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12月10日,原中国驻法国使馆教育处公使衔参赞马燕生先生应邀访问我校。香港中文大学(深圳)校长徐扬生教授会见客人,并介绍了我校国际化工作战略规划和进展情况,马燕生公参对学校创建后各方面取得的瞩目成就表示赞叹,并向徐校长介绍了法国及欧盟高等教育发展的南京火车票 情况,未来将结合自己多年的驻外工作经历为港中大(深圳)的国际化发展贡献力量。

会后,徐校长为马燕生先生授牌,聘请他担任学校 “全球事务资深顾问(Senior Advisor on Global Affairs)”。大学协理副校长施雅德教授(Prof.Jess SEADE)、人文社科学院副院长王立弟教授和学术交流处处长柯常青等出席了会见。


马燕生先生做客博雅讲堂,为同学们做主题演讲“如何成功留学并成为国际化精英人才”。马燕生先生从法国和欧盟的国际学生流动情况切入主题,讲解国际化精英人才需要具备的四要素:中国情怀、国际视野、专业扎实、复合复语,随后畅谈了成才之路。马燕生先生在讲座中鼓阳春市永宁镇 励同学们努力学习,要肩负起以“结合传统与现代,融会中国与西方”的使命,为“让世界更好地了解中国,让中国更好地融入世界”做出贡献。讲座结束后,不少同学们意犹未尽,就成功留学、如何平衡职业学习和学术学习的关系、如何成为一名外交官等的话题,与马燕生先生交流互动。


此次讲座也是我校2018年 “海外学习行前教育系列活动”之一。2017-2018学年,我校共遴选并派出约550名同学赴海外参加交流、交换和暑期学分课程学习。2018-2019学年的海外学习项目正在陆续发布,项目数量和项目种类大幅度增加。“海外学习行前教育系列活动”的目的是帮助同学们提前做好海外学习规划,并在跨文化交流沟通、行前心理调适、在外特殊情况应对等方面进行准备。

Former Minister Counsellor conferred as CUHK-Shenzhen’s Senior Advisor on Global Affairs

Mr. Ma Yansheng, former Vice President of Beijing Foreign Studies University and Minister Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in France, visited the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen on December 10, 2017. President Xu Yangsheng received him. Prof. Jess Seade, Associate Vice President for Global Affairs, Prof. Wang Lidi, Deputy Dean of School of Humanities and Social Science and other representatives from CUHK-Shenzhe郑州到鹿邑的大巴 n北京到青岛 attended the meeting. Mr. Ma Yansheng was conferred on the title of “Senior Advisor on Global Affairs” during the meeting.

Mr. Ma Yansheng delivered a themed lecture at Liberal Arts Education Colloquium. He talked about how to make the most of your study abroad experience and how to evolve into an international elite? In his speech, topics on international s舌尖上的中国第二季秘境 tudents 赤峰克旗天气预报 in France and Europe Union, four elements of an international talent and the approach to becoming an international talent are discussed.

He encouraged students to work hard to combine tradition with modernity, and to bring together China and the West. He also wish students would contribute to bringing China and the world closer and to making China an integral part of the world.

Ma Yansheng delivered a lecture at Liberal Arts Education Colloquium

The lecture is a session of the “Pre-departure Briefing Series for Overseas Study Programs”, which is organized to help students to make better plan and preparation for their future overseas study.

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