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(G:tour guide L:tour leader S:staff)G:welcome to China,I'm your tour guide XXXfrom CYTS,this our driver.we will try our best to make your stay in XXX an enjoyable one.If you have any question ,please let us kown and we will try my best to do well.Now,we are going to holiday hotel first. S:Good afternoon!welcome to our hotelG:good afternoon!I'd like to have one single room and 10 twin bed room and 10 twin bed room.S:Have you made areservation?G:Yes,We have book them for our group from the Canada .I'm...,I'm from CYTS.S:How long will you stay here .G:I will live have for 5 days.G:Let me cheak again.Ah,All right. G:Sir,this is room cards.we will begin the trip tomorrmw.L:Thank you!

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