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1.Jim,you are sitting far from me. Can you() me?
A.say B.look C.listen D.hear
2.() my mother()my sister watches TV plays these days.
A.Either,nor B.Both,and C.Neither,or D.Neither,nor
3.--—Would you like to have _______ more cakes? —-—Thank you。 I’ve really had enough。
A.some B.any C.a little
4.When Mr. Liu was(),he became a famous professor.
A.on his forties
B.in the forties
C.in the forty
D.in his forties
5.Even on holidays,he preferred()something to()nothing.
A.doing; do; do;doing D.doing;to do
6.We are()all.
A.Amercia B.Britishes C.Canada D.Japanese
7.Not only I but also Lucy and Mary()tired of having such boring work.
集安市天气预报A.is B.are C.am D.be
8.---I think Tom got success because of his().
上海长风公园图片---Yes,I agree with you.
刘公岛船票时刻表A.work hard B.works hard C.hard work D.hard works
9.Is this kind of car made() Guangzhou?
A.of B.in C.by D.from
10.They felt _______ when they heard the wonderful news.
A. be excite
11.---Could I have a look at your new MP4?
A.could B.will C.can D.might
12.In my day, children were()to respect the law.
A.brought back B.brought down C.brought in D.brought up
13.()room is very nice.
A.Tom's and John's
B.Tom's and John
C.Tom and John's
D.Tom and John
14.He is always() to come to school.
A.one B.first C.first student D.the first
15. -----Would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight?
----(),but I’m too busy.
A. I’d like to
B.I don’t like to
C.Never mind
D.Good luck
16. I ’ll return you the dictionary() I finish writing my composition.
A.long before B.so long as C.even if D.as soon as香格里拉旅游攻略
17.The ice isn’t thick enough().
A.to skate on C.skate D.skate on
18.Canada is larger than() country in Asia.
A.any B.any her D.another
19.All the students like the teachers ________ make their lessons interesting.
A.whose B.who C.which D.why
20.You look(). What’s wrong,Linda?
A.happy B.happily C.sad D.sadly
21.I prefer a house in a mountain village to________in such a large city as Changsha.
A.that B.it C.
22.John said he wasn’t disappointed at the result of the basketball game,but the look on his face________him________.
A.turned;k;in C.made;out D.gave;away
23.—Can you accompany your little brother to the post office now? —________,if he is ready.
A.By all means B.No way C.My pleasure D.In no case
24.In fact he lived a comfortable life,but he________about his fate all the time.
A.is complaining

本文发布于:2023-09-06 03:13:28,感谢您对本站的认可!



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