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答:录取期间,考生电子档案有 3 种运行状态:
After the completion of the candidates' voluntary application, the Enrollment Examination Institute of the autonomous region will release the electronic files of the candidates in batches and proportions at the specified time.
After the files are posted, the staff of the enrollment institution will download the electronic files of the candidates through the network at the enrollment place of the University, review the electronic files of the candidates, and determine the majors of the candidates to be admitted; The unsuccessful candidates shall truthfully state the reasons
for their withdrawal in accordance with the relevant provisions, and upload the pre admission results of the candidates within the specified time.
After receiving the pre admission results, the autonomous region enrollment examination institute will check against the college's enrollment regulations, print the admission roster for the confirmed candidates and send it to the college, and the college will fill in and issue the admission notice; Put the candidates who are out of the test into the rack and wait for the next round of test.
What are the status of the examinee's electronic files during admission?
Answer: during the admission period, the examinee's electronic files have three operating states:苏黎世大学世界排名
① On the shelf: it means that the candidate's file has not been put into the enrollment institution or has been withdrawn by the enrollment institution after being put into the enrollment institution. In case of being rejected by an institution, the examinee can find out the reasons for the last withdrawal.
② The institution is reading: it means that the institution has downloaded the filing information and is reviewing the electronic files of the candidates. "The university is reading" does not mean that the candidate has been accepted. The University shall make comprehensive consideration and reasonable compliance adjustment according to the candidate's performance, professional volunteer, professional plan, physical examination results, admission rules and other conditions, and select the best to prepare the admission results. Candidates who do not meet the admission rules will be rejected.
③ Admission: it means that the proposed admission results of the colleges and universities have been reviewed and approved by the Enrollment Examination Institute of the autonomous region. The Enrollment Examination Institute of the autonomous region and the enrollment colleges and universities will handle the relevant admission procedures accordingly.

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标签:考生   录取   院校   招生   档案
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