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学校名称: 日本北海道大学 Hokkaido University
学费:535800 人民币
Creation of Innovation Centers for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research Areas ProgramA 10-year long (July 2006 – March 2016) program funded by MEXT under the “Project for Developing Innovation Systems.” This program executed by the President of Hokkaido University as administrator engages researchers from several graduate schools and research institutes in close cooperation with Shionogi & Co., Ltd., Hitachi, Ltd., Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd., Nihon Medi-Physics Co., Ltd., and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
由MEXT在“ 发展创新体系项目 ”下资助的为期十年(2006年7月至2016年3月)的项目。北海道大学校长执行的该项目由管理人员与几个研究生院和研究机构的研究人员密切合作,日立有限公司,日立有限公司,住友电木有限公司,日本医药物理有限公司,三菱重工有限公司。
Global COE (Center of Excellence) ProgramFrom 2007, Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) established the “Global COE Program.” This funding project is designed to provide support for research centers within universities in Japan to allow them to perform at the apex of global excellence. Hokkaido University currently has one operational Global COE Program.<
3.世界领先的科学和技术创新研发资金计划(FIRST Program)
凤凰旅游攻略景点必去咸阳海泉湾温泉世界>沙巴FIRST Program (Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology).Established in 2009, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science set up this fund to advance the kind of leading-edge research and development that will strengthen Japan’s international competitiveness while contributing to society and people’s welfare through the application of its results. Hokkaido University currently has one operational FIRST Program.
西安天气预报15天查询All Hokkaido Translational Research Project for Advanced Medicine.Set up in 2012 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), the “Translational Research Network Program” was established with the “All Hokkaido Translational Research Project for Advanced Medicine” with the aim to facilitate the practi
cal application of newly developed medicine, medical equipment, and in vitro diagnostic agents (this type of research support is termed translational research).
由教育、文化、体育科技部(MEXT)于2012 年设立,“北海道所有北海道先进医学转化研究项目建立了转化研究网络计划 ,旨在促进实际应用新开发的药物,医疗设备和体外诊断剂(这种研究支持称为翻译研究)。
JSPS’s NEXT Program: Funding Program for Next Generation World-Leading Researchers.Set up in 2009, the Leading-edge Research Promotion Fund was established within the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) to finance the Next Generation World-Leading Researchers (NEXT) program This program supports researchers who possess the potential to be world leaders in their respective fields. Currently, Hokkaido University has 8 research projects under the umbrella of NEXT:
At Hokkaido University, there is more to student life than just lectures and tutorials. Abundant opportunities await international students to participate in the many activities available on campus. There are over 250 clubs and societies to choose from, and students can participate in sporting activities, visit the university’s museum, attend univer
sity festivals, or just relax with friends in one of the many eateries in between lectures. There are so many opportunities for students to obtain new experiences and to make new friends. The diversity of opportunities available means that every student can find something that suits them, and meet like-minded people who share their interests.In this section of the website, you will find information to help maintain a healthy social life, as well as practical information on daily life – such as how to obtain a cell phone, where to shop, and how to use public transportation. There’s also an event calendar – and much more!
发现校园生活,在北海道大学,学生生活不仅仅是讲座和教学。丰富的机会等待国际学生参加校园里许多活动。有超过250个俱乐部和社团可供选择,学生可以参加体育活动、参观大学博物馆、参加大学节日或者在讲座之间的许多餐馆之一和朋友一起放松身心。学生有很多机会获得新的经验和结交新朋友。机会的多样性意味着每个学生都能到适合他们的东西,并且会见那些分享兴趣的志同道合的人。在本节的这一部分,您将到有助于维持健康的社交生活的信息,以及如何获取手机,购物地点以及如何使用公共交通工具等日常生活中的实用信息。还有一个活动日历 - 还有更多!
Student Dormitories,Residential life is an integral part of the Hokkaido University experience with around half of all international students living on campus during their studies here. We hope that our dormitories provide a sense of the distinctive experience you will have studying here. In total, we have six dormitories all located at and near Sapporo Campus. Most house students in single rooms. However, we do offer accommodation for married couples and families. Some dormitories are single-sex, others unisex, some mix Japanese students with International Students, and others are purely for international students. Each dormitory room comes equipped with fresh bedding and linen, as well as high speed internet access.

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标签:研究   创新   北海道   日本
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