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1. —How do you like ________ movie Spiderman: Home coming蜘蛛侠:英雄归来》?
—It’s wonderful. It’s ________ action movie.
A. a; the    B. a; /    C. the; an
2. —The doctors advise us not to hang out in the crowded supermarkets.
—That’s for sure. ________ is more important than our health.
A. Something    B. Anything    C. Nothing
3. — _____ you come to my party on Sunday?
Sorry, I’m not available. I ________ study for the math test.
A. Can; must    B. Must; can    C. May; can
4. —I need some help. Can you _______ the bananas for fruit salad?
—Yes, Mum. But where’s the knife?
A. cut up    B. mix up    C. put up
5. There will be ________ air pollution in the city if ________ people drive to work or school.
A. lessfewer    B. fewerless    C. morefewer
6. Each of us hopes ________ to Qingdao.We are looking forward to ________ the beach.
A. to travel; visit    B. to travel; visiting    C. traveling; visit上海青浦大观园门票价格
7 (名著阅读题目)What does Jerusha want to know about Daddy most?
A. Where he lives?    B. How old he is?    C. What he looks like?
8. (名著阅读题目) Why did Ernest(欧内斯特) love the poems(诗) ?
A. Because the poems were famous.
B. Because the poems were different from an angel’s singing.
C. Because the poems had everything Ernest loved.
A. look after  B. was able to  C. was ready to  D. in my free time  E. in a foreign country
I’m Ingabire Josiane from Rwanda(卢旺达), a country in Africa.
    Studying at a university in China was always a dream of mine. However, when I knew I ___9___南京海底世界年卡 study in China, I was both happy and worried.
    I was happy because my dream finally came true. I was worried because it would be my first time to be ___10___ alone (独自)...
    Luckily, I have nice teachers and students here. They ___11___ me very well and they make me feel at home. I feel safe and I don’t miss my family that much. And they help me learn more about China.
    I like to travel around ___12___. The more places I visit, the more wonderful things I find.
A. take pictures  B. trust  C. have a walk  D. get together  E. have a great talent
    I find Chinese people really enjoy sports. If you get up early in the morning and ___13___ in one of the parks, you can always meet people paying tai chi(太极), ping-pong, And in the evening, they ___14___ in squares (广场) and dancing parties begin.
    I also find Chinese people are friendly and they are interested in me. When I walk on the street, some people may invite me to ___15___ with them. And then they ask me about my country. When I talk with them in Chinese, they will say I ___16___ for language learning. They don’t know my Chinese is better and better because they help me improve it.
    I believe my stay in China will be one of the most wonderful experiences in my life.
In our daily life, people like to invite friends to celebrate some special events together. But
sometimes we’ve got some other plans already and have to refuse their invitations. So do you know how to express (表达) your refusal politely? Here are some examples.
Dear Rebecca,
    Thank you for inviting me to your 18th birthday party in the coming week. Next Thursday, I will sing one song for you with all my heart and soul: “Happy birthday!”
Although I really want to be part of the event, please accept my apologies (道歉). I will go to China for a meeting on that day. I know what my absence (缺席), so I send you this gift and will visit you when I’m back in New York. Happy 18th birthday!
Ms Miller
Dear Peter,
温江国天香儿童乐园    Thank you for the invitation to your daughter’s graduation (毕业) party. I know how proud you are. But I’ve already booked a ticket to fly to New York on June 7th to visit my sister Kate. She has been ill for days.
    Please congratulate (祝贺) Anna for me and let her know I’ll be there in spirit.
Dear Mr Williams,
    I am writing this letter to thank you for the invitation on June 30th, but I’m sorry I can’t attend (参加) your 25th wedding. I wish I could go to the wedding (结婚纪念). German (德语) exams have been changed to that day, so I have to spend the whole day on them. I’d like to express my best wishes to you and Mrs Williams.
    Best wishes,
Dear George,
    Congratulations on your new job! I wish I could go to the party and celebrate with you, but I must be out of town this weekend. Maybe we can get together next Monday, and you can tell me all about your new job. I wish you the very best!
17. What will Ms Miller do next Thursday? ________
A. Take German exams.
B. Attend a meeting.
C. Visit Kate in New York.
18 How will Andrew go to New York? ________
A. By ship.    B. By car.    C. By plane.
19. Who might live in New York? ________
①Kate  ②Ms Miller  ③Peter  ④Rebecca
A. ①②③    B. ①②④    C. ①③④
20. What can we learn from the passage? ________
A. Mr Williams got married (结婚) 25 years ago.
B George may meet Jenna this Sunday.
C. Jeff sent an invitation to Mr Williams.
A. Mr. Gathergold  B. Ernest  C. The poet (诗人)  D. Old Stony Phiz
21. 世界花卉大观园门票免费条件He always talked to others very kindly. He gave honest advice to people with problems. _____
22. He was very old, and had small eyes and thin lips. _____
23. But my writing was not the same as my life. My life did not reflect (反映) my thoughts(想法). _____

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