Dead Poets Society-死亡诗社-中英对照剧本

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1--Now remember, keep your shoulders back.记住别缩着肩
2--Okay, put your arm around your brother. That's it.好的胳膊搂着你弟弟
3--That's it. Right, and breathe in.就这样对呼吸
4--Okay, one more.对了再来一张
5--Now, just to review好了再说一遍
6--you're going to follow along the procession until you get to the headmaster.一直走到校长面前
7--At that point, he will indicate to you to light the candles of the boys.然后他会叫你把孩子们手里的蜡烛点燃
8--All right, boys, let's settle down.好了孩子们准备吧
9--Banners up!举旗
10--Ladies and gentlemen, 女士们先生们孩子们...
11--the Light of Knowledge.智慧之光
12--One hundred years ago, in 1859一百年前  1859年
13--41 boys sat in 四十一个孩子坐在这里
14--and were asked the 被问到了同样的问题
15--that now greets you at the start of each semester.每个新学期开始都会问到的问题
16--Gentlemen, what are the Four Pillars?各位我们四大支柱是什么
17--Tradition. Honour. Discipline. Excellence.传统荣誉纪律优秀
18--In her first year建校第一年
19--Welton Academy graduated five students.本校毕业了五位学生
20--Last year we graduated 51.去年毕业生是五十一人
21--And more than 75 percent 其中百分之七十五以上
22--went on to the Ivy League.进了名牌大学
24--of fervent dedication to the principles taught here.我们所孜孜遵循的上述教学原则
25--This is why you parents have been sending us your sons.这是各位家长愿意把孩子们送到这儿来的原因
26--This is why we are the best preparatory school in the United States.也是本校成为全美最优秀的预备学校的原因
27--As you know大家知道
28--our beloved Mr Portius of the English Department retired last term.英语系的波希尔斯先生上学期光荣退休了
29--You will have the opportunity later to meet本学期接替他的
2022年焦作云台山最新通知30--his replacement, Mr John Keating,将是John  Keating 先生
31--himself an honours graduate of this school.也是本校的优秀毕业生之一
32--And who, for the past several years, has 过去的几年中他一直...
33--at the highly regarded Chester School in London.在享有盛誉的伦敦切斯特中学任教
34--Richard, you forgot your bag!Richard 你忘记了你的包
35--Hi, Johnny! Hey, how you doin'?John 最近还好吗
36--Don't worry. I got your room assignment.不用担心我拿到了你的房间安排
37--They haven't moved the dining area.他们吃饭的地方没有改呀
38--Glad you could come by.谢谢你光临
39--- Thrilling ceremony, as usual, Dr Nolan.仪式很精彩一如既往Nolan 博士
40--- You've been away too long.很久不见了
41--- Hello, Dr Nolan. - Good to have you back.- 你好  Nolan 博士  - 很高兴你们能回来
42--- This is our youngest, Todd. - Mr Anderson.- 这是我们最小的儿子Todd  -  Anderson
43--You have some big shoes to fill.你的前途很大年轻人
44--Your brother was one of our finest.令兄是我们最出的学生之一
45--Thank you.谢谢
46--- Lovely ceremony. - Thank you. Glad you liked it.- 仪式很精彩  - 谢谢很高兴你能喜欢
47--- Gale  - Tom - Gale.  - Tom.
