Women’s Social Status in China and America

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Women’s Social Status in China and America
From ancient China, women's social status experienced the processes of evolution from high to low, again from low to high. The matriarchal clan society before Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns is the first clan society. At that time, women were the master of society. Whether giving birth to and raising children, hunting, or doing farm work were women's work. Women possessed very high authoritative, their advices were decree so that men were not insubordination. Since the matriarchal society transited to the patriarchal clan social, the women's social status became to a subordinate position.
For thousands of years, no matter what the society is, the most important functions for women was just having children, was challenged and continued to incense. The resulting that the thought of looking up to men and down on women existed in the vast majority of civilization system by vary degrees. However, it is more prominent in the long history of civilization style of performance. It is particularly reflected throughout the China feudal socie烟台市政府网站
ty of Confucian civilization. Confucius, as early as two thousand years ago, had placed Chinese women to the subordinate status by being obedient to the father, the husband and the son. The standard of the three obedience and the four virtues bounded to a women's long-term life and social status. Until the twentieth century, women in China started a subordinate position in gradually improved. In order to enhance their status, China's women strived for more rights and carried out a series of struggle. Though they paid a heavy price, the women's social status had been greatly ascend.
For a long time, China had been popular in the view that men were superior to women. Women were always dominated under the power of men. They hardly lacked of the basic autonomy and dignity. The thought of three obedience and the four virtues, a wife to her husband, and so on, were fully changed women into men’s slave. From birth to die of old age, women always were extremely discrimination and inequality of treatment. Women, in many cases, are considered as the men’s accessories or derivatives.
The new culture movement of feudalism reflected and critiqued in size and depth are far
more than before the revolution of 1911 about education aspects on women, thus has vigorously promoted the development of modern Chinese women's social status. After the May 4th movement, women's struggle for liberation outbreak, striving for equality education called for higher and further improvement on the status of women. In terms of political status, intellectual women as the main body of the advanced for the rights also actively took part in a series of patriotic movement. At the beginning of the 20th century to the revolution, women before in the patriotic movement made important contributions. All of these women in patriotic movement showed that rise of women in the political arena were powerful. In marriage and family status, after the revolution of 1911, the reform party person, had lobbied for the progress for advocating, women fight for marriage, revealing the prelude of freedom, equality of spouses. May 4th movement, western science and democracy thought in China's spread led to the changes in the concept of marriage and family in China, further push the marriage and family institutional change what made women have greatly improved on the domestic status. While noting that, in female economic position, along with the development of modern industry, the female's e
conomic status also began to change. They began to reach out and to participate in social economic life, career, and gradually to seek social economic independent direction. All this suggests that, modern Chinese women's social status have made great breakthrough.国之旅旅行社
Although women were the inferior position to male status, it was still advancing from the whole civilization process. The women’s social status was constantly attention with social, economic and political development. It had a corresponding progress in different times and different position. Nowadays, whether in the family, or in society, the status of women has got a huge increase. What’s more, the politics, economy, and the various kinds of status also have been greatly improved. They appeared in all walks of life with outstanding figure that shows the women are as strong and excellent as man. Women really hold up the sky.
Americans also have undergone the matrilineal society and the patriarchal society and men’s social advantage emerged from the age of hunting, which continued to 19th centur
y. Nowadays, the timeworn thought that men are superior to women still exists in many regions. In order to pursue the equal right and status with men, women and feminists in America have carried out the feminism movement for hundreds of years. The American women began to continuously strive for women’s rights since 1848. The feminism movement in America has developed rapidly in 20th century, especially at the beginning of the century. After one and half a century’s difficult struggling, American women have made steady progress. Their social status and rights have made great progress. In different social fields of politics, economy and literature in America, women have handheld strong power, and women have been powerful group of America that can’t be underestimated.
They also have obtained many important rights, such as the right to vote, the right to arrange wealth by them and the right to control birth, etc. More and more women have been released from the heavy trivial housework. Thus, they are able to turn to the society to take part in mass social work because of the rapid development of the society and great improvement of women’s knowledge and ability. More and more women have real p
ower in hands both in the field of politics and economy. They show their outstanding capability in the center of American politics and play utmost important part in the world politics; some of them are engaged in industry and commerce and have magic power in the industrial field of America; they are the main consumption force; According to culture and literature, women also play a very important role. American women are the powerful group that can not be underestimated in modern society. The right to vote is the main result of American feminism movement and the principal factor that enables women to become the strong, powerful group. Women have surmounted difficulties to gain the right to vote not only for the sake of themselves’ liberty, but also out of transforming the society and maintaining family.
世园会西安Once women obtain the right to vote, many other problems confronting women can be readily solved, such as, the inferior social status, the lack of the opportunity to be educated, the pain as the result of too much birth the unfair salary and the restrained marriage etc. In a word, with the right to vote, women can acquire self- protection and self-improvement, which was impossible in male society. And they can also bear the resp
onsibility for the society. Therefore, the striving for right to vote is the essential point of all the problems. After being endued with political rights, women are able to turn to the public field from family reasonably, which exposes challenge to the existing social order. Moreover, the independent and self-determination right owe to the political right has potential power to shake the social relationship that women are inferior to men. At the beginning of 20th century, women relied on different kinds of groups and organizations to substitute the participation in politics. They proved, with the fact, that women’s participation in society didn’t deprive men’s masculine qualities, but promote the society’s improvement with their own feminine temperament. Thus, more and more people recognize such a fact that only the society with women is the perfect society and only the politics with women’s participation is the perfect politics.

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