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With the boost of economy, people today are spending more money on popular consumer goods than the past years. It is undeniable that advertisement is an indispensable part of this trend. Thus, people doubt about whether the power of advertising or the real needs of the society contributing to the high sales of consume goods.
庐山几月份去最好加拿大移民We cannot ignore the fact that some advertisements introduce some newly launched products to the consumers. In terms of this kind of commercial, people can receive both the basic information and the detail about these new products. Furthermore, consumers can make comparison according to the commercial for the sake of making reasonable purchasing. Without advertisement, people cannot relatively direct and accurate information about the consumer goods.
However, some advertisements exaggerate the quality of the commodity, which, to some extent, may misguide the consumers. Thus, some consumers might buy it regardless of their real needs. In addition, some manufacturers emphasize on the low price of their produ伏尔加庄园
上海必吃的美食排行cts deliberately ignore the poor quality in the advertisement. In this case, some consumers might buy these economical products with poor quality but neglecting their real
Generally speaking, the high sales of widespread consume goods can be attributed both to the power of advertising and the real needs of the society. Those advertisements that can objectively and comprehensively describe the products should be promoted. Only in this way can the high sales of consumer goods genuinely reflect the real needs of society.

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