquake in Yushu, Qinghai Province, in 2010, a huge mudslide (泥石流) in Gansu Province and an earthquake in Yunnan Province in 2013.
“I almost spent all my savings. That’s what I want to do and what I can do.” Han said in an interview on the online show, in 2015. “Many people don’t trust charity organizations to use their donations properly. Charities are held at a higher standard and need to win people’s trust.” The show also reported that Han had helped over 200 orphans (孤儿) since 1999.
26.What can we learn about Han Hong from Paragraph 1?
A. She held a concert in Wuhan before the coronavirus outbreak.
B. She donated over 2 billion yuan to Wuhan herself.
C. She founded a charity foundation ten years ago.
D. She has a great influence on the public.
27.The underlined word“They”refers to__________.
A. medical things
B. people in Wuhan
C. hospitals
D. trucks
28.Han Hong get the ideas of founding the foundation after___________.
A. an earthquake happened in Qinghai
B. an earthquake happened in Yunnan
C. a huge mudslide happened in Gansu.
D. an earthquake happened in Sichuan .
29.In Han’s opinion, charities need to _________.
A. provide a new standard
B. make good use of donations
C. pay more attention to orphans
D. make themselves publicly know
30.What does the passage mainly talk about?
A. Han’s foundation.
B. The donations to Wuhan.
C. Han’s efforts to help people.
D. The importance of charities.
The start of a new school year is always exciting. This year was even more so for some students at White Cloud Primary School. They became the world's first kids to be“ taught” by an electronic teacher. This electronic teacher is not a human-like robot walking around the classroom. Instead, he is a computer-created head that appears, when needed, on students' computer or phone screens. His name is Bill.
Created by technology company Smart Machines, Bill is able to show human-like behavior. He is designed to teach a special program about environmental-friendly power created by the sun and wind. This program, started in 2005, used to be taught by human teachers.
Just like human teachers, Bill is able to immediately respond to the students' questions and opinions about the topic quickly. Thanks to computer cameras, he is also able to see and react (反应) to stude
nts' physical actions. For example, if a student smiles at Bill, he responds by smiling back. This two-way exchange helps get the students' attention. More importantly, it allows the program developers to improve Bill's behavior and knowledge base (库).
The program has been a great success,according to Smart Machines Spokesman Robert Frost. Frost says, “What is interesting to me is the children's reaction to Bill. He really captures their attention.”Frost thinks kids don't find the experience of being taught by smart machines as strange as older people because they have grown up in a time of computers

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