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good evening,ladies behalf of zlt travel service and my colleagues,i would like to welcome you to name is iris and i am glad to be your local guide during your stay in mount wuyi.i will try my best to make you feel pleasant and enjoyable.i hope that your visit to our city will be a memorable experience.
this is our schedule of this journey in the mount wuyi.so in the tomorrow morning,we will visit the heavily tour scenic spot and in the afternoon,we will take bamboo rafts to see the beautiful scenery on both sides of nine-bend stream.
the scenic spot that we reach first is the heavily tour scenic spot. the heavily tour scenic spot has an area of 4 square kilometers. main attractions include heavily tour,cloud nest,hidden screen peak, cloth-drying rock,tea hole,heavily tour pavilion,wuyi hovel and so on.
fellow friends, please get ready for mountaineering.we begin to climb the heavily tour.the elevation of heavily tour peak are 400 meters.there are 800 multistage stone steps from the tea hole to pavilion.if you are interested in it , you might as well ascend while counting.
you can see the beautiful view when you are climbing the mountains.so this is one of streams of nine-bend stream.is this wonderful?
now,you can see the heavily tour pavilion.i think everyone may be tired after climbing.so let’s have a rest here.then we prepare for descending the mountain.
  next scenic spot is nine-bend stream which is full of poetic charms.first of all,i would like to give you a brief introduction about nine-bend stream.the nine-bend stream begins in huanggang shan mountain which is the main peak of mount wuyi.the nine-bend stream are 8.5 square kilometers and the span is approximately
9.5 kilometers.it is named after its 9 bends and each bend all has the different scenery.
fellow friends,we have reached the wharves. i briefly introduce some matters needing attention: first, rides according to six people, everybody freely unifies.second, please do not strive to be the first and fear to lag behind, the attention horizontally steps on two bamboos in order to avoid falling into the water.third,we must obey the raft labor direction when rafts are marching forward.furthermore, please do not stand at will from the chair to take photos and also do not take a walk at will.
fellow friends,the bamboo rafts are u can see the special natural scenery like steep peaks and various shaped rocks and so on.then you will praise the uncanny workmanship of nature.
look at these hills.we call them:the big head son and the small head father.
and this one is a really delicious strawberry humburger.南湾猴岛图片
so this rock,can you see what it look like?yes, it is pigsy.these are his eyes and this is his nose.
the next hill we see is titanic. it is very imposing, isnt it?
龙潭大峡谷现在免费吗 now,what you see is the one of the most famous peak in mount wuyi.it is yunv peak. according to the legend,there is a beautiful and kind girl.she is the most beautiful fairy and the jade emperor loves day, she descended to the earth secretly.when she reached mount wuyi,she fell into love with the king here.but soon,their love is discovered by her father.then the emperor sent iron plate monster to catch her.but she would rather die than submit.so the emperor had to make them turn into rocks.
the next scenic spot is wuyi palace.here,you can visit the ancient street,the wuyi museum and the hall of fame and so on.
云南游记作文600字 _______________________________________________________________________
time has gone by quickly and your trip is drawing to a close.i would like to tell you that it has been a great pleasure for me as your guide.i hope you have enjoyed being here and one day in the future you will return to visit us again.thank you for coming to mount wuyi and for using our travel service.please have a pleasant journey home,goodbye.
曲阜天气预报  各位游客,你们好!欢迎大家到武夷山来旅游,我是你们今天的导游,我姓欧阳,如果你们对我感到满意。大家就亲热叫我欧导吧!我们今天的行程安排是游山玩水,也就是上午游山下午玩水。  (亲切自然,符合导游的口吻。)
武夷山是世界双文化遗产(世界自然与文化双遗产。)  ,俗话说:桂林山水甲天下,不及武夷一小丘。你们真的很荣幸能够一睹武夷山的风采。我们现在走过(的是)朱熹园(,)我们在登天游峰前先热热身——爬一个鬼斧神工的小一线天,走进去的朋友要么打着手电筒,要
么盯着头上的那根光线走,一定要扶着旁边前进。里面两头宽中间窄,要小注意安全哦。还有如果有蝙蝠大便落在你们身上,千万别惊慌,那可是福气哦。怎么样,过了一线天,惊险刺激吧?还有你们一个个都能过一线天,那说明你们都是国标身材,不用减肥哦。  (介绍小一线天,文字精妙,成熟老练。)
现在各位就踩在(了)武夷山最高最陡最特最险的山峰——天游峰的脚下,你们向上望去好像大石头上有许许多多高高低曲曲折折的台阶,那铁链扶梯似乎是从天上挂下来的。那台阶都是石头砌成的,每个台阶横向只能站两三个人,一共有八百多级,有兴趣的朋友,不妨边登边数,呆会看看谁数的数字最精确。到了半山腰了,我们回头向下望一望:绿的植被——树木花草还有庄稼,像不像一块块地毯?还有你们看到的溪,就是赫赫有名的九曲溪。看,那九曲溪蜿蜒盘旋又如一面绸缎镜子;  那一块块茶园可真像人的脚印啊!我们再向前看,抬头看上面密密麻麻的人真像一蚂蚁在抬骨头。本来只要一个小时的路程,就因为人多,两个小时后我们才到了山顶,大家辛苦了,请问有没有人数出多少个台阶?对,的的确确是826级。大家向西看那就是三教峰,向东望那便是大王峰。往下面看整个武夷山的山水尽收眼底。难怪徐霞客说:此峰固应第一也。天游峰的游览到此结束,请大家歇息一下,下一站就是划竹排。  (按行程顺序介绍天游峰,抓住特点,或侧重情景与感
受,或侧重历史,犹如官方解说词,惟妙惟肖。)现在我们到了九曲溪上游,这神采奕奕的九曲溪就是武夷山的灵魂,它由西向东折为九曲,故称:九曲溪。它的流域面积为5平方公里,全程9.5公里,平均宽为7米,每一曲都有不同的景致。所谓的人在画中游不仅指漓江也指九曲溪,呆会儿我们会看到清秀的玉女峰,雄伟大王峰以及矮胖的铁板峰。它们还流传着一段动人的民间故事:相传在很早以前,天上的玉皇大帝的女儿下凡游玩,在她路过武夷山时,被这儿的风景迷住了,于是,她就偷偷留在人间,并爱上了勤劳的小伙子,可是这些事让铁板怪知道了,他就从中作梗,将此事告发玉帝,玉帝大怒,便下令捉拿玉女,玉女不从,玉帝无奈只好将他们点化成石,分隔在九曲溪两岸,铁板怪也被变成大石头,插在他们中间,害他们两个只好彼此相望。下面你们就坐竹排慢慢欣赏两岸美景,这里的每一块石头都有一个美丽的传说;每一座山都有一个动人的故事;每一件古物都不解的谜;哪怕每一棵茶树都有一首美妙的歌儿......  (精寻九曲溪的典型场景,结合相关资料并以优美的传说画龙点睛,令人印象深刻。)

本文发布于:2023-08-24 22:31:20,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:武夷山   九曲溪   大家
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