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The QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022 includes a ranking of the world’s top universities for economics and econometrics, and has been expanded this year to now showcase 400 leading institutions around the world. Based on a methodology which assesses academic reputation, employer reputation and research impact, the ranking should serve as a useful tool to those seeking a strong long-term return on investment for their economics degree.
It’s always time for Business at Harvard University, the number one university for Business for the second year in a row in our subject rankings. The rest of the top 10 is dominated by English and American institutions, with INSEAD (France) in third place proving to be the only exception.
This year’s rankings have been expanded by 100 places to include 300
uni versities, allowing even more universities to be featured. Japan’s Hitotsubashi University is the highest-ranked of the new arrivals, with a place in the top 150.
下面是为大家独家整理并且翻译的全世界范围内不同区域顶尖的经济学专业大学有哪些,假如你想出国(chū ɡuó)攻读经济学和计量经济学专业,那么希望这篇文章可以为你提供参考。
Top universities for economics in the US & Canada
The US claims an impressive 85 out of 400 positions in the economics ranking, including 21 positions in the top 50. As well as all but two of the top 10 in the table above, other high-ranking US universities for economics include: the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (12th), the University of Pennsylvania (13th), New York University (NYU) (14th), and Northwestern University (15th).
Neighboring Ca nada is home to 18 more of the world’s best economics schools, including the Unive
rsity of Toronto (21st) and the University of British Colombia (=25th), with three more institutions in the top 100.
邻国(lín ɡuó)加拿大总共有18所大学进入排名,包括多伦多大学(第21位)和不列颠哥伦比亚大学(并列第25位),除此之外还有3所大学位于全球前100名内。
Top universities for economics in Europe
The UK claims 42 of the world’s top economics schools, nine of which are featured in the top 100. The University of Cambridge just misses out on a spot in the
top 10 (ranked 11th for economics), with UCL(University College London) (17th) the London Business School (=25th) and the University of Warwick (=25th) all joining it in the top 50.
Next up is Germany with 23 representatives in the economics ranking this year, three of which are in the top 100: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t München, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit?t Bonn andUniversit?t Mannheim.
Italy also performs well, and is represented by 20 of the world’s best economics schools, with the specialized institution Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (16th) leading the way. France has 11 universities in this year’s economics ranking, including Ecole Polytechnique ParisTech and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne at 51-100.
A further nine leading institutions for this field can be found in Spain, led by Universitat Pompeu Fabraat 34th. Also with nine top economics schools is the Netherlands, of which three are in the top 50: the University of Amsterdam, the Erasmus University Rotterdam, and Tilburg University.
Sweden and Switzerland have seven representatives in the economics ranking each, with Stockholm School of Economics (41st) taking the lead in Sweden, while Switzerland’s ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich both also feature in the top 50.
Belgium and Russia each offer six top economics schools each. Belgium’s KU Leuven is ranked 51-100 while Russia’s National Research University - Higher School of Economics (HSE) is the country’
s highest ranked economics school and is also placed 51-100.
Denmark is home to five more of the world’s top universities for econ omics including two in the top 100 (Aarhus University and the University of Copenhagen).
Austria, Norway and Portugal can each claim to be home to four of the world’s best economics schools each, including the Norwegian School of Economics and Business A dministration and Austria’sUniversity of Vienna, both at 101-150.
Meanwhile Finland, Greece and Ireland each have three representatives in the economics ranking, with Ireland’s Trinity College Dublin (TCD) and University College Dublin (UCD) both faring well at 101-150.
Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland and Romania have two entrants each,
with Hungary’s Central European University the highest ranked at 151-200. Lastly, Lithuania and Slovenia enter the economics ranking this year with one representative each.
另外有9所大学来自(lái zì)西班牙,排名最高的是位于第34位的庞贝法布拉大学。荷兰同样也有9所大学进入排名,其中有3所大学位于全球前50名内:阿姆斯特丹大学、鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学和蒂尔堡大学。
瑞典和瑞士(ruì shì)分别都有7所大学进入排名,斯德哥尔摩经济学院(第51位)是瑞典排名最高的大学,而瑞士的苏黎世联邦理工学院和苏黎世大学都位于全球前50名内。
Top universities for economics in Asia
Asia is also home to a larg e number of the world’s best economics schools, with 16 in China alone, including Peking University (=32nd) and Tsinghua University (=36th).
Close behind is Japan with 13 representatives in this year’s economics ranking, led by the University of Tokyo in joint 30th, while Hitotsubashi University and Kyoto University also feature in the top 100.
