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关键词:招投标  建筑行业  对比分析
  With the steady development of the global economy,the construction industry  has gradually formed a large-scale international engineering market all over the world.Therefore, China's foreign engineering has also been increased and more and more enterprises go abroad.Meanwhile foreign contractors are also optimistic about the development prospect of this industry in China,so they have blent intoconstantly and so
ught development in the market.Whether foreign engineering or domestic engineering, construction project must pass procedures of  bid, so construction industry wantting to development fast and stability must be with perfect architectural engineering bidding system.
  This thesis researches domestic and international bidding and makes a detailed comparison.
Firstly,analysises the present situation of  biding about our country building project.Including  our country construction engineering bidding of the present situation about management,owner square,construction company,bidding agent machine and so on.Then whitn the United States, France, Japan and other countries for foreign delegates,compares and alalysises the prequalification,quoted price way,determine the bidding,bidding way with China's construction engineering bidding separately .
  Construction industry has an important role in China's economic and  a  good industry operation environment helps to  promoting the development of our national economy, ther
efore, architectural engineering bidding is very worthy of study and research.
Keywords: bidding,Construction industry,compare and analysis 

本文发布于:2023-05-04 15:25:31,感谢您对本站的认可!



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