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杭州灵隐寺一日游攻略The desert surface is covered by a thick layer of fine sand-like sand it has been to the seaside and the beach is the same。's Just a different reason,the water is a long-term,and the other is the wind Long-term role。Desert is a peaceful land,the desert surface will change and movement of their own,of course,is the role of the wind。Because the sand will run with the wind。Layers of sand dunes will move over and change into different forms。Temperature difference between the desert areas,the average annual temperature up to 30-50℃,the temperature difference greater,summer afternoon,the ground temperature can reach more than 60℃,if the beach an egg and soon the。The night temperature also dropped to below 10℃。As the temperature difference between day and night,is conducive to the storage of sugar,so the desert oasis of fruits are particularly sweet。Desert wind and sand,and strong winds。-Largest wind up 10-12。Strong wind over the large number of,a ferocious wind and sand flow,constantly blowing pitting the ground so that the landscape changes dramatically。Value to people's vigilance is that some form of the desert is not natural,but man-made causes。Such as the United States between 1908-1938 due to 900
million mu of deforestation,the destruction of vast grassland,with the result that large green space into a desert。The Soviet Union in 1954-1963,the movement of Reclamation,the Central Asian steppe was severely damaged,has not been cultivated land,the desert has brought disaster。
Sub great harm to human beings,it engulfing farmland,villages,buried railways,highways and other transportation facilities。According to historical records,China on the Silk city,is engulfed by the desert。Now,mankind is doing everything possible to prevent desertification,such as afforestation,planting grass sand,set up sand barrier and so have received a very good results。

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