Next up is South Korea with 10 top universities for economics, half of which are new entries in 2022.Seoul National University is the country’s leading instituti on in 40th place, with two more South Korean entrants in the top 100: Korea University and Yonsei University.
Hong Kong and Taiwan are home to seven of the best economics schools each, with three Hong Kong institutions featured in the global top 50. They are the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(HKUST) (24th), the University of Hong Kong (=36th) and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (46th).National Taiwan University (NTU) is Taiwan’s highest ranked institution for economics at 51-100. Malaysia meanwhile has five offerings, led by Universiti Malaya (UM) at 151-200.
Singapore claims three more of the world’s top universities for economics, all of which are in the top 150 and led by National University of Singapore (NUS) in 20th.
Other Asian countries featured include India with four top economics schools, while Thailand has two and Indonesia enters the ranking this year with one representative.
日本紧随其后,总共有13所大学进入今年的排名,排名最高的是位于并列第30位的东京大学,同时一桥大学和京都大学(jīnɡ dōu dà xué)也位于全球前100名内。
Top universities for economics in Australia & New Zealand
Australia claims 19 of the world’s top economics schools, seven of which are in the top 100. In the top 50 are the Australian National University, the University of Melbourne, the University of New South Wales, Monash University and the University of Sydney.
Neighboring New Zealand has seven representatives in this year’s economics ranking, led by the University of Auckland at 51-100, while the University of Canterbury and the University of Otago are both ranked 151-200.
澳大利亚(ào dà lì yà)总共有19所大学进入排名,其中有7所位于全球前100名内。位于全球前50名内的大学有澳大利亚国立大学、墨尔本大学、新南威尔士大学、莫纳什大学和悉尼大学。
Top universities for economics in Latin America
Brazil is the most-represented country in this region, with seven economics schools featured. Of these,Universidade de S?o Paulo (USP) is the highest-ranked at 101-150.
Argentina is home to four top universities for economics, with Universidad Torcuato Di Tella climbing from 201-300 to 151-200.
Mexico and Colombia each have three institutions featured, with Colombia’s Universidad de Los Andes Colombia the highest ranked at 101-150. Finally, Peru enters the economics ranking this year with one entrant.
巴西是拉丁美洲国家中表现最突出(tū chū)的国家,总共有7所大学进入排名。在这些大学中,位于第101-150位的圣保罗大学是排名最高的大学。
Top universities for economics in Africa & the Middle East
South Africa has four representatives in this year’s ranking, including three new entries. Of the four,University of Cape Town is the best performer at 251-300.
Over in the Middle East, Turkey enters the economics ranking in 2022 with four institutions featured, including Ko? University at 301-350. Israel has three entrants, including two ranked 101-150: Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University.
RankUniversityLocaiton 1Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) United States2Harvard University United States3Stanford University United
States4University of California, Berkeley (UCB) United States5London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) United Kingdom6Princeton University United States7University of Chicago U
nited States8University of Oxford United Kingdom9Yale University United States10Columbia University United
States11University of Cambridge United Kingdom12University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) United States13University of Pennsylvania United States14New York University (NYU) United States15Northwestern University United
States16Bocconi University Italy17UCL (University College London) United Kingdom18University of Michigan United States19University of California, San Diego (UCSD) United States20National University of Singapore (NUS) Singapore21University of Toronto Canada22=Cornell University United
States22=Duke University United States24The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong25=London Business School United Kingdom25=The University of Melbourne Australia25=The University of Warwick United Kingdom25=University of British Columbia Canada29The Australian National University Australia30=Brown University United States30=The University of Tokyo Japan32=Peking University China32=The University of New South Wales (UNSW Australia) Australia34Universitat Pompeu Fabra Spain35ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institut
e of Technology Switzerland36=Tsinghua University China36=The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong38=Boston University United
States38=California Institute of Technology (Caltech) United States40Seoul National University South Korea41Stockholm School of Economics Sweden42University of Amsterdam Netherlands43University of Wisconsin-Madison United
States44Erasmus University Rotterdam  Netherlands45Monash UniversityAustralia46The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Hong
Kong47University of Minnesota United States48The University of Sydney Australia49University of Zurich Switzerland50Tilburg UniversityNetherlands51-100Aarhus University Denmark51-100Carnegie Mellon University United States51-100City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong51-100Dartmouth College United States51-100Ecole Polytechnique France51-100Fudan University China51-
100Georgetown UniversityUnited States51-100Hitotsubashi University Japan51-100Johns Hopkins University United States51-100KU Leuven Belgium51-100Korea University South Korea51-100Kyoto University Japan51-100Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t München Germany51-100Maastric
ht University  Netherlands51-

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