48--- Good to see you again. - Hello, Mr Nolan.- 很高兴又见到你  - 你好  Nolan 先生
49--- We expect great things from you this year. - Thank you, sir.- Neil  希望你今年能取得好成绩  - 谢谢
50--Well, he won't disappoint us. Right, Neil?他不会让我们失望的.对吧  Neil
51--I'll do my best, sir.我会努力的
52--Hey, come on, son.过来孩子
53--- Chin up. - Okay.- 振作些  - 好的
54--- No tears now. - Chin up.- 别哭  - 振作些
55--- I don't want to go here. - Honey, I love you.- 我不想来这儿  - 亲爱的我爱你
56--- I'll walk you over. - You be a good boy. Do your lessons.- 我送你过去  - 好了好好学习
57--Hey! I hear we're gonna be roommates.嘿听说我们同宿舍
58--- I'm Neil Perry. - I'm Todd Anderson.- 我叫Neil Perry - 我叫Todd Anderson
59--Why'd you leave Balincrest?干嘛换到这儿上学
60--My brother went here.我哥就来的这儿
61--Oh, so you're that Anderson.就是那个Anderson
62--- This is for his sinuses. - Yes. I see.- 这是治他鼻窦炎的  - 是的我知道
63--Oh, and if he can't swallow, you give him one of these.如果他咽不下去就给他吃点这个
64--And if he has trouble breathing, you can give him some of those.如果他呼吸困难可以给他吃点这个
65--- Did you remember your vaporizer?记得带喷雾器了吗
66--- Yes, I put it in my room.带了放在宿舍了
67--- Hey, how's it going, Neil? - Hey, Knox.- 嘿你好吗  Neil    - 你好
68--Neil, study group tonight?Neil 今晚学习小组
69--- Yeah, sure. - Business as usual, huh?- 嗯当然  - 跟以前一样
70--Hey, I heard you got the new kid. Looks like a stiff!嘿听说你有了个新室友.象个木瓜一样
72--Listen, don't mind Cameron.听我说别理会他
73--He was born with his foot in his mouth. You know what I mean?他呢狗嘴吐不出象牙明白我的意思吗
74--Rumour u did summer school.听人说你上暑期班了
75--Yep. Chemistry. My father thought I should get ahead.对学化学.我爸说提前点儿好
76--How was your summer, slick?你暑假过得怎么样
78--Meeks. Door. Closed.Meeks 把门关上
79--Yes, sir.是长官
80--Gentlemen, what are the Four Pillars?各位我们四大支柱是什么
81--Travesty. Horror. Decadence. Excrement.嘲弄恐怖颓废排泄
82--Okay. Study group.好了学习小组
83--Meeks aced Latin. I didn't quite flunk English.Meeks的拉丁不赖.英语我不怕
84--- If you want, we got our study group. - Sure.- 所以如果你愿意我们算一个组- 没问题
85--Cameron asked me too. Anyone mind including him?Cameron也问我了把他也算进来怎么样港珠澳大桥图片 全景
86--Hmm, what's his specialty? Bootlicking?他什么东西拿手拍马屁
87--- Come on, he's your roommate. - That's not my fault.- 好了他是你室友  - 那可不是我的错88--I'm sorry. My name is Stephen Meeks.对不起我叫Stephen Meeks
89--Oh! This is Todd Anderson.他叫Todd Anderson
90--- Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you.- 很高兴见到你  - 很高兴见到你
91--Charlie Dalton.Charlie Dalton
92--Knox Overstreet.Knox Overstreet
93--Todd's brother was Jeffrey Anderson.Jeffrey Anderson 是Todd的哥哥
94--- Oh, yeah, sure. - What do you know?- 是吗  - 你知道他什么
95--- Valedictorian. National Merit Scholar. - Oh, - 毕业生代表全国优秀学生  - 嗯..
96--welcome to Hell-ton.欢迎到地狱来
97--It's every bit as tough as they say这鬼地方可不好混
98--unless you're a genius like Meeks.除非是Meeks一样的天才
99--He flatters me. That's why I help him with Latin.他会拍不然也不帮他学拉丁语
100--And English. And trig.还有英语还有几何
101--It's open.门开着
102--Father, I thought you'd gone.爸爸我以为你走了
103--- Mr Perry. - Keep your seats, fellows.- Perry先生  - 坐着吧孩子们
104--Neil, I've just spoken to Mr Nolan.Neil 我刚和Nolan 先生谈过了
105--You're taking too many extracurricular activities this semester我觉得你这个学期课外活动太多了106--and I've decided that you should drop the school annual.我看你不要参加校史年鉴的事了
107--But I'm the assistant editor this year.但我今年是助理编辑
108--- Well, I'm sorry, Neil. - But, Father, I can't.- 我看算了  Neil  - 但是爸爸这不行
109--- It wouldn't be fair. - Would you excuse us for a moment?- 这不公平  - 孩子们我们得单独谈一下
110--Don't you ever dispute me in public. Do you understand?别公开跟我顶撞明白吗
111---Father, I wasn't disputing..爸爸我不是顶撞...
