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一. 单项选择17分
 A.Mum, this is Jim. B.Jim,this is mum.
 C.Mum,Jim is here. D.Mum,where is Jim?
 A.Thank you . B.Sorry. C.Excuse me. D.Hi!
 A.No,you aren’t. B.Thank you. C.Oh! Good. D.Sorry.
 A.Hello! B.Hi! C.Good afternoon. D.Good morning.
 5.你到同学家做客,同学对你说:“Sit down ,please.”你应回答:__________.
 A. Thank you . B.Yes ,I sit here.
 C.OK.You sit down ,too. D. I’m here.
 6.There is _____ “u” and _____ “m” in the word “must”.
 A. an, an B.a, a C. a,an D.an,a
 7.Is your bag new or old ?
 A.Yes,it is . B.No,it isn’t. C.It’s new. D. It’s an old .
 8.Lily, _____,please.
抚远旅游攻略必玩的景点 Aes s go here De here
 9.Who is not ____,do you know ?
 A.here B.at here C.in here
 10.What grade are you in ? We are in _________.
 A.Class Two, Grade one B.Class two ,grade one
 C.Grade One, Class Two D.Class Two, Grade One
 11.What____ that in English?
 A.are B.am C.be D.is
 12.There are some apples_____the tree and a boy_____the same tree.
 A.in,,on C.in,,in
 13.Tom,here are your new trousers. Please___.
 A.put on it B. put it on C. put on them D.put them on
 A.Who’s ,is B.Who’s, are C.Whose ,in D.Whose, are
 15. Mrs Green is _____mother .
 A.Jim and Kate B.Jim and Kate’s
 C.Jim and Kates D.Jim’s and Kate’s
 A、世界贸易组织 B、中国民航 C、人民币 D、信息技术
 17、_______is it? It’s a quarter_____ten.
 A.What ,to B.What time, to C.Who, to D.What time ,in
 二.情景交际 从B 栏中出A栏中问句的应答语10分
 A B
 1.Whose are these? A. Is it in your desk?
 2.Can you see what’s under it? B.Twentyseven.
 3.I can’t find my book. C. This way ,please.
 4.What’s twentythree plus four? D. I think they’re his.
 5.Where’s Classroom Three? E. I can’t see.
 6.This is my friend ,Li Lei. F. How do you do ?
7.How do you do? G.Thank you!
蜡像定制价格真人蜡像多少钱 8.Welcome to China. H.Nice to meet you.
 9.Is that a desk or a table? I. No,it is in Anhui.
 10.Is Hefei in Hubei? J. It’s a table .
 This is a picture 1 a bedroom. It’s 2 .There is 3 old photo of the family. Their father is 4 .He is 5 a white shirt. Behind him 6 their mother .She 7 young .The boy is 8 brother .They
are in different不同的 9 . The twins sit on the floor .They 10 their parents.
 1.A. C.of D.at
 2.A.twins’ B.twins C.a twin D.the twins’
 3.A.a B.an C.the D./
 4.A.America B.American C.England D.Englishman
  B.of C.in D.under
 6.A. / B.are C.sit D.sits海南的旅游胜地有哪些

本文发布于:2023-08-27 23:51:14,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:旅游   蜡像   问句   妈妈   老师   景点
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