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Shanghai, Hu for short, is a renowned international metropolis drawing more and more attention from all over the world. Situated on the estuary of Yangtze River, it serves as the most influential economic, financial, international trade, and cultural center in East China. Also it is a popular travel destination for visitors to sense the pulsating development of the country.
In addition to its modernization, the city's multicultural flair endows it with a unique glamour. Here, one finds the perfect blend of cultures, the modern and the traditional , and the western and the oriental.
除了现代化之外,这座城市的多元文化气息赋予它独特的魅力。 在这里,您可以到现代,传统,西方和东方文化的完美融合。
深圳会展中心New skyscrapers and old Shikumen together draw the skyline of the city. Western customs and Chinese traditions intertwined(交织) and formed the city's culture, making a visitor's stay memorable.
Despite having a population of more than 24 million, this always busy city offers a number of quieter historic districts and places to visit alongside its many newer tourist sites. One of the world's busiest container ports thanks to its position at the mouth of the Yangtze River, the city also provides opportunities for exploration by water along the Chinese coast and its inland waterways.
1. Take a Stroll along Shanghai's Promenade: The Bund沿着上海的长廊漫步:外滩
2. Visit Shanghai's Oldest Green Space: Yu Garden参观上海最古老的绿地:豫园
3. See the Priceless Statues of the Jade Buddha Temple欣赏玉佛寺的无价雕像
4. Learn about Chinese Culture at the Shanghai Museum通过上海博物馆了解中国文化
5. Visit Historic Longhua Temple and Pagoda参观历史悠久的龙华寺和宝塔
6. See the Views from the Oriental Pearl Tower 欣赏东方明珠塔的景
7. Shop 'Til You Drop' on Nanjing Road逛街一直逛到南京路
8. Gather at the People's Square去人民广场
9. The French Connection: Tianzifang与法国有关:田子坊
10. Xujiahui Cathedral and the Sheshan Basilica徐家汇大教堂和佘山大教堂
11. Visit the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum参观上海科技馆
12. The China Art Museum中国美术馆
13. Visit Shanghai Disney Resort参观上海迪士尼度假区
14. Jin Mao Tower and Skywalk金茂大厦和空中漫步
15. Shanghai Natural History Museum上海自然博物馆
天津好玩地方排行榜Shanghai is an international city ,which has attracted so many foreigners from all over the world.
There are many beautiful places such as the oriental pearl TV tower, Huangpu River and so on.
Of these places of interest, the oriental pearl TV tower is so attractive that none has left Shanghai without visiting it .

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