112---After you've finished 等你读完医科大学...
113--and you're on your own, then you can do as you damn well please.自立了你想干什么就干什么114--But until then, you do as I tell you. Is that clear?但在那之前你得听我的.明白了吗
115--Yes, sir. I'm sorry.明白对不起
116--You know how much this means to your mother, don't you?你知道这对你妈妈有多重要对不对117--Yes, sir.是
118--You know me always taking on too much.你知道的我总喜欢事
119--Well, that's my boy.好了这就对了云和梯田
120--- You need anything, you let us know. - Yes, sir.- 需要什么尽管说  - 好的
121--Why doesn't he let you do what you want?他干嘛不让你做想做的事
122--Yeah, Neil. Tell him off. Couldn't get any worse.对  Neil  跟他吵.别什么大不了的
123--Oh, that's rich. Like you guys tell your parents off?荒唐就象你们跟父母吵
124--Mr Future Lawyer and Mr Future Banker?未来的律师先生未来的银行家先生
125--Okay, so I don't like it any more than you do.好了其实我也不喜欢那么做
126--Well, just don't tell me how to talk to my father.好了别教我怎么跟父亲说话就行了
127--- You guys are the same way. -All right, all right.Jesus.- 你们都一个样  - 好了好了天哪128--- So what are you gonna do then? - What I have to do.- 那你准备怎么办    - 别无选择
129--- Drop the annual. - I wouldn't lose much sleep over it.- 放弃呗  - 要说这事我也不会想太多130--It's just a bunch of jerks trying to impress Nolan.就是帮疯子想编点的东西呗
131--I don't care. I don't give a damn about any of it.好了我也根本不在乎
132--- Well, uh... Latin, 8:00 in my room? - Yes.- 嗯拉丁八点在我宿舍  - 好
133--- That sounds okay. - Todd, you're welcome to join us.- 听起来不错呀  - Todd  也欢迎你参加134-
-- Yeah, come along, pal. - Thanks.- 对一起来吧  - 谢谢
135--Slow down, boys!慢点儿孩子们
136--Slow down, you horrible phalanx of pubescence!慢点儿你们这帮毛手毛脚的家伙
137--Pick three laboratory experiments from the 从项目表上选三个实验项目...
138--and report on them every five weeks.每五周写份报告
139--The first 20 questions at the end of chapter one are due tomorrow.第一章的前二十个问题明天交140---Agricolam.  -  Agricolam.-Agricolam.  -  Agricolam.
141--- Agricola.  - Agricola.- Agricola.  - Agricola.
142---Agricolae.  - Agricolae.-Agricolae.  - Agricolae.
143---Agricolarum.  - Agricolarum.-Agricolarum.  - Agricolarum.
144---Agricolis.  - Agricolis.-Agricolis.  - Agricolis.
145--- Agricolas.  - Agricolas.- Agricolas.  - Agricolas.
146---Agricolis.  - Agricolis.-Agricolis.  - Agricolis.
147--- Again, please. Agricola. - Agricola.- 再来一遍  Agricola  - Agricola
148--Your study of trigonometry requires absolute precision.学习几何要求非常精确
149--Anyone failing to turn in any 任何人不按时完成作业...
150--will be penalized one point off their final grade.都将会被扣掉一个学分
151--Let me urge you now not to test me on this point.奉劝你们不要以身试法
152--Hey, Spaz. Spaz.笨蛋笨蛋
153--Brain damage!脑损伤
155--Well, come on.嗯来吧
荆州景区有哪些景点156--- Let's go. - Let's go, guys.- 走吧  - 走吧伙计们
157--Let's go.走吧
158--''O Captain, my Captain.''"哦船长我的船长"
159--Who knows where that comes from?有谁知道出自哪儿吗
161--Not a clue?没人知道
162--It's from a poem by Walt Whitman about Mr Abraham Lincoln.出自Walt Whitman 为Abraham Lincoln 写的一首诗
163--Now in this class you can either call me 听好在班上你们可以叫我Keating 老师... 164--or, if you're slightly more daring, ''O Captain, my Captain.''或者有胆量的话就叫"哦船长我的船长"
165--Now, let me dispel a few rumours so they don't fester into facts.我首先要消除一些谣言免得误人子弟
166--Yes, I, too, attended Hell-ton and survived.没错我也上过这所地狱学校并活了下来
167--And, no, at that time, I was not the mental giant you see before you.不过那时候我可不是你们现在看到的思想巨人
168--I was the intellectual equivalent of a 98-pound weakling.我的智慧跟一个九十八磅重的差不多169--I would go to the beach,我到海滩念诗
170--and people would kick copies of Byron in my face.人们会把拜伦诗集往我脸上砸
< Mr Pitts?好了...Pitts
172--That's a rather unfortunate name.这名字太不幸了
173--Mr Pitts, where are you?Pitts 哪位是Pitts
174--Mr Pitts, would you open your hymnal to page 542.Pitts 把诗集翻到第五百四十二页
175--Read the first stanza of the poem you find there.念一下那首诗的第一节
176--''To the Virgins to Make Much of Time''?"劝少女们珍惜时光"
177--Yes, that's the one.对就是那首
广州从化有什么好玩的景点178--Somewhat appropriate, isn't it?对你们很合适对吧
179--''Gather ye rosebuds while ye may."及时采拮你的花蕾"
180--''Old Time is still a-flying."旧时光一去不回"
181--And this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying.''"今天尚在微笑的花朵明日便在风中枯萎"
182--Thank you, Mr Pitts.谢谢你Pittsie
183--''Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.''"及时采拮你的花蕾"
184--The Latin term for that sentiment is ''Carpe diem. ''这种感慨用拉丁语说就叫"Carpe diem"
185--Now, who knows what that means?有谁知道是什么意思吗
186--Carpe diem. That's ''Seize the day.''"Carpe diem"也就是抓紧时间
187--- Very good, - Meeks.- 很好你叫...    - Meeks
188--Meeks. Another unusual name.又一个不寻常的名字
189--Seize the day.抓紧时间
190--''Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.''"及时采拮你的花蕾"
191--Why does the writer use these lines?为什么作者要写这几句话
192--- Because he's in a hurry. - No! Ding!- 因为他很着急  - 不叮
193--Thank you for playing anyway.不过还是要感谢你的幽默
194--Because we are food for worms, lads.因为我们是蛆虫的食物
195--Because, believe it or not, each and every one of us in 因为不管你信不信在这儿的每一个人...
196--is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold and die.有一天都会停止呼吸变冷死亡
197--I would like you to step forward 你们到前面来..
198--and peruse some of the faces from the past.好好看看过去的面孔
199--You've walked past them many times.你们从这儿经过多次了
200--I don't think you've really looked at them.但肯定没有仔细看过
201--They're not that different from you, are they?他们和你们差别不大对吧
202--Same haircuts.同样的发型
203--Full of hormones, just like you.充满活力和你们一样
204--Invincible, just like you feel. The world is their oyster.野心勃勃和你们一样.世界在他们手中205--They believe they're destined for great things,相信自己一定能成就伟大的事业
206--just like many of you.就象你们很多人一样

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